Knebel Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 (endret) Spennende og mer eller mindre ukjent tittel for min del.. Her er handlingen: What is the basic storyline behind Alliance: The Silent War?Ahh, one of my favorite parts of the game! The story in Alliance is something truly unique, and a lot heavier than what players are used to in most shooters. Alliance is very much a political FPS, laden with intrigue, subterfuge, and rich historical settings. You play through over ninety years of the 20th century, using a massive arsenal of over 200 infantry weapons. It all begins on the Russian front in WWI, and slowly, over time, you're let in on a vast chess game being played out around the globe between two organizations- with governments, prime ministers, and whole countries as their pawns. Through several generations, you end up rising in power in one of these groups, and are let in more and more on the inner workings of this enormous geo-political duel. Along the way, you end up causing and influencing some of the 20th century's most pivotal moments- from the assassination of the Russian Royal family, to the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and through the establishment (and subsequent toppling!) of various communist regimes around the globe. All of these seemingly disconnected events all evolve as fallout from the much larger War at hand, and you end up playing a role in everything. Bilder og filmer i slutten av intervjuet. On to PS3Land!! Mye potensiale med et slikt ambisiøst konsept. Men visuelt har de en del igjen. De forventer forøvrig å være klar til release foreløbig i slutten av 2007-Q1 2008.. Endret 18. oktober 2006 av Fhj Lenke til kommentar
Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Spillet er vel ikke lansert til til ps3 ennda? Sist jeg sjekket var dem forstatt uten utgiver, så spillet kan havne hvor som helst... Forhåpentligvis multiplattform. Ellers er dette et spill å følge med på, utviklerne har visjoner og noen spesielle ideer, og vi skal ikke se bort fra at det blir et bra spill ut av det så snart de får en utgiver bak seg. Lenke til kommentar
DP Rusher Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Kommer også til PC og Xbox360 ifølge IGN. Lenke til kommentar
Straffa Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Kommer også til PC og Xbox360 ifølge IGN. 7099037[/snapback] Blir litt feil å ha kun PS3 i tråden Lenke til kommentar
_norse_ Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Høres spennende ut! Det interessante er jo hvordan historien blir fortalt. Det hjelper lite at historien er knallbra hvis de ikke klarer å formidle det bra nok. Å fortelle gode historier i FPS sjangeren er ikke alltid like lett har jeg inntrykk av. Håper de ikke gjør det via "cutscenes", men heller slik Valve har gjort det i Half-Life serien der alt skjer i førsteperson. Uansett, et FPS spill med en en sterk politisk historie er absolutt noe jeg får forhåpninger til.... Lenke til kommentar
Ghaundan Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Kommer også til PC og Xbox360 ifølge IGN. 7099037[/snapback] Blir litt feil å ha kun PS3 i tråden 7099059[/snapback] gjør det? virkelig?! takk gud, begynner virkelig å bli irritert på "exlusive" ditt og datt som er overalt Lenke til kommentar
Knebel Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Forfatter Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Kommer også til PC og Xbox360 ifølge IGN. 7099037[/snapback] Blir litt feil å ha kun PS3 i tråden 7099059[/snapback] gjør det? virkelig?! takk gud, begynner virkelig å bli irritert på "exlusive" ditt og datt som er overalt 7099074[/snapback] Beklager beklager.. Skal rette opp med en gang.. Lenke til kommentar
Straffa Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 gjør det? virkelig?! takk gud, begynner virkelig å bli irritert på "exlusive" ditt og datt som er overalt 7099074[/snapback] Finnes mange spill som kommer til X360 som ikke kommer til andre konsoller og da er det jo greit. Samme gjelder de andre konsollene. Dette er jo et spill som kommer til flere konsoller og til PC Lenke til kommentar
Knebel Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Forfatter Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Har nettop sett gjennom gameplay videoen.. Var et eller annet med lyssettingen på folka som så veldig bra ut.. Også bruke dauinger som skjold da Men de har mye de skal gjøre det neste året før release.. Lenke til kommentar
Ghaundan Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 gjør det? virkelig?! takk gud, begynner virkelig å bli irritert på "exlusive" ditt og datt som er overalt 7099074[/snapback] Finnes mange spill som kommer til X360 som ikke kommer til andre konsoller og da er det jo greit. Samme gjelder de andre konsollene. Dette er jo et spill som kommer til flere konsoller og til PC 7099092[/snapback] Ja, men syns det er litt kjipt å se ett spill jeg blir virkelig gira på for så å se "PS3 exlusive" og ligende, vedder på at kommende PS3 eiere syns det er like irriterende. Med mindre man skaffer begge da... Lenke til kommentar
Mr.FOXHOUND Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 18. oktober 2006 Det hørtes hvertfall veldig interessant ut rent historiemessig. Alltid moro med en liten konspirasjonsteori i historisk perspektiv Får håpe de greier å ro denne i land! Lenke til kommentar
