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RESISTANCE: FoM, masse nytt!(Oppdatert!)


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Tonnevis av ny informasjon om Resistance: Fall of Man i ny IGN hands-on.


Dette ser (og høyres) utruleg bra ut folkens!


Nye screens, nye HD videoar!



OG, den organiske edderkoppen som nokon har etterlyst (Mala, eg ser i di retning :tease: ) er tilbake (sjå videoen LAAARK for det eg meiner). :cool:


Nokon inntrykk:

"One of Insomniac's greatest proven strengths is its ability to come up with some truly inventive, useful and, most importantly, fun weapons. Resistance: Fall of Man really looks to shine in this regard, but one thing we learned with our time with the game is that this is much more of a thinking man's arsenal than what you'd find in any of the Ratchet games. If you don't use the right weapon at the right time, you're likely to wind up toast."


"Speaking of being able to snipe individual tubes from the backs of Chimerans, this brings us to the game's technical prowess and what the team has done since E3. Though Insomniac put on an impressive showing this year, the build we saw then pales in comparison to what Insomniac has running now."


"Since the show, the developer has been splitting the game's subsystems off to individual SPUs on the Cell (like physics, AI, sound, etc.) and then cranking the detail on each sky-high. Particle effects are now used with abandon, clouding your view upon every explosion (in the coolest way possible). The lighting is some of the most natural we've ever seen in a videogame and the sound, well, you'll want to crank this one to 11."


"Perhaps one of the most impressive yet non-hyped things about the game thus far is its AI. Enemies range in intelligence depending upon who/what they are, so animalistic creatures will still be single-minded, but the soldiers are a different story. They'll use cover whenever possible, fire off blind shots just to keep you guessing and even try to flank you when given the chance. In one case, we came into a room and spotted a Chimera on the other side, standing in an opposite doorway. It fired off a handful of shots and stepped behind the wall. Thinking that we'd flank him, we set off to the right and attempted to surprise him by going around the room. Not so fast, it seems, as the Chimera had exactly the same idea. Clever girl... err, alien."

"Not only do characters have a rather insane number of animation routines, Insomniac's proprietary engine is also capable of mixing them with ragdoll physics, enabling characters to be knocked down in realistic ways (as they're partly scripted and partly physics-based), and then get up again if they're still alive. A demo room we were shown had a line of hapless Chimeran soldiers standing still, ready to be shot. Regardless of where a killing blow was placed, be it in the leg, shoulder, head, chest or what have you, the character's body would kick realistically in that direction and flop against the ground or wall or tumble over a barrier in an extremely believable way. To put it shortly, Resistance has a simply awesome animation system."


"With regards to the game's multiplayer, hoo-boy, we didn't quite see this one coming. Firstly, the game supports cooperative play via split-screen. You won't be able to play co-op online unfortunately, but the split-screen play looks to be flawless. We never witnessed a drop in framerate, texture or lighting detail. All three of the game's vehicles, the jeep-like Lynx, the alien Stalker and a third, unannounced vehicle, are co-op friendly."


"The absolutely killer part about Resistance: Fall of Man's multiplayer is its online play. When we say this was one of the most surprising things we've seen in some time, we're not kidding. The single-player portion was already extremely impressive, having us assume that the multiplayer would be good but something of an aside as it's rare for a game to nail both aspects. Instead, it looks like it could go toe-to-toe with Unreal Tournament any day of the week. Seriously."


"The two-class system really is the main thing that makes Resistance's multiplayer so fun, but it's also the tactics and play mechanics that you'll use in each of the game's modes that make it shine. Top this off with a ton of server options, ranked and non-ranked games, a massive and easy to use community system and more and you have the makings of an extremely promising online game.


Resistance: Fall of Man is set to ship alongside the PlayStation 3 on November 17, and if you plan on picking up the system at launch, be prepared to stick this in your bag as well."



Dette gjer berre ventinga desto verre! :dribble:




EDIT: Lagt til ein ny preview på siste sida ;) .






Endret av ShredLord
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Aiaiaiai! Dette høres og ser spennende ut! Uten tvil det spillet jeg ville tatt med meg på launch dagen til PS3 dersom jeg skulle kjøpt en!


Og det som er utrolig deilig med dette spillet er frameraten! Den var både høy og stødig sist gang jeg så spillet! Dumt den ikke holder seg slik i multiplayer... men men, holder det seg stabilt på 30 er det jo ikke ille det heller! Tror uansett at dette kommer til å slå et par rekorder online i allefall!

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OG, den organiske edderkoppen som nokon har etterlyst (Mala, eg ser i di retning :tease: ) er tilbake (sjå videoen LAAARK for det eg meiner).  :cool:




Eg meiner bestemt at det var TCi som etterlyste den og ikkje meg, eg klager bare på de kjedelige våpenene eg har sett til no eg :p


Og eg har sagt det før, eg tror dette vil vere det bestselgende PS3 spillet til lansering. MP delen virker utrolig solid sådan,så dette hadde nok blitt iet sikkert kjøp for min del om eg skulle hatt meg ein PS3 på dagen.

