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Filmprat v2.0 - Generell diskusjon om/rundt film


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Noen som har ide for hva man kan drikke til når man ser indiana jones? Planen er å blir sørpe full, så hadde jo vært morsomt å drikke til ting som skjer i filmene.

Du spør etter en drikkelek, hvis jeg forstår deg rett? Det kan nemlig leses slik at du lurer på hva du skal drikke.



Common Drinking Cues


Take one drink when:


* someone on screen takes a drink

* you hear the Raiders March (the Indiana Jones theme tune)

o take two drinks if you hear it long enough for it to move up a key; the opening and closing credits don’t count

* a Nazi is killed

o everyone must also raise a toast and shout “Dead Nazi!”

* someone is knocked off a moving vehicle or horse

o take two drinks if they’re run over by the same vehicle

* someone jumps onto a moving vehicle or horse

* Indy punches someone

o take two drinks if he doesn’t knock them out

o take three drinks if he gets hit right back and falls over

* a bad guy gets impaled, crushed, burned or chopped up

* Indy almost gets impaled, crushed, burned or chopped up

* a bad guy gets shot in the forehead

* Indy gets shot at

o take two drinks if he actually gets shot

* someone shoots a gun from a plane that’s either on the ground or in flight

* a vehicle crashes

o take two drinks when the good guys survive

* Indy loses his hat

o take two drinks when he gets it back

* Indy climbs back from a precipice

* Indy figures out an otherwise hidden passage or escape route

* Indy disguises himself in clothing that’s not his, such as a uniform

o take two drinks if it’s not a Nazi uniform

* the first time you hear a new accent

* you hear a Wilhelm

* someone speaks in a foreign language without subtitles appearing

* a woman has an argument or yells at Indy

o take two drinks if they kiss afterwards

* someone says “Heil Hitler”

o take two drinks if they’re not a Nazi soldier or officer

* something is on fire

o take two drinks if it’s a torch

* you see a skeleton

o take two drinks if it’s just a skull

* the first time you see a bad guy wearing round glasses

o take two drinks if it’s a good guy

* adolescent girls swoon over Indy

* Indy talks about real archaeology

* a wizened old man fills Indy in on some back story or other expositional information

* a religious artifact is on screen; this includes the Sankara Stones

* a sidekick wears a New York Yankees baseball cap

* an actor from another George Lucas production makes an appearance; Harrison Ford doesn’t count

* Pat Roach appears


Take two drinks when:


* you see a red line map travelling montage sequence

* Indy says a swear word

* a good guy turns out to be a bad guy

* a truck is hidden in a market

* someone says Indy’s full name




Personlig liker jeg The Power Hour, drikkeleken som går ut på å drikke det som tilsvarer en shot/slurk med øl hvert minutt. Man slår på en film eller et tv-show (Superbad og South Park passer utmerket), drikker en slurk, venter et minutt, drikker en slurk til, osv helt til man dør. Vi kom gjennom 3 liter øl på en time og glemte etterhvert hvorfor vi begynte. Good times.

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High School Musical er kanskje det mest tragiske som noen gang er produsert.
Jeg vet ikke helt hva som er mest appellerende for dagens 11år-gamle jenter; den setningen der, eller Efrons hode på alle tenkelige effekter i butikkene. Men nei, er HSM det mest tragiske du har sett, så har du ikke sett mye film. Musikaler lenge leve!

Bare ikke alle disse nye... :whistle:

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