Mala Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 Del Skrevet 19. oktober 2006 Dette såg ut til å ha potensiale altså Lenke til kommentar
UrgeLoL Skrevet 6. februar 2007 Del Skrevet 6. februar 2007 Fant et spill som har vært glemt en stund, i værtfall fra min side. Ser lovende ut! Alliance: The Silent War, a title likely unknown to all but the most fervent gamers, is actually a smash-hit in the making. Here at PS3Land we had the opportunity to interview Asi Lang, CEO of Windward Mark Interactive, to bring you an inside scoop on this incredible next-gen title. Prepare yourselves for an epic story that will bring new life to gaming, and reinvigorate the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre. The interview covers such topics as the storyline, release date, the propiertary engine used, destructable levels, polygon count, body damage and myriad other areas. We are certainly excited about the future of this game, and believe after reading this interview you will be too. Now, on with the interview. All videos and screenshots can be viewed at the bottom of the page. How long has Windward Mark Interactive been around? We founded WMI in 2003, basically out of our dorm rooms. About how many staffers would you say Windward Mark has working on Alliance: The Silent War? We're 8 people full time (myself included), and use a wide array of off-site contractors for everything from weapon design to mocap. Will Alliance be Windward Mark's first project? In the video game industry, yes. How many years have Alliance: The Silent War been in production? About 2. I read that you guys built the Alliance Engine (based on WindLight) from the ground up; can you tell us a little about the game's engine? We essentially surveyed a lot of the commercial technology out there and decided that by the time we'd be done modifying existing products to do what we wanted, we would have made our own engine! So we decided to cut to the chase and just do that. Our two big focuses are graphics and AI. For graphics, one of the key aspects of Alliance is day-time lighting. You'll be traveling through a lot of rich historical settings, and we wanted to capture the urban environments, such as Havana and 1920s Berlin, in beautiful, natural light. A lot of engines out there are what I call "dark engines" at their core, and are boosted up to look like daytime for brighter games. We instead chose to write Alliance's visual system from the very beginning to handle the physics of daytime light, accurately handling the contributions of various elements such as the sun, sky, and clouds on every object in the scene. On the AI front, we're doing a lot of dynamic re-thinking systems that will allow enemies and NPCs to actively adapt to their environments. With such lived-in environments, we want the player to feel as though he or she really is fighting alongside Castro and his revolutionaries, and we'll be needing a lot more than just run-and-gun AI to faithfully convey that. What is the planned release date for Alliance? At this time, we're shooting for the Holiday 07/Q1 08 timeframe. What is the basic storyline behind Alliance: The Silent War? Ahh, one of my favorite parts of the game! The story in Alliance is something truly unique, and a lot heavier than what players are used to in most shooters. Alliance is very much a political FPS, laden with intrigue, subterfuge, and rich historical settings. You play through over ninety years of the 20th century, using a massive arsenal of over 200 infantry weapons. It all begins on the Russian front in WWI, and slowly, over time, you're let in on a vast chess game being played out around the globe between two organizations- with governments, prime ministers, and whole countries as their pawns. Through several generations, you end up rising in power in one of these groups, and are let in more and more on the inner workings of this enormous geo-political duel. Along the way, you end up causing and influencing some of the 20th century's most pivotal moments- from the assassination of the Russian Royal family, to the Bay of Pigs Invasion, and through the establishment (and subsequent toppling!) of various communist regimes around the globe. All of these seemingly disconnected events all evolve as fallout from the much larger War at hand, and you end up playing a role in everything. What places/countries will you visit in the game? The Eastern Front in WWI, 1920s Berlin during the Communist uprisings, all throughout Europe in WWII, 1950s revolutionary Cuba, Egypt during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, and other various locales in modern times I can't discuss! I read in your forums that you plan on having hi-res textures and your assets carry high poly counts. Can you give us some examples of the polygon counts for lets say weapons and character models? At present we're hovering at around 3K polys for characters and first-person weapon models. We're all very avid shooters in real life (just check out our forums at to see what I mean), and we're pouring our hearts and souls into the 200+ weapons in the game. How much of a part will physics play in Alliance: the Silent War? (Objects, ragdoll, environment, ect...) Dynamic objects, physics-influenced animations and death-sequences, and a degree of breakable scene elements are all in the works, not to mention accurate