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USB minne, fungerer ikke?!


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Jeg har da fått en 1gb minne pen, som da ikke fungerte. Når du setter den i usb porten på pc'n, så kommer den opp på min datamaskin som "E".

Men når jeg prøver å gå inn på den så står det "Sett inn en disk i stasjon E", jeg kan ikke velge formater eller noe sånt, usb pluggen lyser, så den er ikke skadet fysisk.

Alt dette skjedde etter den ble dratt ut under kopiering i fra den.


Har prøvd å gå innpå diskbehandling, men det eneste jeg finner der (når jeg høyreklikker) er Egenskaper, og hjelp. På den så står det uleselig.


Er det noen som vet hvordan den kan fikses? Så hadde det vært supert.





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Sjekk om det er en skyvebryter på den . Write protection .



Har sjekket det, men det er ikke noen bryter som du kan skifte mellom det. Har også prøvd og formatere den med "HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool V.2.0.6." men da får jeg bare "Device media is write-protected".

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Imation’s Swivel Flash Drive has a write protect switch that prevents the user from accidentally deleting files. To make your drive accessible for writing, find the small switch with the lock and unlock symbols, located on the thin side of the drive. This is the write protect switch. With the drive plugged in to your computer, slide the write protect switch away from the USB connector. You will now be able to write to the drive. To re-engage write protection, slide the switch forward.


In some rare instances we have found that the write protect software can turn itself on. If all else fails, you can remove write protection by repartitioning your drive.


In the latest version of Disk Manager software, there is a write protect feature. When you bring up the Disk Manager program, in the upper left quadrant of the window you will see the words "Device Write Protect." If the write protect is engaged, the lettering will be blue and you will see a button depressed. But when the write protect feature is off, the lettering is black and there is no button visible.


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Endret av syar2003
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Imation’s Swivel Flash Drive has a write protect switch that prevents the user from accidentally deleting files. To make your drive accessible for writing, find the small switch with the lock and unlock symbols, located on the thin side of the drive. This is the write protect switch. With the drive plugged in to your computer, slide the write protect switch away from the USB connector. You will now be able to write to the drive. To re-engage write protection, slide the switch forward.


In some rare instances we have found that the write protect software can turn itself on. If all else fails, you can remove write protection by repartitioning your drive.


In the latest version of Disk Manager software, there is a write protect feature. When you bring up the Disk Manager program, in the upper left quadrant of the window you will see the words "Device Write Protect." If the write protect is engaged, the lettering will be blue and you will see a button depressed. But when the write protect feature is off, the lettering is black and there is no button visible.


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Jaja, jeg leste det, men det er ikke den jeg har. Har "USB Flash Drive Mini", altså en uten en bryter for "write protection".......

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Last ned programmet "Imation Disk Manager - Swivel Flash Drive"


In the latest version of Disk Manager software, there is a write protect feature. When you bring up the Disk Manager program, in the upper left quadrant of the window you will see the words "Device Write Protect." If the write protect is engaged, the lettering will be blue and you will see a button depressed. But when the write protect feature is off, the lettering is black and there is no button visible.




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Last ned programmet "Imation Disk Manager - Swivel Flash Drive"


In the latest version of Disk Manager software, there is a write protect feature. When you bring up the Disk Manager program, in the upper left quadrant of the window you will see the words "Device Write Protect." If the write protect is engaged, the lettering will be blue and you will see a button depressed. But when the write protect feature is off, the lettering is black and there is no button visible.






Jaja, har gjort det også. Men det programmet passer kun til "Imation Disk Manager - Swivel Flash Drive".


Altså ikke til den jeg har, for jeg har jo "Imation USB Flash Drive Mini"......


Men takk så langt! :yes:

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Vel , din link :


Imation USB Flash Drive Mini


The Imation USB Flash Drive Mini is a compact, affordable solution for everyday file sharing. Featuring an all-in-one swivel cap design that protects the drive and eliminates lost caps.




