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Lydproblemer med komprimering av film

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Har en film som jeg skulle ha komprimert til divX format. Men har store problemer med lyden fra Premiere.

Har forsøkt å rendre den som .avi med diverse kompressorer. Endte til slutt opp med Indeo 5.10, filstørrelsen blir stor men lyden er i alle fall riktig. DivX kompressoren klarte ikke få med lyden korrekt.


Fikk så anbefalt AutoGK for å få komprimert filmen ytterligere da filen er stor og ønsket er å ha best mulig kvalitet.

Men også her feiler lyden. Den blir hengene etter fra første stund. Noen som har forslag til hva jeg kan gjør for å komprimere filmen samt beholde lyden slik som den skal være?


Det merkelige er at jeg starter filmen med musikk og i alle tilfeller så starter filmene med musikken, men når en prater så henger ikke lyden med lengre.

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LAME MP3 er den beste til divx/xvid synes nå jeg. Men jeg har også erfart lignende problemer med at lyden henger etter. Jeg lurer bare på hvilket program du spiller av video på etter du har tatt den ut av programmet? Har ofte hatt problemer med at maskinen ikke greier avspilling skikkelig. Lurt å prøve VideoLAN (VLC) eller Windows Media Player (den gamle).. VLC er gratis programvare som er kjempebra om du ikke har det. VLC hjemmesiden

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Har DivX også en audiocodec?


Hvertfall, som steffenz sier er LAME MP3 et godt valg og HER finner du den. 144/160 kbps ABR/CBR skal nok være godt nok til det meste.


DivX, XviD eller X264 anbefales forøvrig klart over Indeo som sikkert er fra forige årtusen. Dersom du virkelig skal bruke et eksternt program til å komprimere er nok PCM/huffyuv (lossless) et bedre valg til mellomformat dersom du har plass nok og så bruke f.eks mencoder eller autogk til den lossy komprimeringen.

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Skal du først holde på med film - og alltid kunne se eller lagre videoer vil jeg ambefale deg å laste ned ACE Mega Codecs.. Nå kan jeg se omtrent alle videoer uten å måtte tenke på om jeg trenger ditt og datt.. Dessuten følger det med en masse ekstra greier som konventerer film og lyd og som er helt gratis. Svært fornøyd. Kom bare på det siden det ble nevnt å laste ned codec. Lame Mp3 følger selfølgelig med det også. Når du etterpå skal eksportere noe så har du den listen å velge i :p

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  • 7 måneder senere...

Jeg har akkurat det samme problemet selv, og tok en søk for å finne en løsning. Er fortsatt på let, men har ikke funnet noen enda. Har gjort som deg, prøvd med Lame MP3, AC-3, XviD, DivX og x264, alle har samme tendens til at lyden henger etter, og det merker du særlig når de snakker. Men, jeg ser feilen. I mitt prosjekt (Premiere Pro), har jeg over 30 filmer redigert. Nesten alle har variert stream, altså forskjellig Lyd- og Video-Codec. Jeg kan se at lyden henger etter der filmene er dårlig "konvertert". Noen klipp er helt fantastisk, der lyden følger med og alt, mens noen andre klipp har en litt mindre kvalitet, i tillegg til at lyden henger etter. Det må nok bety at de er dårlig konvertert, eller har en litt dårlig streaming (video-informasjon, eller hvordan jeg skal forklare det).


Jeg husker godt at jeg brukte AllToAVI før, som jeg trudde var et knallprogram siden det klarte å konvertere KMV til AVI, helt enkelt. Men videre, har jeg fått mer kunnskap, og syns nå at det programmet er ekstremt dårlig. Jeg har fått kjennskap til VirtualDubMod, Gordian Knot, TMPGenc Xpress, x264, XviD, AC-3, Lame MP3, og må si, at disse gir et myyye bedre resultat enn hva AllToAVI gjorde. Jeg angret godt på at jeg konverterte alle filmene mine med AllToAVI, siden de filmene har skapt mange rare error, og har en litt dårligere kvalitet. De nyeste filmene har jeg brukt VirtualDubMod (XviD, Lame MP3) å konvertert med, noe som ga et perfekt resultat. Det er heller ikke noe tull med filmene når jeg redigerer med dem i Premiere Pro heller, i ulikhet med de jeg konverterte med AllToAVI. Husker jeg leste at Premiere Pro ikke "liker" så godt XviD o.l. format, og har hørt at Panasonic DV skal være en bra Codec om du skal redigere i Premiere Pro. Men har ikke testet dette enda.


