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Album å se fram til i år 2007


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Amorphis - Am Universum (15.01.07)


Ute i dag, løp og kjøp!


Er dette bandet noe for meg?


Hvem vet, ligger samples på last.fm.


Endure Torture - TBA - Demo 2007





Den går under hip hop ja? Neida, mulig det kommer en Styggedommen demo og :cool:


Fordi svært mykje kom i 2006. Beste musikkåret på mange år.


Har ikkje satt meg inn i alle utgivelsar, men desse blir interessante:


Blood Red Throne

Carpathian Forest


Malevolent Creation

Red Harvest


- Det er dei eg kjem på i farta.


2006 var stort ja, men selv syns jeg det allerede er endel lovende tittler ute, har du noe mer info om de nevnte?

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Bare titlar til nokon av dei.


Darkthrone - Fuck Off And Die

Malevolent Creation - Doomsday X

Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil (arbeidstittel)


Flott, fuck of and die? Er det vi som skal dø nå, tidligere har det vært de som skulle dø (fucked up and ready to die).

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Hahahaha, Svein Egil Hatlevik er herlig.


So, I'm offline for like three days or something, and then I get the following two pieces of information:


1: Vendlus Records (yes, that is my record label) have chosen March 28th as the official release date of my album!

2: DHG (yes, that is my ex-band) have chosen March 26th as the official release date of their album! (At least that's when it'll be out in Norway.)

The obvious question, then, is: "Can I accept my ex moving on with her life faster than I do?".


Of course I can't!


Therefore, the official release date of The Yawn of the New Age is March 24th! Otherwise, I'll be pissed off like an Iranian suicide bomber.


Nye skiva hans "Zweizz - The Yawn of the New Age"


Han nevner også endel nye utgivelser som jeg ihvertfall gleder meg til

And I have more news as well about other stuff: I'm doing some kind of cooperation with Austrian Black Metal veterans Abigor. I recently sent them a couple of files, then they'll do whatever they want with them. Or at least that's how I imagine we'll do it. So now I'm just waiting eagerly for those guys to finish other projetcs that they're doing, so they can really start working on this coop.


Just recently sent off 700 megs of audio files to Joey Hopkins' Midget Factory for a similar cooperation project, but in this case I'll get some audio stuff from Joey as well, some building blocks, so to speak.


And if that wasn't enough, I'm also working on three other projects: The first being my long time band Fleurety. We're releasing a 7" some time after the summer via Duplicate Records. The second project is Umoral, my band with Teloch from the mighty Nidingr. We're also working on a 7" ep. And finally the third project is my ambient/whatever duo with Kim Sølve. We haven't got a name yet. But we will, we will. The album is almost finished. Now we'll start looking for a label.


Fleurety - TBA (7")

Umoral - TBA (7")


Endret av Jernlov
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