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Half Life



Medel of Honor-Rising sun



Huff, nei.. Half-Life burde aldri bli filmatisert, mens MoH Rising Sun har ingenting spesielt å by på som vil gjøre at den vil skille seg ut i krigssjangeren. Zelda har denne tegneserie-looken/stemningen som vil bli ødelagt hvis den skulle bli en spillefilm, mens Diablo har jeg ingen formening om.

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Fantasy kan bli bra på film men det er MYE arbeid. Man kan liksom ikke bare leie en gate i Hollywood..


Når det gjelder fantasy annet en LOTR så er vel Conan og Willow gode kandidater.


Og når det gjelder bøker og spill som burde bli film..hvis ikke levende film så kunne man ihvertfall laget noen interessante animasjonsfilmer av dem.




1. Wheel of Time av Robert Jordan


2. Hobbiten av Tolkien


3. Noen av de beste seriene av Conan




1. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines


2. Max Payne 1+2


3. Baldurs Gate 1+2


4. Legacy of Khain

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Fantasy kan bli bra på film men det er MYE arbeid. Man kan liksom ikke bare leie en gate i Hollywood..


1. Wheel of Time av Robert Jordan



Den er på vei, det kan bli meget interresant.



First, Red Eagle remains passionately focused on the global growth and success of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time brand. As an integral part of this commitment, Red Eagle is producing a live-action, big-budget feature film based upon the first novel in Jordan’s epic series, The Eye of the World. And we are making truly extraordinary progress. More than any other group of people, readers of The Wheel of Time know that a film adaptation of these epic books is no simple endeavor, and there is certainly no tried-and-true formula for such a complex story as there is in other film categories such as romantic comedies or hack ‘n slash thrillers. Rather, great motion pictures require a long, deliberate creative process, and pictures in the fantasy-fiction genre can take years to produce. I know we have not said much recently, but behind the scenes, we have been working tirelessly to assemble a world-class team for the making of this picture.


    Second, we are still in the development phase, but thus far we have attached an award-winning director to the project, a top husband and wife writing team, we have partnered with an experienced production company, and we are finalizing arrangements with one of the best production designers in the business to create a unique visual environment for the picture. Every person attached to the project is at the top tier of his or her craft. In the coming months, we will have much more to say about this project and who will be involved, but for now, we can simply say that all of the pieces are coming together nicely.


    And third, we ask you to understand that we cannot say more at the present. Please be assured that as we move forward with the production of the picture, we intend to closely involve the user communities at major Wheel of Time websites such as Wotmania, Tar Valon and Dragonmount at every step of the way.

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Sålenge Uwe Boll tar seg av spill-til-filmadapsjonene så er jeg fornøyd. :)


Jeg kunne tenkt meg å se en film som tok for seg Diablo-spillene. 90 minutter med Hack & Slash.  :love:


Gotta luv Diablo :D Det spillet jeg har blitt mest avhenging av. Men hvis du hadde greid å trekke fram historien i spillet tror jeg faktisk det kunne blittt en bra film, med den rette manusforfatteren og regisøren seff :thumbup:

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føler Far Cry hadde gjort seg bra som film. hvis de hadde klart å la seg inspirere av konseptet i spillet og ikke bare action sekvensene. litt lost i action versjon


3001 - The final odyssey av Arthur C. Clarke, har ikke lest boka, men hadde de gitt speilberg lsd så kunne det blitt en bra film tror jeg.

Endret av andesam
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