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Saints Row Demo ute X360


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Litt info fra folk som har spilt demoen:


"limited character custimization on demo"

Wow was this fun. So much of this game amazed me, especialy the combat. When compared to gta this games soars way above it. On the demo i believe you have 4 or 5 missions. The final being the funnest when its a clash between all 4 gangs.

Not only is the demo just missions, but who doesnt like just killing people? There are also shops open

The shops are:

Freckle B***: food restraunt....dint go here, but i heard they have hot girls handing out food...?


Forgive and Forget: Cops on you, come here to be forgiven for a price


Theres a plastic sugeon: my guess is you can change the look of your character


Friendly fire: gun shop

weapons available: Pistol, Pipe bomb (fun as heck to throw at cars) bat, knife, and 1 other melee weapon

Each weapon of type (melee pistol ect) can only be carried once, aka only one melee weapon at a time, one pistol at a time ect.

Even though you cant buy good weapons, i found uzis on gang members, and shotguns on some cops


Theres also a shop to mod your cars, i havent been here either


I rate this game a 9.7/10 great game : ) any questions post plz......


OOOHHHH just remembered there are 2 airports....so can you fly.....hmmm

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1. First off the controls arent as bad as they sound.


2. This game is next gen! the load times are shorter then GTA and the graphics are 6x better.


3. EVERYTING! has a shadow! (even coke bottles)


4. Make sure you hit the gas station pumps in a car at highspeeds! (doesnt usally kill you and adds to the fun)


5. Cars are DETAILED! and i mean it!


6. Yes you can get drunk.


7. Big black women carry BIG sharp knifes!


8. Jump out of ur car as you drive while the music is on and you can listen to ur cars booming sound system outside the car! as you kill stuff.


9. The demo DOES NOT let you be signed in to live as you play on the DEMO. You can be at the dvd menu but once you start the demo it will sign out and you cant sign back in during the demo. (I guess to make people wanna buy the full game)


10. Steps are realistic. (cant just go full speed and hit steps. you must let ur tires climp them.)


11. Theres 6x more cussing in saints row then in GTA!.


12. Newspaper machines drop coins.


13. Money floats down in a realistic manner.


14. demo is surprising! and sometimes annoying. (Going full speed or find a cool path to go down and BAM a red wall that says DEMO)


15. Best Surround sound EVER! 5 channel surround is amazing! (Best surround sound game you will play on 360 yet)


16. I use standard 32 inch and its next gen to the next level! dont think for one sec ur old SDTV wont look good on next gen. Just miss the widescreen is all.


17. Demo music suxs plain and simple. Couple of songs that play half the song.


18. Doesnt look like you can change button layout on full game since in the options it doesnt seem to show it. (controls are still good) Handbreak is left trigger and you shoot with right trigger.


.....19. warp to shore feature is great.


20. Yes the controls are smooth.


21. Yes there is graphic tears in the game but not so bad to make the game sux.


22. The game still looks amazing and next gen.


23. There may be fully customiable controls so gamespot say on this page near the picture.... http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/acti...ml?sid=6154129


24. demo doesnt have alot of jump and has around 4-5 missions.


25. The jump grab isnt as good as san andreas but its still works great.


26. You can ride the marry go round. xD


27. You can derail the train on the demo xD


28. Cars disapear really fast on this game. =/ you can drive a car and walk away just a bit and itl disapear sometimes.


29. It has the same problem GTA had while driveing and you see a car you like if it gets out of sight it will disapear. This game tho it happens a bit more. Could just be the demo.


30. Blacktop is very very very realistic.


31. tire marks are super releasitc and arent just a big solid black line.


32. There isnt much blood if any in game. (there is some in the mission movies)


33. you can recruit 1 gang member in the demo to follow you.


34. Gang members actually have a brain unlike GTA. (they will shoot/kill/ and stomp the living He!! out of people to help you)


35. realistic swinging doors on cars. (cant just walk threw doors like on GTA. On SR you have to go around the door)


36. doors shut by there selfs when you get out. (slowly swing shut to make it more realistic)


37. You can kill people with ur open door! lol

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Hvis jeg hadde skrevet den så hadde jeg vel postet den her på Norsk og ikke Engelsk.

Tenk litt lenger enn rompa før du svarer.


Her en player review til som IKKE er skrevet av meg


Graphics 10/10


For what the how large the game is, it runs at a silky smooth 30 FPS and a reasonable draw distance. The models and environments are crisp and the game has a sort of Realism/Cartoon look going. All of the effects from water to fire to explosions are well done and awesome. The explosions are the real thing here. The cars will explode into seperate pieces almost like that Ageia GRAW for PC. The water looks real enough and gets the job done.


Controls 9/10

I give this a 9 for the shooting while driving. Its a little complicated to drive and aim and fire while watching where youre driving. The aiming and moving is tight and responsive. You can quickly sprint away from a bomb or other danger. The only problem is when sometimes you melee attack and for some reason the game make you turn the other way and attack.


