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Says Sony's Online Network Is 'Busted'


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Her lyver microsoft så det suser.




"When PS3 owners first use the system's online functionality they'll be asked to create a "Sony ID," but Vrignaud points out that you will likely need separate IDs or friends lists depending on the game. Talking about the upcoming game Resistance: Fall of Man, he said, "Even though I already have a 'Sony ID', I may have to create a new 'Resistance ID' to play. And then start thinking about just how broken the experience is when you try to invite someone to a game. Do you send it via the Resistance UI? What screenname do I send it to? If I want to add you to my 'Sony ID' friends list, do I need to send you an in-game message to ask you what your real 'Sony ID' name is? What about game invites? How does that work across even just these two IDs?"



Uk producer for Resistance svarer:


Every game on the PlayStation 3 will use the same universal sign-in and the same online ID, Sony has confirmed - even titles which do not use the central buddy list and messaging systems offered by the console.


Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz this morning, the UK producer on launch title Resistance, Dan Brooke, said that he "wishes to be clear that Resistance uses the PlayStation online ID to sign into the game. There is no separate login for Resistance and the online ID you create will be the same you use for all titles."   



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MS gjør ikke annet enn å ljuge. Takke meg til PS3.


Og det gjør ikke Sony? :nei: Sony er verst på skrytefronten, og har i det siste fortalt løgn etter løgn. Og det er utrolig irriterrende at du sier Microsoft er ille fordi de lyger litt tilbake? Herregud, Sony fortjener dette!

Endret av master_al
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Lyver? Les teksten engang til, så ser du han spekulerer.


"Even though I already have a 'Sony ID', I may have to create a new 'Resistance ID' to play.


Dette kunne han vel spekulere i fordi ingen hadde bekreftet hvordan det ville være. Og ikke så rart, siden det virker pussig at du beholder id'en din, men ikke vennelista?

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Her lyver microsoft så det suser.




Ted Price, head of Resistance developer Insomniac Games, revealed last week that despite having extensive online functionality, the game will not be using the central buddy list offered by the PS3; instead, players will build an in-game buddy list unique to the game.




Det er dette som er forutsetningen for kommentaren fra MS; de lyver slettes ikke men tar utgangspunkt i hva *sjefen* for firmaet som utvikler Resistance selv har sagt for få dager siden. At da Resistance-folkene på et eller annet magisk vis plutselig har fått dette til å funke på et par dager er jo ganske interessant... At du får det til å fremstå at MS lyver når det er Resistance-utviklerne som tar en 180-graders kuvending i forhold til alt de har sagt tidligere om online-support er jo ganske morsomt.

Endret av Nonsens
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"will likely"


Sist jeg sjekket så var "mest sannsynlig" noe som ble brukt når folk ikke var 100% sikker på noe, selv om jeg syntes den uttalelsen var ganske skeptisk så står det, svart på hvitt "will likely". I motsetning til sony sin "Requires" liste. Personlig liker jeg ikke microsoft eller Sony noe særlig, og syns at alt i alt var denne uttalelsen ganske...unødvendig =/

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Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL
Her lyver microsoft så det suser.




"When PS3 owners first use the system's online functionality they'll be asked to create a "Sony ID," but Vrignaud points out that you will likely need separate IDs or friends lists depending on the game. Talking about the upcoming game Resistance: Fall of Man, he said, "Even though I already have a 'Sony ID', I may have to create a new 'Resistance ID' to play. And then start thinking about just how broken the experience is when you try to invite someone to a game. Do you send it via the Resistance UI? What screenname do I send it to? If I want to add you to my 'Sony ID' friends list, do I need to send you an in-game message to ask you what your real 'Sony ID' name is? What about game invites? How does that work across even just these two IDs?"



Uk producer for Resistance svarer:


Every game on the PlayStation 3 will use the same universal sign-in and the same online ID, Sony has confirmed - even titles which do not use the central buddy list and messaging systems offered by the console.


Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz this morning, the UK producer on launch title Resistance, Dan Brooke, said that he "wishes to be clear that Resistance uses the PlayStation online ID to sign into the game. There is no separate login for Resistance and the online ID you create will be the same you use for all titles."   




Lyver er et sterkt ord. MS-mannen uttaler seg om en artikkel i forrige uke fra Gamesindustry.biz, hvor det ble sagt at det som det som blir påpekt. Denne uttalesen er da noen dager gammel, og i dag kommer da altså et tilbakesvar fra Sony, eller Resistance. Så jeg synes du sank lavt for å påstå ay noen lyver.

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