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Fight Night 3 PS3 bilder


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det er jo ingen hemmelighet at de fleste multiplatform spill vil se bedre ut på ps3...


her ser du f.eks hvordan Cell takler havok 4 enginen,

den gjør det faktisk bedre enn en trippel core prosessor som vi finner i pc'er


veldig gledelig nytt :)






Trur heller vi sier det slik:


De fleste multiplatform spill vil se nesten identisk ut på PS3/360 imens eksklusiver fra begge hold er de spillene som vil vise størst forskjeller de konsollene imellom.


FN3 har vert under utvikling mye lenger enn 360 versjonen sånn sett, og forskjeller ut ifra dette ser vi. Normalt gir vel EA ut disse sportspillene sine likt på alle platformer vel?. Trur vi vil se mindre forskjeller på disse da utviklerene neppe kommer til å jobbe seg ihjel på hver av platformene,men kjører ein enkel port over fra den eine til den andre.


Slik ser eg skaken ann ihvertfall ;)

Endret av Mala
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det er jo ingen hemmelighet at de fleste multiplatform spill vil se bedre ut på ps3...


her ser du f.eks hvordan Cell takler havok 4 enginen,

den gjør det faktisk bedre enn en trippel core prosessor som vi finner i pc'er





Og så var det dèt å lese hele artikkelen da.

Ikke bare se etter ord som "PS3".

Perhaps the most interesting tidbit generated by Havok was comparisons of the software operating between the PS3 and PC. Havok Spectrum 4.0 is fully compatible with all the next-gen console systems. Obviously more powerful processors are needed to handle the heavy calculation loads that software like Havok will bring. One slide presented at the CEDEC conference showed that in terms of processing speed, the PS3 runs Havok 4.0 almost as fast as a triple-core PC.

Og, XBOX 360 har jo en triple-core CPU.

Processing Powerhouse


The custom-designed Xbox 360 central processing unit (CPU) runs at a breakneck speed, thanks to its three separate core processors that clock in at 3.2 GHz each.



Så både Wii, PS3 og XBOX 360 kommer til å nyte godt av HAVOK 4.0 :)

Endret av dark by design
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De nyeste trippelkjerneprosessorene er kraftigere en Power PC-kjernene i 360. Akkurat Havok 4 klarer Cell vesentlig bedre enn konkurrentene. Ellers ville ikke Havok brukt Cellprosessoren som et demonastrasjonsverktøy...

Men for all del, Havok 4 kan sikkert implementeres i 360 og selv om produsentene valgte å demonstrere med det øverste fra hylla denne gangen. :)

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beklager Shredlord. Den posten skulle ikke her engang. Den var ment på en annen topic.

Spekulere skal du få lov til - men noen ganger tar spekulasjonene helt overhånd. Både fra xboysa og playstation gjengen.

Og mye idiotisk blir sagt. Gleder meg til alle maskinene er på plass, å håper at da blir ting litt mer strukturerte her, og at moderatorer våkner litt og MODERERER litt :)


Forøvrig, ikke så veldig mye spekulasjon i posten min, jeg tar jo konkret info fra xbox.com og qj.net. :)

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Ah, syns det var noe rart ja :p .

Her er forøvrig et veldig bra intervju om Cell-prosessoren med spillselskapet Vivendi ved Mike Acton



"1. The Cell BE architecture is not a magic bullet. Simply re-compiling an existing application for the Cell will not see any benefit. Most systems must be re-architected and data re-designed to take advantage of the architecture. But when that's done, the performance is unrivaled by any consumer-level technology on the market today. :cool:


2. The Cell BE architecture is not a radical departure from existing high performance designs. Certainly the Cell is a disruptive technology, but that's more to do with its place in the market than its design. What it is, in fact, is the very solid culmination of decades of experience in hardware design and the logical next step in hardware architecture. With homogeneous multiprocessors being too limited by memory performance and independent DSPs having their own set of very individual problems, a fully-integrated heterogeneous design was the way to go.



3. The Cell is real, and is a blast to program for"



Det er egentlig ment for andre utviklere da, så det er litt vanskelig for de fleste av oss å forstå som står der vil jeg tro.


Ellers så syns jeg denne delen er interessant, om hvordan Cell også kan bidra på grafikkfronten.


