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Filmprat v2.0 - Generell diskusjon om/rundt film


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Regissøren har jo fått fyken, ryktes det er nettopp grunnet uenighet rundt musikken. Andre hevder det er fordi Lexi leverte inn noe elendige greier som de prøver å rette opp i. Så kom ryktet om at de prøvde å få dette til en PG13-film, men det ryktet ble hardt og kontant avvist.


Så det er nok litt lurt å avvente litt og ikke kjøpe alle rykter som kommer helt kritikkløst. Men det er jo ikke noe bra tegn når regissøren får fyken etter at innspillingen er ferdig og klippingen skal ta til.

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Hadde jo vært kjekt om det var et rykte, men har ikke fått med meg at det er "debunked". All infoen på bloggen hennes ble erstattet av de tre apene (erstattet igjen nå, men Punisher-info er borte vekk). PG13-ryktet kom jo en god stund etterpå, at Lexi hadde fått fyken var det vel AICN som kom med i forbindelse med at hun ikke dukket opp på comic-con og bloggen hennes var tømt.


Edit: Og hennes gode venn, produsenten Deborah Del Prete sa følgende:


I’ve seen the article and it’s bad. I’m very close friend with Lexi and I must tell you, it’s all wrong. She wasn’t fired, they took the movie away from her. I’ve seen her cut and it’s amazing, but someone else thought otherwise. I’ve been working with her and she’s a great director. I’ll keep on working with her and the only thing I can tell about this is that I trust her.
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Steve Gainer, cinematographer på filmen har sagt følgene:



Holy smokes, I go away and shoot some kids stuff for Disney, and the whole world is a different color when I return. Again I appear here to dispel rumors. Please believe:


Lexi is not off the film


Lexi is still involved in the edit process


The film is not (nor could it ever be) PG-13


Today I saw a cut that ran 91 minutes


Lexi did in fact get married


Lexi is an incredibly talented director, and this film kicks major ass, as will be proven when it is released IN THEATRES DECEMBER 5th


The film is most certainly not all exploding heads, but will reveal a great deal of Franks personna and pain


This film has been difficult from the begining, from a bitter Canadian winter, to endless nights, to rampant sickness, Lexi has fought to make a killer Punisher film for fans and non fans alike.


Initially we were to release in September, but for whatever reason (not the quality of the film or edit IMHO) it was decided to release in December. That extra time has given everyone a chance to put their two cents worth in, but rest assured, Lexi is still stearing the boat, and she is a great captain.


When I hear vicious unfounded troll rumors like the "film was unwatchable" or "a total mess" it makes my blood boil. I want to punish the corrupt. People sit on their fat asses trolling the internet, people that have never even looked through a motion picture camera, and make judgements on a work of art that they've never seen, it's like saying a baby will be ugly before it is born, I can't freaking wait for this film to come out and prove the nay-sayers wrong.


Sorry for the rant, I just love something wonderful you have yet to see-




- Kilde - http://rawstudios.invisionzone.com/index.p...ost&p=12150


Det er jo bare en bruker på et internettforum. Så jeg vet ikke hvorfor alle er så 100% at det virkelig er Steve Gainer. Men de er visst det.

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Det finnes nok av forumprofiler, spesielt på engelskspråklige forum, som har høy kredibilitet. Endel av dem er typpiske "insiders". Så kanskje han er en av dem.


Kom over denne her, som visstnok var svar til en eller annen kar. Påstålig fra en som jobbet med filmen:




Did Gale Ann Hurd promise you a crew jacket? A job as her assistant? You clearly have your facts wrong and if you would have done some responsible research and interviewed any member of crew or cast, then you too would have joined the opinion shared by the entire PWZ cyber community. You think it’s an accident that most of her crew and cast members signed that petition that was created by a random fan? She has our loyalty because she fought for all of us and she was there everyday, or better said every night, in the freezing cold on brutal locations. ( I believe the actor who portrayed Paul Budiansky signed the petition with the comment “loyalty for loyalty”.) I have made over 30 films, many of them big budget and I have never experienced a tougher shoot, nor have I ever seen a director more abandoned during production. They just left her to run this machine by herself and if the great Gale Ann Hurd says anything different, she is full of it. She showed up once in a while, but the Hulk was shooting simultaneously and any of their crew members will tell you that she was with them (although equally as ineffective on that production I hear). As a matter of fact, some of us had a running joke about the legend producer. When we were in the worst toxic location, Gale Hurd, we were told, was on location in sunny Brazil for the Hulk. So whenever somebody was late or MIA on set, instead of saying “half day?” we would say “Brazil?”


Lexi on the other hand, not only showed up every night even while she ran a fever and had the skin literally frozen off her face, she also managed to inspire the entire cast and crew to think of this film as a very special, special production. When I first signed on to the job, I only did it for the paycheck. Punisher 2 wasn’t necessarily on my wish list of movies I was dying to work on. After a few days working with Lexi and her talented DP, we all felt we were working on a masterpiece. They were so passionate about the film that we all got totally swept up in it.


In the beginning of principal photography, I used to feel sorry for Lexi because she was so young and so little to be left alone on a shoot like that. I was certain she would fall apart. I couldn’t have been more wrong. She is one tough cookie and essentially she ended up getting all of us through this hell of a production.


After all of that, it makes us sick to see how Marvel, Lionsgate and Gale Hurd treat her. This is so not right. A bunch of us have seen her cut and are aware of the changes the studio wants to make and trust me, no Punisher fan would agree with those changes. If the suits would have any balls at all, they would find a dozen hardcore Punisher fans on the web, invite them to a screening of the director’s cut and a screening of the studio’s cut, to see which they prefer. Personally, my money is on Lexi’s cut.


Who ever accused Lexi of being childish and erratic clearly has not met her. The woman we worked for in Montreal was mature way beyond her years and I doubt she had a complete change of character within the past six months.


Neil, the way we see it, you are the Judas who crosses the picket line because you were offered a promotion. Shame on you.


Head up Lexi, we’re with you


www.thepunisher.com kjører fortsatt "We already know that Lexi Alexander has allegedly been fired from the film. Her own website doesn't even mention anything about the Punisher movie anymore." Om det var usannheter involvert så er det merkelig om Lexi Alexander ikke har sagt noe om det, annet enn de berømte tre apene (som er et symbol for at "jeg er tvunget til taushet"). Bloggen hennes holdt oss stadig oppdatert om filmen, nå er det nada.

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Apropos norsk film, noen som har hørt om den kommende Børre - The Movie?


Ikke annet enn at folka var en del innom Diskuterfilm-forumet for noen måneder siden. Har ikke hørt om den på lenge, var ikke sikker på om prosjektet fortsatt eksisterte. Men det virket det jo som det gjør. Litt spent på å se hva de har fått til, i alle fall.

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De Usynlige skal ses på onsdag. Videre vil jeg trekke fram Veiviseren, Fåklypa og Elling. Det er gode norske filmer. Andre filmer som kan være greit å få med seg, er Insomnia, Orions Belte, Tatt Av Kvinnen og Kunsten Å Tenke Negativt.


Vil du ha underholdning som faen, og er likegyldig til kvalitet, så setter du på noe av Wam & Vennerød eller filmene om Pelle og Proffen.

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