Men, som sagt, jeg ser hvor lyden henger etter, og det er på ALLE klippene jeg har brukt AllToAVI til å konvertere med! Og de som er konvertert skikkelig med VirtualDubMod (XviD, Lame MP3), fungerer perfekt, ikke noe henging etter med lyd her nei.

Noe jeg prøver å si her, er at skal du drive å konvertere filmer, så gjør det skikkelig. Ikke bruk sånne automatiske programmer, der du bare legger til filmen og trykker OK, så går alt av seg selv. Få litt kunnskap, og gjør det manuelt. Få litt greie på ting med å gå inn i de "avanserte" alternativene når du konverterer film.


Mine favorittkonverteringsprogrammer er:


1. VirtualDubMod

2. AutoMKV

3. Gordian Knot (GKnot)

4. Mencoder (Command line)

5. TMPGenc Xpress


Og mine favoritt Codec's:


1. AVI / XviD / Lame MP3, Nero AAC

2. MKV, MP4 / x264 / Nero AAC


Husk at x264 helst bør lagres i formatet .MP4 eller MKV, og det er det forskjellige grunner til. Og XviD er da best i .AVI-formatet.


Og her er favorittsidene mine for hjelp:


1. Doom9.org

2. VideoHelp.com


Her er noe som jeg har skrevet selv, vet ikke om absolutt alt er rett, men mye i alle fall. Jeg har skrevet det ned slev, så jeg ikke glømmer dette her med Codec's og alt annet, siden det er så mye. Jeg har skrevet det dog i engelsk, vetsje heilt hvorfor jeg gjorde det i begynnelsen, men det er nå så. Jeg forstår det selv i alle fall. Jeg har til og med lagret alle Codec'ene + programmene, sortert fint, slik at jeg har lett tilgang på de :)


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

I've been writing down some facts and information about different codec's and en- and decoding programs lately. Mostly is self-written, but I've "copied" some from Doom9.org, and VideoHelp.com. I'm not going to sell it or make any money out of this, this is just to me so I will not forget anything. I only want some comments for it. Is anything wrong? Any suggestions for Recommended Outputs? Just anything. And here it is;








Set up after the most recommended installations, and most useful for en- or decoding (Coder or Decoder).


1. Haali Media Splitter for MP4, OGM, MKV.

2. XviD Binary (Best MPEG4-ASP Codec) for MP4, MKV with


3. FFDShow for MP4, MKV with H264/X264.

4. Real Alternative for RM, RMVB, RAM.

5. Quicktime Alternative for MOV video.

6. Nero AAC (Best audio codec for MKV/MP4 with H.264 (x264)).

7. Ogg Vorbis for audio in MKV/OGM with XviD.

8. AC-3 ACM Decompressor.

9. Lame MP3 (Best MP3 Codec in AVI).

10. x264 (Best MPEG4-AVC Codec) for MP4/MKV.


11. And for last, a bitrate calculator. One of them follows with in the XviD Binary. Use it to calcute how much bitrate is required to get the perfect file-size.


NOTE: Instead of installing number 1, 2, and 3, you could just install Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCD), but I prefer to install all these codec’s manually. It's also recommended to install such codec's manually. Codec packs may corrupt something, and give you different of errors.



Really Great Encoder Programs:



1. VirtualDubMod

2. AutoMKV

3. Gordian Knot (GKnot)

4. Mencoder (Command line)

5. TMPGenc Xpress






XviD and x264 is both really great encoders. However, x264 is an AVC (Advanced Video Coding) and can therefore create better quality in low bitrates. But x264 should only be encoded into MP4 or MKV containers for various reasons. Therefore use XviD in and AVI container.


Basically about MPEG-4-files;


DivX is a commercial implementation of the ASP/H.263 specification

XviD is an opensource implementation of the ASP/H.263 specification


x264 is an opensource implementation of the AVC/H.264 specification

Nero/Quicktime etc is a commercial implementation of the AVC/H.264 specification.