Endret av Mala
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Wow, ein fps - med monstre FROM SPACE!


På tide å finna på noko litt meir orginalt?

Og supersmart AI? Det har eg hørt før. :)


Men, blir sikkert eit bra nok spel det der.



eing der du...grafikken og sånt er ikkje noko og sei på..men sjølve ideen bak spillet er litt uoriginalt..."hmm..krigsspill selger godt..romvesen er artige" jess..vi lager et spill om 2.verdenskrig med romvesener...

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Wow, ein fps - med monstre FROM SPACE!


På tide å finna på noko litt meir orginalt?

Og supersmart AI? Det har eg hørt før. :)


Men, blir sikkert eit bra nok spel det der.



eing der du...grafikken og sånt er ikkje noko og sei på..men sjølve ideen bak spillet er litt uoriginalt..."hmm..krigsspill selger godt..romvesen er artige" jess..vi lager et spill om 2.verdenskrig med romvesener...


Noen av de beste FPSer er lo likedan. Half Life serien og Halo.


Jeg synes historien har bra potensiale med tanke på at det er en litt alternativ tidslinje. Bedre det en noe langt frem i tid med våpen som sier "diiiiu diiiiiu"


Virker bra dette.

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Hehe, du har helt rett Bromlexl! Liker best å holde meg til gode gamle våpen som pumper kuler og kanskje en granat eller to. I HALO kan jeg ikke akkurat si at jeg bruker Covernant sine våpen så mye akkurat...


Og historien kan bli meget intressant tror jeg! En alternativ tidslinje kan jo alltids bli intressant

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Bloody Hell!


Nå som jeg begynte å venne meg til tanken på å vente til mars kommer dette, ikke særlig snilt av dem å friste oss europeere på denne måten, hehe. Spillet virker veldig lovende, og er helt klart en av titlene jeg skal plukke med meg når jeg kjøper PS3. Håper multiplayerbiten blir så bra som det høres ut som. Liker også Co-op muligheten, kanskje jeg kan lure fruen med på en splitscreen i ny og ne. :!:

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Flott at ps3 antagelig får en bra tittel til launch! Grafikken er pen også, mange detaljer, dog texturene synes noe flate og udetaljerte ut.

Men våpnene ser ut til å være litt tamme, spesielt den "stjerne" pulse-rifle tingen.

Om det greier 40 players på onlinedelen, er det megabra! Herregud for et kaos det kan bli. Husker når BF2 demoen ble fixa og man kjørte 64 players på gulf of oman, kan nok tenke meg lignende tilstander her!


En ting som han preview fyren sa som var litt tullete, kommentaren om AI´en. Viss det skal gå fremover på dette området, så må folk slutte å bli imponerte over at fiender "flanker" spilleren. Dette husker jeg ble omtalt som storveis nå PC Player omtalte Unreal (1). Get over it!

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Ein ny preview på gamedaily!

Eg legg den ut her, med nokre høgdepunkt :) .



"Resistance: Fall of Man is also unique in that its world is eerily realistic. Using keyframe animation blended with ragdoll physics, enemies react appropriately to both where they were hit and the strength of the weapon they were hit with. The surrounding environment factors in too, so they'll realistically slump against a wall or collapse on top of a ledge. This may not sound like a big deal, but after generations of dead enemies in awkward positions clipping through walls and other objects before mysteriously disappearing, it's genuinely amazing to see a corpse positioned so accurately and believably on top of another deceased foe. "


"This attention to detail isn't something solely limited to dead Chimera. Glass breaks and cracks realistically based off to the size, power, and location of the object that impacted it. Major explosions kick up dust and debris, temporarily masking the immediate area in a thick smoky cloud. The tubes on the Chimera's cooling units can be shot out, causing the tubes to flail wildly as the cool mist escapes. Car tires can be deflated with a single shot, and side view mirrors can be knocked off with another. At one point, we observed a slowed version of the Howler's running animation, and were mesmerized by the realistic appearance of its tendons contracting and expanding, not to mention the way in which its claws bent as its weight was constantly being redistributed. All together, it's a level of polish one would consider impressive coming from any game, but given that Resistance is a first generation PlayStation 3 title, this speaks volumes about both the power of the PlayStation 3 and the level of talent Insomniac employs."


"A lot of questions remain unanswered, but the basics are definitely there. And it's easy to have faith in Insomniac. Sure, what we played was impressive, and yes, their track record of quality titles is noteworthy, but more importantly, they're gamers too. The clues are all over the office, from the stack of DS games on one desk to a prominently displayed collection of Metal Gear Solid action figures on another, with the Guitar Hero tournament bracket on the wall a dead giveaway. From both the perspective of a gamer and a developer, they know what it takes to make an awesome game, and they have everything they need to do so. Easily the most promising PlayStation 3 game we've seen thus far, Resistance: Fall of Man has all the makings of a must-have launch title come November 17th."


Eg er alvorleg hyped no :dribble: .

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