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TG'07 - Samletråd for generel info.

Anbefalte innlegg

lang tid før dere fikk mail?


Ca 15min.


Eneste som står i mailen er:

Congratulations, you are now in the lottery to buy tickets for The Gathering



You will receive another mail when your position in the queue has been



You can get your queue status at: http://partyticket.net/tg07/checkout/



hvordan signer man opp ?


bare logger inn eller trykke på noe ?



Gå inn på partyticket.net, og trykk på "The Gathering 2007" som ligger under current events.




Lenke til kommentar

Vist faen skal jeg dit! var der i fjor, og det EIDE!

Bor bare noen kilometer unna, så jeg skal komme tidlig i år, og bli først i kø! ^^


Har også planer om en Spacesaver sammen Karlsen91 ^^


Glede seg til TG07!

Endret av Icyfice
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You are now waiting to access the ticketsales.


You are participating in the lottery to enter the sales queue.


There are 278 participants in the lottery so far and more may come until until lør 02-12-2006 20:00:00 CET.


Do you want to leave the queue? Yes, I want to leave the queue.


We sent you an email with your status to [email protected], at søn 26-11-2006 15:43:18 CET, if you havn't received it yet please check your spam filters and all your mail folders.


The next status mail will be sent when you are number 221 in the queue or when you are able to order.


We are going to send you an SMS (sent to: +479*******) when it's your turn, if you don't want that then click here:


Do NOT send me an SMS when it's my turn.


Please do not reload this page, it will automagicly reload every 20 minutes.


You will not lose your place in the queue by logging out, so please log out and check your email often.




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