Lame MP3 & AC-3 is one of the best solutions for the best sound quality in lossy encoding in an AVI container. If you're converting to an MKV/MP4 with an H.264, then use Nero AAC instead. It's an AVC audio coded which creates better quality, special in low bitrates.


Quicktime is a really good output (format) in even big and small movies. It has great quality, and takes less space. It's a good enemy against Microsoft's Windows Media Video Encoder (WMV). Both of them are great; use it at your own terms.


VirtualDubMod and AutoMKV has to be one the BEST FREE encoder application and video editor (and capture application) out there! It's free, and professional. There you can encode most movies in any format (especially if you frameserve the movie with Avisynth, it's explained how to do that under the text HOW TO OPEN .WMV-Files IN VirtualDubMod), and encode the sounds too in any format. Depends on which codec's you use, and the same in audio. It supports Matroska (MKV/OGM) videos so that’s great too! Mencoder is great too if you like command prompts. TMPGenc Xpress is also a really great encoder appliaction that can convert almost every format. It costs though. You can find tutorials out on the internet, just www.google.com it.


Gordian Knote is a package of many encoding programs, included codec’s. GKnot can also handle MPEG2-files, like d2v, VOB and other DVD-files. Especially good for DVD ripping of VOB-files. To get the VOB-files from a DVD-movie use DVD Decrypter. Tutorial for GKnot here.












AVI - XviD / Lame MP3, AC3

MP4 - x264 / AAC or XviD / Lame MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Nero AAC. (More hardware support)

MKV - x264 / AAC or XviD / Lame MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Nero AAC. (Less hardware support)


OGM - XviD / MP3, Ogg Vorbis



Use What Programs For What Formats?





Video Formats:





** Remember the AviSynth method. Then you can open and convert WMV-files (and more).


Audio Formats:

Depends on what codec you've installed. Lame is a codec which gives good (in lossy) quality in an MP3 format.




Video Formats:






Remember that AutoMKV also has AviSynth support.


Audio Formats:

Depends on what codec you've installed. Ogg Vorbis, Lame, AAC and AC-3 is four really good.


Gordian Knot (GKnot)


This one is really good for DVD-ripping. Just open the VOB-files with it, and convert them into one of these:


Video Formats:

* MKV / x264 / AAC

* AVI / XviD / Lame MP3


Mencoder (Command line)


Read the tutorial HOW TO CONVERT MKV/OGM TO AVI (XviD & MP3) USING MENCODER down below.


Video & Audio formats:

* MKV/OGM to AVI with MP3


TMPGenc Xpress


This program costs though, but is really simple to use, and can convert to almost all file-types. I'm not going to write what file-types it takes, but in short, I can tell you it takes almost all MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4. Here's a picture;







Original Tutorial

I'll just going to write a new way of commanding it.


1. Install Mencoder for Windows, and XviD and Lame MP3 of course.

2. Open notepad (Right-click > New > notepad)

3. Type in this;

"C:\Program Files\mplayer\mencoder.exe" "c:\video\video.ogm" -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1 -o "c:\video\videooutput.avi"

4. Now save the file as an Batch file. File > Save as > type in Video.bat here.

5. Now run Video.bat, and wait until it's done. Done! :D


Now, if you're having like 30 movies that you want to convert, it's really boring to do this every time a movie is done. A quick adjustment in you Batch file, and you can convert automatically all the 30 movies without being on your computer. Here's the trick, which you've probably already figured out;


Type this in your text file, and save it as a batch file:


"C:\Program Files\mplayer\mencoder.exe" "c:\video\James Bond 1.mkv" -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1 -o "c:\video\Video_ONE.avi"


"C:\Program Files\mplayer\mencoder.exe" "c:\video\James Bond 2.mkv" -oac mp3lame -ovc xvid -xvidencopts pass=1 -o "c:\video\Video_TWO.avi"


Easy, only it takes a while when you have 30 movies. But when you're finished, you can run the batch file and relax for like, let's say, many days :)


BUT! If you don't want to convert the file into XviD, you can actually make a totally clean copy of it, like Direct stream copy in VirtualDubMod. Then you'll have to type this in instead;


"C:\Program Files\mplayer\mencoder.exe" "c:\video\video.ogm" -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -o "c:\video\videooutput.avi"



HOW TO OPEN .WMV-Files IN VirtualDubMod



Install Avisynth.


