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Dark Messiah - når slippes det?

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There is now less than a week to get Dark Messiah of Might and Magic preloaded to your computer and ready for its launch next week. If you're in North America, the game will be playable on October 25th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. For the rest of the world, you'll be able to play on the 27th at 10:00 a.m. GMT.


Dark Messiah takes place in an incredibly rich and detailed world, and as a result is five times larger than Half-Life 2, weighing in at 10GB. If you preload the game now or purchase now, you'll be able to play immediately when the game is released.


Ja, det kommer ut klokken 11 i dag.

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Anbefaler dere alle som har fått spillet at dere setter -heapsize <halvparten av rammen deres> i launch options. F.eks:

-heapsize 768000 (halvparten av 1,5GB ram)

Ved standard utnytter Dark Messiah 256mb ram. Jeg stilte på dette og fikk mye bedre performance. Verdt å prøve om det lagger/har lange loadingtider ivertfall :)

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