Affordable solution for everyday file sharing

Swivel top

Plug-and-play in your USB port — USB 2.0 compatible (1.1 compliant)

128MB, 256MB, 512MB & 1GB capacities available

Ten year data retention

Five-year limited warranty

CE, C-Tick, and FCC certified



Swivel = Lukkemekanismen

Endret av syar2003
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Vel , din link :


Imation USB Flash Drive Mini


The Imation USB Flash Drive Mini is a compact, affordable solution for everyday file sharing. Featuring an all-in-one swivel cap design that protects the drive and eliminates lost caps.




Affordable solution for everyday file sharing

Swivel top

Plug-and-play in your USB port — USB 2.0 compatible (1.1 compliant)

128MB, 256MB, 512MB & 1GB capacities available

Ten year data retention

Five-year limited warranty

CE, C-Tick, and FCC certified



Swivel = Lukkemekanismen



Jeg prøvde alle de programmene som lå på imation sin side, men ingen fungerte på min usb pen. I tilleg så står det jo dette:


"Please extract the content to a folder/floppy. This software is not compatible with the Imation Swivel Flash Drive or USB Flash Drive Mini."


På hvert programm som ligger for nedlasting på siden.......


Så nå ser det vel ut som om jeg må kjøpe meg en ny? :no:

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Har du prøvd å gå i kontrollpanel - administrative verktøyer og sett i Diskbehandlig hva den dukker opp som?



Jada, har prøvd det, som det står i første post. Jeg får følgende valg: Egenskaper, eller hjelp. På egenskaper kan jeg ikke gjøre noe, dvs. ikke formatere, da det er det jeg skal...

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Må jo være en eller annen måte den har fått trigget write protect på mener da jeg .

Har de ikke noe supportforum på Imation du kan spørre .


Har hatt samme problem med en no name sak selv , den hadde dog en liten bryter , som ble defekt inni på kretskortet så den trengte en liten operasjon for å bli endret til permanent write mode "hehe" .

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Undocumented Features


There is also a write-protect switch recessed into the side of the drive. Interestingly enough, they forgot to mention this on the site or in the manual. You push a tiny bar to the side to activate the switch. Malcolm in tech support assured me you can’t damage the drive using a pin, but I recommend using a strong toothpick to move the switch. It is on when pushed toward the USB port. The only indication it is activated is a dialog that states the drive cannot be modified when you try to move a file.

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Undocumented Features


There is also a write-protect switch recessed into the side of the drive. Interestingly enough, they forgot to mention this on the site or in the manual. You push a tiny bar to the side to activate the switch. Malcolm in tech support assured me you can’t damage the drive using a pin, but I recommend using a strong toothpick to move the switch. It is on when pushed toward the USB port. The only indication it is activated is a dialog that states the drive cannot be modified when you try to move a file.



Nope, jeg har ikke noen synlige bryter. Har sett over hele pluggen, så bryter er det ikke på den.....

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Med det programmet, så får jeg bare denne meldingen: "No such device!! Please Check Again"


Altså det fungerte heller ikke......


hmm ser ut til at det ikke fungerer på andre en apacer sine produkter, hadde samme problemet som du hadde etter jeg dro ut pluggen før overføringa var ferdig og programet jeg linka til fiksa det på 10sek. hadde ikke Imation noe slikt repair tool? den skal nemelig kunne fikse slikt med mindre selve pluggen er defekt.

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Med det programmet, så får jeg bare denne meldingen: "No such device!! Please Check Again"


Altså det fungerte heller ikke......


hmm ser ut til at det ikke fungerer på andre en apacer sine produkter, hadde samme problemet som du hadde etter jeg dro ut pluggen før overføringa var ferdig og programet jeg linka til fiksa det på 10sek. hadde ikke Imation noe slikt repair tool? den skal nemelig kunne fikse slikt med mindre selve pluggen er defekt.



Nei, det er det som er så merkelig! At ikke imation har ett sånt programm, som hadde fikset den. Har googlet i timevis nå, uten å finne noe program som "knekker" den. Så viss du vil ha din "Imation USB Flash disk" ødelagt, så fungerer min måte, for og si det slik, hehe...... :!:


Med mindre det er noen andre som har en idè?

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