bullet ballistics. I saw in a game play demo you had bullets kicking up sand and ricochet off of walls, will you include level destructibility in there as well? Too early to say, but something will be in there, without a doubt. In multiplayer, how many players do you plan to have online? Though it's still very much in development, we're planning up to 64. How many game modes do you play to incorporate within the Alliance: The Silent War? (single-player, multiplayer) There will obviously be a large single player component, but one of the most exciting features in Alliance is the multiplayer aspect. We set out to create Alliance because we wanted a game that would really let you use every piece of military hardware from the 20th century. So, using the WarStudio system, you'll have the ability to pit anything against anything- one side, for example, could have only Central European bullpup rifles from 1970 to the present, and sidearms from the Americas produced from 1920-1945, while the other side could have only bolt action rifles made between the World Wars and British-made hand grenades. It's going to be a military- and history-enthusiast's dream come true. Could you tell us about the weapons, vehicles, and items - collectively the WarStudio system - and how it will effect gameplay? The WarStudio is one of the most unique features in Alliance. It's a database system that will allow players to query a vast array of over 200 real-world infantry weapons from over a century of firearms development. In single player, you'll be starting with wooden bolt action rifles, some of< which were produced before 1900, and then slowly make your way through the entire 20th century's development in firearms technology. What's more, these aren't just 200 skins- every weapon is being painstakingly modeled for accurate ballistics, cyclic rates, sighting mechanisms, and so on. And yes, gravity *will* play a part in your firing. We've hand tested most of the guns on our list, and are confident that the WarStudio will finally give mil-sim players what they've been asking for. We're also including the ability to shift the level of realism so that more arcade-style players can benefit from the enormous arsenal without worrying about the technical intricacies of the weapons, and just jump in and gun it. I read there will be a map editor in the game for users to play with, how will this be incorporated in the game, and could you give us an example of what can be accomplished with the map editor? Sorry, can't divulge too much about that just yet! Will there be accurate body damage and reactions to damages in aim and such? (Also, will there be gore, for example blowing off enemies limbs?) We're play testing localized damage right now. Our motto is "real until it ain't fun no more!" We want to include the absolute maximum reality in the game, up until a feature is deemed to detract from the fun of the darn thing! Anything that's based on reality and adds to gameplay is going to make it in there. Gun jamming, for example, won't likely make the cut because in real life it's frustrating, and, more importantly, highly unpredictable and largely outside of your control. Regarding gore, this is not going to be Splatter House. Again, the emphasis will be on realism. That's not to say you won't get an enormously gratifying sense from getting a headshot, but we're of the belief that a fine pink-gray mist can sometimes warm the cockles more than a watermelon explosion. Unless, of course, it's executed with a .50 BMG Smile Will Alliance include alternate fire for some weapons and melee combat? Alternate fire is only the tip of the iceberg for what you're going to be able to do with the weapons, yes. Melee combat is planned for inclusion as well. Is there anything else you would ilke to tell our readers? Just that Alliance, on so many levels, will wow gamers. The story is richer than most films. You're not just playing through the same tired campaigns of WWII or fighting hordes of space aliens again and again. Alliance is much, much darker. You're overthrowing governments, shifting power bases, and manipulating whole countries- all to achieve your organization's ends. And what's great is that you'll be carrying out the headlines that actually happened in history, causing the events that shaped the current global landscape but for reasons you'd never imagine. And the WarStudio- the ability to actually use the weapons of all those different time periods and countries against one another -will provide a radical new shooter experience for gamers. We're beyond excited to be developing Alliance, and we look forward to giving you guys one hell of a product. We'd also really like to encourage your readers to find out more on our website, and contribute on our forums. Kilde Spillsiden Her finner dere bilder av spillet. Her finner dere 3 videoer fra spillet Lenke til kommentar
DP Rusher Skrevet 6. februar 2007 Del Skrevet 6. februar 2007 Dette kommer vel også til X360 eller? Lenke til kommentar
Mala Skrevet 7. februar 2007 Del Skrevet 7. februar 2007 Aha, ja dette husker eg vagt. Blir nok ein tittel verdt aa folge med paa. Lenke til kommentar
Jakoozie Skrevet 7. februar 2007 Del Skrevet 7. februar 2007 Det så da pent ut. Men bare 8 som jobber med spillet? lol Lenke til kommentar
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