Open notepad and type in this:


DirectShowSource("Movie's location and name.ext")


ext = extension


** Some examples:


1. DirectShowSource("C:\Documents and Settings\<Computer's Name>\My documents\James Bond Intro.wmv")


2. DirectShowSource("c:\locationto\video.mp4")


3. DirectShowSource("c:\video.avi")


Now, save your text file as an avs-file. Example:


File -> Save As -> type in Video.avs


Open the Video.avs with Windows Media Player and it should play fine. You can now import this file into VirtualDubMod, TMPGenc, Windows Media Encoder or most of the encoders out there. Remember to select All Files when you're going import the Video.avs, because otherwise you can't see it.






Having trouble with encoding some MKV-files to AVI? Try the Avisynth method, with HOW TO OPEN .WMV-Files IN VirtualDubMod. It's a really good way to "force" the videos to encode into AVI for example. If you're having trouble with the audio, then demux it with MKVToolnix (MKV Extract GUI), and encode the exported files into MP3 with Adobe Audition, or with another program, or to another format.


I remember I had a problem in VirtualDubMod with encoding a MKV into AVI. I used Direct Stream Copy, of course. The sound wouldn't be properly converted with the video, only half of it. And the video didn't show properly either. What I did then, was to frameserve the movie with AviSynth in VirtualDubMod. The video worked perfectly then, but the problem now was that

the video took over 80GB! And only the half of the sound was converted this time too. Then i used MKVToolnix (MKV Extract GUI), and extracted the sound from the original MKV-file. I opened the OGG-file (the sound file from the MKV) in Adobe Audition, and converted it into MP3 with 320kbps.


Now the whole sound was properly converted. Now I had one problem left; The movie converted by frameserving it with AviSynth in VirtualDubMod, took over 80GB, and the sound for it was separated from it. Now i opened the 80GB's movie in VDMod, and added the sound to it (The sound I converted in Adobe Audition), and then I took a re-encode (Full processing mode) with XviD and chose full quality in the config in XviD.


Yep, it succesfully got converted. All the sound fitted perfectly, and the movie was in an AVI container with XviD. It only took 1,3 GB now. Perfect, since the movie was over 2 hours long. The quality was just the same as the original MKV movie, only the MKV took 700MB though. But you get point, I hope.






NOTE: Gordian Knote is a package of many encoding programs, included codec’s. GKnot can also handle MPEG2-files, like d2v, VOB and other DVD-files.


1. Start up Setup 1 - Gordian Knot RipPack 0.35.0.exe, and when you’re asked for choosing the components you want to install, make sure you uninstall those you’ve already have, before you continue.

2. Now install Setup 2 - Gordian Knot Codec Pack 1.9.exe, and choose only the codec’s you really want/need here. I choose none, since I’ve already installed those I need, and those are those under the RECOMMENDED CODEC’S up ahead.


Now you’re ready for the next steps. It’s directly taken from Doom9.org;



Really Great websites for help:



1. Doom9.org

2. VideoHelp.com

3. NorskFilmForum.com (Norwegian)












Then use the Avisynth method, by frameserving the movie. It's explained under the HOW TO OPEN .WMV-Files IN VirtualDubMod text. But to open an AVS-file in Premiere, you need a Plug-In (PremiereAVSPlugin) for Premiere that allows you to do it. Here's a discussion for it. Then open the AVS-file this time in Adobe Premiere Pro, and it should work.



Sincerely Danny Boy


And for the comments, I'm from Norway so my english is just OK, and I'm pretty new in Videoediting with en- or decoding, and in prefered codec's, so pleasy be nice :)


Ble litt mye jeg skrev nå, men men :) Alltid kjekt å vekke opp en tråd igjen!


EDIT: Oppdatert Recommended Codec's i spoileren (den skjulte teksten). HER ser dere hvor jeg fikk hjelp fra.

Endret av MacGyver007
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