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Gothic III release-dato endelig fastslått?

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On September 12th we have shipped a Goldmaster version of Gothic 3 for replication. However, due to several problems that got known only afterwards no production has taken place, instead we decided to create another, new goldmaster.

This new master is currently (Sep 21st) still being worked on!

Therefore, no one has had any access to the version that will start selling on October 13th in various European territories.


- Kilde: www.gothic3.com

Endret av BTK
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Gothic 1 - Der Fanfilm [PB] MR


Gothic 1 - The fan movie has been released! After several months of hard work TMT Productions managed to condense the storyline of Gothic 1 into a 2:10h (!!) film, now available for download. In addition to numerous scenes from Gothic 1 there are new passages of text spoken by Xardas and the nameless hero and also music from all other Gothic titles. As TMT are German fans, the entire film is German language. Piranha Bytes congratulates TMT!


dette er good shit

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Official Gothic 3 system requirements released




* Processor AMD/P4 2 GHz or equivalent

* 1024 MB RAM

* Direct3D compatible graphics card with at least 128MB and Shader Model 1.4




* Processor AMD/P4 3 GHz or equivalent

* 1.5 GB RAM

* ATI X1600 / Geforce 6800 or better, at least 256 MB




* 4,6 GB available fixed-disk storage

* DirectX 9.0c (included)

* DirectX 8.1-compatible sound card

* Windows 2000/XP/XP64

* DVD-Drive

Endret av Fable
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Gothic 3 har nå Gone GOLD for andre gang. :)


Now Gothic 3 shines gold in Europe


Liezen, Österreich, 26th of September 2006; Thousands of fans have been shocked after the message: “Gothic 3 is not gold anymore”. Rumours about delays, current situation of development and quality problems circulated trough the community and fans became much more nervous each day. JoWooD Productions, Deep Silver and Piranha Bytes attach great importance to on a very good quality which suits the expectations of the fans. Due to this reason the version has been optimized till the last second. Now it’s done: Gothic 3 is ready and in production. The game will be released on the 13th of October.

Endret av Fable
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Gothic 3 har nå Gone GOLD for andre gang. :)


Now Gothic 3 shines gold in Europe


Liezen, Österreich, 26th of September 2006; Thousands of fans have been shocked after the message: “Gothic 3 is not gold anymore”. Rumours about delays, current situation of development and quality problems circulated trough the community and fans became much more nervous each day. JoWooD Productions, Deep Silver and Piranha Bytes attach great importance to on a very good quality which suits the expectations of the fans. Due to this reason the version has been optimized till the last second. Now it’s done: Gothic 3 is ready and in production. The game will be released on the 13th of October.




Ahh... :D


Kjøpte ny pc som jeg fikk på mandag bare for gothic 3 (og medieval total war 2), gleder meg så sykt mye :)

Endret av GrinderX9
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Altså... hvis ikke tysken min er dårligere enn jeg tror har følgende skjedd:


- Gold-master ble trukket tilbake pga. uforutsatte problemer.

- PR 21/9 er det IKKE sendt ut en ny master til trykking.

- Dette betyr at den versjonen som kommer i butikkene 13. oktober ikke

lar seg teste før den er i salg.


Det er mao. journalister og andre heldiggriser med tilgang til pre-release som har grunn til å henge med hodet.


Så gjenstår det å se om de griere å holde det de lover.


[edit] ...og der fant vi den engelske versjonen ja.... Dette er visst en "advarsel" om at tester som slippes før release er basert på en gammel versjon.

Endret av dostojevski
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