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Chelsea FC - The Shed End


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Lewandowski er en spiller jeg kunne tenke meg mye mer enn de overprisede alternativene. Men med evt, Lewandowski, Lukaku og Scurrle begynner det å bli folksomt. Det er klart at noen avgjørelser må taes.


I tillegg kommer (forhåpentligvis) Essien tilbake. Så nå må noen ut.


Hvordan er prisen på Lewandowski sammenlignet med Cavani?

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Real Madrid fikk vel et bud på 25m godkjent ja, men han ville ikke selv. Noen Mourinho sitater angående spisser nå og da:


"Torres so far is so-so," said Mourinho. ­"Somebody could expect more because of his potential, because of what he did before. But not so bad as people sometimes try to say."


"There is a balance. Normally, the tendency is to say it was a big mistake. It was a big mistake because it didn’t work."


"Shevchenko? It’s not true the owner forced him on me."


"Never, never during my time did the owner interfere in the basic things of the manager – training sessions, team selection, the profile of player I want to bring."


"Do you want to know the truth about Shevchenko? I hope the board is not upset with me. We wanted to buy Samuel Eto’o, he was our target. We wanted Eto’o and the owner was more than ready to do ­everything to bring Eto’o here."


"In the end, Barcelona said, ‘We don’t sell, forget it, forget it. Not any price’. The owner did everything to get him, but it was not possible. After that, we went to other options and got to Shevchenko. I was happy with him." - http://www.weaintgot...s-controversial


Må vel være første Chelsea manager som er halvveis ærlig om Torres uten å bruke unnskyldninger som at han er "great at defending corners".

Endret av Aleks
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But Mourinho said of the rules[FFP]: "It's very motivational and demands more from you. You have to think more about every decision and every move.


"Every wrong move you make has an influence on the future. You need to work more closely with the board in the financial area, you have to have a different perspective and a different look at the players on loan and youth football.


"It's more global. Instead of just focusing on your team, and your targets and ambitions, it's an overall view. It's a different profile of job and I'm happy with that, I'm enjoying that."


Qualification for the Champions League will be seen as a bare minimum for the Blues to secure their future financially, and Mourinho added: "We need to go back to this stability.


"It's important for the players, for the young players' development, for the club, for the fan base and for the economic situation which is more important with Financial Fair Play.


"This is what we want, me as a manager, the owner and the board. The owner and the board want stability and then after that if we are working well and working together, success comes naturally.


"Everybody accepts the way we are going. I'm not trying to push in a different way. We are all in the same direction." - http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11668/8780510/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Han prater ihvertfall mye om å bli her lenge og å satse ungt. Håper vi får se det i løpet av sesongene som kommer og.

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But Mourinho said of the rules[FFP]: "It's very motivational and demands more from you. You have to think more about every decision and every move.


"Every wrong move you make has an influence on the future. You need to work more closely with the board in the financial area, you have to have a different perspective and a different look at the players on loan and youth football.


"It's more global. Instead of just focusing on your team, and your targets and ambitions, it's an overall view. It's a different profile of job and I'm happy with that, I'm enjoying that."


Qualification for the Champions League will be seen as a bare minimum for the Blues to secure their future financially, and Mourinho added: "We need to go back to this stability.


"It's important for the players, for the young players' development, for the club, for the fan base and for the economic situation which is more important with Financial Fair Play.


"This is what we want, me as a manager, the owner and the board. The owner and the board want stability and then after that if we are working well and working together, success comes naturally.


"Everybody accepts the way we are going. I'm not trying to push in a different way. We are all in the same direction." - http://www1.skysport..._medium=twitter


Han prater ihvertfall mye om å bli her lenge og å satse ungt. Håper vi får se det i løpet av sesongene som kommer og.


Greit nok at Mourinho mener at vi bør tenke i nye baner, og det er forsåvidt sant også, men jeg håper ikke han har tenkt til å "plukke fra hverandre" laget sånn som vi kjenner det (Cech, Essien, Lampard, Terry) på grunn av det. Jeg vet at Mourinho har nok av respekt for disse.

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Vel, av de 4 er Cech den eneste som holder kvaliteten han gjorde for noen sesonger siden. Essien er kjekk med tanke på at han kan spille i så mange posisjoner, men jeg regner med at Terry og Lampard ikke kommer til å være særlig sentrale neste sesong. Det er nå min mening ihvertfall.

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