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Filmprat v2.0 - Generell diskusjon om/rundt film


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Skudd i mørket: Noen her som kan anbefale kinoer i Montreal? Finnes det filmklubber her?


Eg sende ein epost til ein ven av meg i Montreal. Han er iaf svært filminteressert, så eg reknar med han kan koma med nokre tips.


Fekk eit heftig svar...


Sure, a pleasure


Actually the World Film Festival is about to begin - it takes place at a number of downtown cinemas, and if your friend wants to see the most beautiful cinema in Montreal (not saying much perhaps by Norwegian standards, i dunno), he should try and see anything at Cinema Imperial. The WFF's schedule should be online somewhere on their site (http://www.ffm-montreal.org/en_index.html) if not they are giving it away downtown all over.


Later in the fall (October?) there will be the Festival du Nouveau Cinema, and then after that in December the Documentary Film Festival, both obligatory to check out. Someplace in there (late November?) is Image et Nation, the lesbigaybitrans festival. The scifi/horror festival (Fantasia) was in July, so too late for that. For a while the quebec government was trying to put the World Film Festival out of business (it is run by an eccentric guy who issues press releases accusing them of stalinism) so they were funding random competing film festivals throughout the fall, but that seems to be over with now.


Cinemas here tend to be either French or English, so i'm assuming your friend is interested in the latter. The best repertory cinema - in fact perhaps the only one left - the Cinema de Parc (http://www.cinemaduparc.com/english/homeen.html). The only other anglo cinema in the city where you're likely to see some variety in your movies, i.e. the odd film not from the u.s.a., is the AMC forum, so-named because it is in the old Montreal Forum, the hockey stadium for decades. It is by Atwater metro. In the outlying regions (i.e. you need a car if you don't live there) is the Guzzo chain, which i hate (lousy food, and they refuse to give you water to drink, even tap water, unless you pay!), but they do have both english and french movies AND at least one of their cinemas (Spheretech) also often has Arab films.


In terms of cheap movies, the dollar cinema in cote-des-neiges by metro Namur shows films a few weeks/months old for $2 admission, and drinks and food are a buck. Even better, it is real food not the regular crap, i.e. you can get samosas and jamaican patties. and if your friend likes Indian food he should also eat at Pushaps (5195 Pare) while he is in the area. It's vegetarian, greasy, and pretty much the only thing they serve is a thali, but it is probably the best and cheapest indian food outside of Parc Ex neighbourhood.


Apart from that, if you want a BIG experience with blaring sound and i believe vibrating seats, what used to be Paramount and is now Cinema Banque Scotia Montreal (yes, the bank bought the cinema and renamed it) is the place to go. Super-expensive, but cheap on Tuesdays. Movie selection is pretty much only blockbuster hollywood stuff, BUT i think they also have an imax screen so sometimes show nature movies specially shot for that.


Politically, Concordia university in town has the biggest Cinema Politica in the country. It is normally every monday i think, and won't have started yet... likewise at Concordia there is the Subversive Cinema series that was started last year i think, but i'm not sure if it will be happening again this year... if he is interested in that the place to call is qpirg concordia 514-848-7585


Online the best place to look for what is showing when and where is cinemamontreal: http://www.cinemamontreal.com/eng


You may also want to mention to your friend that the Montreal Mirror and Hour magazine (both free entertainment weeklies, "progressive") run "contests" every week for free movie tickets. You just have to send an email, sometimes a letter, and in my experience one wins over 50% of the time. It's basically a promo thing because when a movie is premiering the really don't want empty seats in the cinema.


If your friend wants a similar lowdown on French cinemas, let me know, though it will take me a little longer as i only ever normally see movies with my husband and he finds it hard work dealing with French movies unless there are subtitles.

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Var og så Inglorious Basterds igår, og koste meg glugg ihjæl. Mange veldig gode scener,

som åpningsscenen, når Shosanna treffer Lando for andre gang og brenningen av kinoen. Jeg lo også veldig av italiener-scenen. Min humor. Det var også tydelig at det var et Tarantino-verk, med lange dialoger og mannefall. Kanonbra film.

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Hyperio: Oi, den hadde jeg ikke ventet. Så uforutsigbart og spennende. Hvordan skal jeg tolke den?


DoktorBacon: Ja, og det er så herlig når det først smeller fordi volden er så overveldende og brutal. Love it! Likte godt den unge gestapisten hvor jeg fikk skikkelig Ørneredetvibber.

Endret av tjalla
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