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Pinnacle legger ikke ut drivere på supportsider


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Jeg har et problem. Jeg har en Pinnacle PCTV USB2 som jeg må reinstallere, men plata med drivere er borte. Vanligvis går man på en supportside for å finne siste utgave av drivere, men ikke hos Pinnacle! De mener tydeligvis at drivere kan misbrukes på en eller annen måte for de legger ikke ut drivere! :cry:


Her er kopi av online help-chatten: (vedkommende jeg snakket med var også utrolig treg, det gikk alltid 2-3 minutter før han svarte)


Eric:Hi, my name is Eric. How may I help you?

You: hi

You: I have a USB2 PCTV tuner but my driver disc is lost

You: I'd like to download drivers, but they are not on the web

Eric: You lost your driver disc? how come?

You: A friend wanted to test the device to see if he wanted to buy it.

You: He returned the device but not the disc

You: He also bought one tuner for himself, later.

You: He is dragging his feet about returning the disc

Eric: Try to ask your Friend about the disc cause thats vary important when installing

You: Why can't I download drivers from your site?

Eric: If you lost the disc you can get another one but you will pay for the replacement

You: sure, how much?

You: Do I order it from the website?

You: Pinnacle must be the only hardware company in the world that doesn't put drivers on the support page.

You: Also, there is a problem with plug and play with your drivers. On every pc that has the PCTV USB2 drivers installed, Logitech USB headset 250 is recognised as a PCTV USB2 tuner!

You: Are the drivers being updated at all?

Eric: do you have with you your proof of purchase?

You: no

You: The serial number is 203560790350217532

Eric: how about the picture of the product?

You: You want a picture of me and my device?

Eric: only the product will do

You: can I email it to you, or what?

Eric: you can email us your concern or issue regarding this Geir

You: So, I should send you an email about my missing disc, with a photo of the device attached?

You: Which e-mail address?

You: How can I get updated drivers in the future?

Eric: Pinnacle is trying there best to update the drivers. You can browse our site and there you can see the email section where you can email us your concern

Eric: just try to browse the website of pinnacle

You: But the only thing I can download from the PCTV USB2 page is documentation. No drivers!

You: http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/uk/P...RMA%29/RMA28097

Eric: We are still updating the site to become much more stable and the drivers so please be patience

You: Bye for now. Tell your bosses that all hardware manufacturers must put drivers on their support pages.



Jeg tror jeg har kjøpt mitt siste Pinnacle produkt. Hauppauge legger i allefall ut drivere. Nå skal jeg sende mail til dem med bilde av devicen, og kanskje få kjøpe en ny cd. Noen som vet om andre HW-produsenter som ikke legger ut drivere?

Endret av guge
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  Admin skrev:
prøvd driverguide.com?




Hadde ikke det, men jeg prøvde det nå, og det ser ikke ut til å løse problemet.


Dessuten har jeg fått en PM fra en vennlig sjel som hadde samme produkt.


Takk lell.

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