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Prison Break season 2 _med_ spoilers!

Hvor bra var sesong 2?  

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  1. 1. Hvor bra var sesong 2?

    • Terningkast 1 - Katastrofal
    • Terningkast 2 - Dårlig
    • Terningkast 3 - Middels
    • Terningkast 4 - God
    • Terningkast 5 - Genial
    • Terningkast 6 - Legendarisk

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Sesong startet bare en knapp uke tidligere i fjor, da. Dog hadde jeg da ikke PB på TV, og fikk derfor skaffet meg episodene på annet vis, etter at det hadde vært på TV her i Norge (fulgte ikke med fra starten av :blush:). På den måten kunne jeg fordele det utover hele sommeren og koze meg med det. Det kommer ikke til å gå i år :p


Goscinny ;)

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8th Season of "Prison Break" To Take Place On Mars

Creator Paul Scheuring joked on Friday if there was going to be an eighth season of his FOX drama"Prison Break" it would probably take place on Mars, given the show's tendency to demand viewers's suspension of disbelief.


Scheuring also confirmed that he initially conceived "Prison Break" as a two-season drama with 44 episodes. Because of the show's somewhat surprising steady and strong position in the Nielsens (the drama has averaged 9,5 million viewers throughout the 'Manhunt' season) the simple fact of the matter was the show would continue with or without Scheuring on board.


Although FOX has yet to announce whether or not they are renewing the series for a third season, Scheuring and his writing team have managed to wrap up the main conspiracy-related plotlines in the final three episodes leaving sufficient tissue to move into a third season.


When asked about the third season the producer remained mostly mum but did say that "there's a certain sense of redemption" and that it will be "more stripped down, closer to the Earth and brutal."


Scheuring also revealed that

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a character of one of the actors present at the event (Dominic Purcell, Rockmond Dunbar, Wade Williams, Robert Knepper, Amaury Nolasco and Sarah Wayne Callies) would not survive the end of the second season.


"Prison Break" is expected to continue to shoot in Dallas, Texas with additional filming carried out in Florida and Louisiana.

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Trenger ikke være et geni for å skjønne at det er Sarah Wayne Callies som ryker ut i denne sesongen. Ryktene om at hun har vært gravid i virkeligheten har vel holdt på en god stund nå. Tror til og med det har blitt bekreftet?

Så, det er nok vår kjære kvinnelige venn som forsvinner. Det er i hvertfall noe jeg glatt kunne satset pengene mine på

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Så skaperen stikker fra serien, fordi han ikke vil være med på sesong 3? Ser ut som FOX kommer til å voldta PB med å lage en pengesesong :p De wrapper alt opp i sesong 2? Hva skal skje i sesong 3 da? Nytt fengsel, nye konspirasjoner, but this time it's personal?

Nei, det var ikke sånn jeg forsto det. Han er fortsatt med.

Han hadde tenkt det som en 2-sesongs serie, men pga. høye seertall ville serien fortsette uansett, med eller uten ham.

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Big spoiler!

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Yes there will be a

season 3. Season 3 of Prison Break (which may have a different name

announced soon) will be premiered on 29th August 2007, almost 5 months

after the season 2 finale. Most of the conspiracy storyline (about 90%)

will be wrapped up by the end of season 2, and the third season will

have a completely new plot. Scheuring quotes “The audience will

definitely get closure. It'll feel like this is the endgame of the

story, and yet there will be a few unanswered questions."



Tancredi fans may have been worried that she may be killed off because

the actress playing her, Sarah Wayne Callies, is pregnant, but Ausiello

assures us that she’s safe. He says that Paul Scheuring won’t kill her

off because he believes that Sara Tancredi is a strong component in the

show. Sarah is due in the late summer, which coincides with the

premiere of season 3, and she will be gone for a while, but will be

back soon after the birth of her child. Scheuring says that her

disappearance will fit into the plot, but refuses to confirm rumours of

Sara Tancredi being kidnapp.

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Detta blir bare for dumt. Nå hadde Micahel og Linc sjansen til å bare forsvinne for godt og ha det bra, men neida nå skal Mike forsøke å fange T-Bag og havner i baret siden det er en setup.


Litt irritert på at han ikke fatta at det bare var piss i og med at Sucre aldri har sagt så veldig mye spess om T-Bag.


Alt i alt, får dumt å starte med en ny sesong.

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