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Ye Olde Pub (The English Pub)


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To be more philosophical about it, it's better to observer than judge. If you start judging a person of a "race", then it becomes easier to judge the entire group in a whole.


We are all members of some race or another, even if the person being observed is the of the same race. In my view, it is very important to judge others to protect oneself. The key, though is to judge everyone individually and to judge them only after developing a deeper understanding of them and to use a similar objective yardtstick for everyone.


It was very important for caveman to judge other creatures for protection. If he/she did not pre-judge and stereotype dangerous animals he might get eaten early in his life. This natural impulse today, will only create an uncivilized society full of unnecesary conflict. Luckily we also have the natural ability of self-reflection and rational thought. The only way for us to move forward is to use the latter instincts more than the former.

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I personally would never be friends with someone that has brown eyes.

I have always seen that they are evil.

I can see when people are psychopats by looking att their eyes.

Some of the worst psychos in history had brown eyes


Stalin, rosa parks, caligula, idi amin, pol pot.


Their has never been a single scandinavian dictator.

Endret av Eysteinn inn illráði
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I personally would never be friends with someone that has brown eyes.

I have always seen that they are evil.

I can see when people are psychopats by looking att their eyes.

Some of the worst psychos in history had brown eyes


Stalin, rosa parks, caligula, idi amin, pol pot.


Their has never been a single scandinavian dictator.


I think psychological treatment is something you should look in to if you are truly serious.


BTW I think you have forgotten some of scandinavias earlier medieval leaders, and the mass murder inflicted by vikings.

Endret av jjkoggan
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Asatro is a peacfull religion. Viking violence has been greatly exaggerated. All storys from scandinavia from that time period has been exaggerated.

Storys tell of icelandic kings splitting millstones with axes, norweigans throwing 20 spears at once and swedish kings burning people to death just to get their land.

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Asatro is a peacfull religion. Viking violence has been greatly exaggerated. All storys from scandinavia from that time period has been exaggerated.

Storys tell of icelandic kings splitting millstones with axes, norweigans throwing 20 spears at once and swedish kings burning people to death just to get their land.


Exageration or not, Vikings were not a peaceful lot no matter how you minimize their savagery. THey were not content to live peacefully among themselves and leave other lands alone. Peace and reconciliation were not viking traits.

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Asatro is a peacfull religion. Viking violence has been greatly exaggerated. All storys from scandinavia from that time period has been exaggerated.

Storys tell of icelandic kings splitting millstones with axes, norweigans throwing 20 spears at once and swedish kings burning people to death just to get their land.


Exageration or not, Vikings were not a peaceful lot no matter how you minimize their savagery. THey were not content to live peacefully among themselves and leave other lands alone. Peace and reconciliation were not viking traits.


Give me one historical source to support that!

"Dealing with Scandinavian affairs, Adam of Bremen relates in the 11th century that the Sueones hospitality was an important virtue and refusing a wanderer to stay over the night was considered shameful. The visitor was even taken to see the hosts' friends.



"Tacitus wrote in AD 98 in Germania 44, 45 that the Suiones were a powerful tribe (distinguished not merely for their arms and men, but for their powerful fleets"



When people think of savage vikings they are most likely reffeing to the danes. The danes where very primitive and brutal.

Further up north people where more civilized.

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It suddenly struck me that with an American in the thread, I might get an answer to something I've been wondering about for years.


But before asking, I should point that I am not interested in sports, I simply observe its existence. And the question is:


Why do you call it "Football" when you hardly ever kick the ball, only carry or throw it around ?


Inquiring debaters would like to know...

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Gjest medlem-1432

It's kind of humorous, but think about it. 10 years ago, we didn't google things we wondered.

No, then we had a big book called...encyclopaedia. :new_woot: That we looked stuff up in.

Endret av medlem-1432
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