PSINext: Mike I wanted to end on this particular question, because I think it’s no secret the level of speculation there has been on message boards around the Web as to the potential for Cell to assist with the graphical output of the Playstation 3. The ray-cast clouds in 'Warhawk' seem to represent at least one example of Cell-assisted exotic rendering… and geometry and image post-processing effects seem to be what jump to mind most readily for ways in which Cell might normally assist. In what other ways do you think Cell might be utilized on the graphics side?


Mike Acton: Well, each developer is going to have their own tricks and ideas, and it's hard to speculate on what sort of amazing things we'll see over the lifetime of the Playstation 3. There are a few that seem like obvious choices:


o Compression; both image and geometry data. For the amount of content I expect to see over the course of this generation of games, real time decompression of just about everything that is pumped to the GPU will be a must-have. With the right techniques, at times working with compressed data will actually be faster than uncompressed data on the SPUs!


o Improved 2D graphics. Not just user interface elements, which in my opinion don't get nearly enough attention in games, but in any 2D image used in the game. I expect to see animated image, normal and depth maps - not the wasteful and uninspired flip-book style we see occasionally now, but fully skeletal, curved animations. It could, for example, be a tattoo with dozens of different animations depending on the mood of the character, or maybe leeches that attack and crawl under the skin of the character. And fonts. Real fonts. I want to see beautifully rendered, perfectly set fonts at any scale.


o More complex character skeletons. Transforming a character's skeleton animation data on the GPU generally means limiting the number of influences each vertex can have. I'd like to see some complex characters with a thousand bones or more, where the skeleton can be re-arranged depending on the circumstance, and some amazing animation (for which you'd need the above compression) to go along with it. For instance, fantasy games have a lot of opportunity to explore character complexity on the Cell. While it's not impossible to achieve that character complexity using the GPU, it is a task well suited for the SPUs.


o Lighting - I hope that we'll finally see the death of baked-in lighting. I don't mean to say that lighting influences, light and shadow maps, and combined lights won't be cached. But there will always will be some freedom for those values to be changed by the artists at runtime, even if they can't change every frame.


o Particle systems and effects. And I don't mean a shower of points or sparks! Effects are especially well suited to offloading to the SPUs, so I expect this is the first place we'll see the complexity of animation, physics and graphics really come together.


o Vertex animation. There's almost certainly going to be a mountain of water effects, plasma-type effects, velocity field effects, etc. that will make their way into the games simply because these are excellent entry points into Cell programming.


o Terrain generation. IBM has already put together a ray-cast terrain generator, but I expect to see something a little more GPU friendly. With broadband built into the Playstation 3, who knows? We might even see an earth based game that generates its backgrounds on the fly using Google Earth!


And of course continued work on procedural images and geometry, and maybe offloading some Cg onto the SPUs.


At the end of the day, I don't know all the ways developers are going to take advantage of the Cell for graphics over the lifetime of the Playstation 3. No doubt, these are things we'll be working on right up until the moment we get our Playstation 4 devkits!


Det er et beist av en prosessor, det er bombesikkert.

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det er jo ingen hemmelighet at de fleste multiplatform spill vil se bedre ut på ps3...


her ser du f.eks hvordan Cell takler havok 4 enginen,

den gjør det faktisk bedre enn en trippel core prosessor som vi finner i pc'er





Og så var det dèt å lese hele artikkelen da.

Ikke bare se etter ord som "PS3".

Perhaps the most interesting tidbit generated by Havok was comparisons of the software operating between the PS3 and PC. Havok Spectrum 4.0 is fully compatible with all the next-gen console systems. Obviously more powerful processors are needed to handle the heavy calculation loads that software like Havok will bring. One slide presented at the CEDEC conference showed that in terms of processing speed, the PS3 runs Havok 4.0 almost as fast as a triple-core PC.

Og, XBOX 360 har jo en triple-core CPU.

Processing Powerhouse


The custom-designed Xbox 360 central processing unit (CPU) runs at a breakneck speed, thanks to its three separate core processors that clock in at 3.2 GHz each.



Så både Wii, PS3 og XBOX 360 kommer til å nyte godt av HAVOK 4.0 :)





hadde du faktisk sett på den sliden som ligger på siden jeg linka til så hadde du sett at det var skrivefeil i artikkelen


her ser du klart og tydelig at ps3 er kjappere...


dette er egentlig helt utrolig med tanke på at havok egentlig er laget for tradisjonelle prosessorer


Endret av asia_hills
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