AI 7/10

The AI sucks. I hit a person, stole a car, and killed a dude all infront of a cop and he didnt notice. I chucked a pipe bomb into this room, but it hit the door and bounced out and no one noticed. No sort of alarm or anything. I shot a person infront of another gang member, guess what no response until he saw me. This is probably my only complaint.(PS the AI for when you shoot a car or driving in general is funny, they freak out and swerve and hit people and buildings.)


Physics 10/10

I ten this for the sheer unrealism of the physics. The people fly really far when you hit them and its pretty funny. The ragdolls can sometimes bring in some pretty funny situations. Like when I was helping a cop and a car hit me and I flew in the air and did a couple cartwheels and landed. Pretty funny stuff.


Other features 10/10

The character creation is awesome. Not as advanced as Oblivion's but still really good. You can create some pretty funny looking people. The car cuztomization I cant comment on, for it isnt in the demo. Stores are really nice, menus are clean and well organized, the map is really good. The minimap is EXTREMELY helpful. The ability to set your own waypoints is awesome. The missions are pretty fun and straightforward.


Overall 9.5/10

This game is no crappy GTA rip-off. This is a must buy an must play game. It has all the little things you wish GTA had. The other features make up for the AI and the fun factor is amazing.


Also, I played this game on a 23 inch Samsung LCD HDTV for about 5 hours. Its that fun, If there is anything I missed, tell me and Ill add it. Ill also accept question. For the non-believers, youll see me playing it on XBL( its DESTROYER125). When playing the actual demo though, you cannot connect to XBL for some reason."

Endret av avanore
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Hva får deg til å tru at jeg skrev det?

Hvis jeg hadde skrevet den så hadde jeg vel postet den her på Norsk og ikke Engelsk.

Tenk litt lenger enn rompa før du svarer.


Litt hårsår ser jeg. Det var ikke ment til deg, beklager om du trodde det.


edit: Og forresten, har du en link til den anmeldelsen der? For den var veldig amatørmessig skrevet. Håper for guds skyld at ikke en spillside har skrevet det der.

Endret av TCi
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"Snakk om mange skrivefeil i den posten Avanor."


Du skriver jo til og med navnet hans i posten din, da er det selvfølgelig ment til han. Hvis det ikke er ment til han hvorfor skriver du navnet hans?


Og tror du ikke han gir faen i om det er mange skrivefeil der når det ikke er han som har skrivd det? Hvorfor bryr du deg?


Fyfaen, for en forbanna idiot du er.

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"Snakk om mange skrivefeil i den posten Avanor."


Du skriver jo til og med navnet hans i posten din, da er det selvfølgelig ment til han. Hvis det ikke er ment til han hvorfor skriver du navnet hans?


Og tror du ikke han gir faen i om det er mange skrivefeil der når det ikke er han som har skrivd det? Hvorfor bryr du deg?


Fyfaen, for en forbanna idiot du er.


Han sa bare at det var skrivefeil i posten. Alle med IQ over 45 skjønner at det TCi skrev er siktet til den siterte kilden.


Edit: Det heter 'skrevet'. =P

Endret av sep
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Håper det bare er i demoen at biler forsvinner bare du snur deg bort et øyeblikk. Litt irriterende i GTA det der.


Moro blir det uansett. Gleder meg til demoen kommer ut på marketplace.




Enig med deg der, veldig dumt når biler forsvinner så fort :( Håper dem fikser på det!

Endret av gas
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"Snakk om mange skrivefeil i den posten Avanor."


Du skriver jo til og med navnet hans i posten din, da er det selvfølgelig ment til han. Hvis det ikke er ment til han hvorfor skriver du navnet hans?


Og tror du ikke han gir faen i om det er mange skrivefeil der når det ikke er han som har skrivd det? Hvorfor bryr du deg?


Fyfaen, for en forbanna idiot du er.


Han sa bare at det var skrivefeil i posten. Alle med IQ over 45 skjønner at det TCi skrev er siktet til den siterte kilden.


Edit: Det heter 'skrevet'. =P



Men han adresserte det til Avaen og kommenterte det som om han skulle brydd seg om det, gå og si det til kilden isteden.

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"Snakk om mange skrivefeil i den posten Avanor."


Du skriver jo til og med navnet hans i posten din, da er det selvfølgelig ment til han. Hvis det ikke er ment til han hvorfor skriver du navnet hans?


Og tror du ikke han gir faen i om det er mange skrivefeil der når det ikke er han som har skrivd det? Hvorfor bryr du deg?


Fyfaen, for en forbanna idiot du er.


Han sa bare at det var skrivefeil i posten. Alle med IQ over 45 skjønner at det TCi skrev er siktet til den siterte kilden.


Edit: Det heter 'skrevet'. =P



Men han adresserte det til Avaen og kommenterte det som om han skulle brydd seg om det, gå og si det til kilden isteden.


A det er avanore og ikke avaen....


B: det betyr ingenting i forhold til topic


C: Skrivefeil eller ikke. Vi alle forstod hva som ble sagt og budskapet kom frem. Det er det som er hovedmålet med et språk. Ikke nødvendigvis at det skal brukes korrekt etter den nye og oppdaterte ordboka.


D: sjekk ut video invervjuet på gamespot. Sweet :D

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