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Nok en litt klønete application

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Name: min·strel


Class: Bourgeoise


Level: 45


Previous MMORPG experience(if any): I roleplayed Dorothy in my Grade 10 school play - I miss grade 10, it was the best 4 years of my life.


Previous Guild(s): Team Snuggles

Reason for leaving previous guild(s): This is quite a touchy subject - but I am not ashamed an will speak out. Firstly, our GM - Snuggles is as bent as the Soviet sickle and as hard as the hammer that crosses it, he made me wet my pants each day, just a little. Secondly the guild has just gotten too big, we had record attendance with 3 people online the other day - it was chaos, I felt that two is a company, three is a crowd. Belittled, excluded, tossed out in the dark wading in uncertainty - I can't take it anymore. There is no point playing unless you have a person duo snowball.


How would you be able to benefit Death Jesters: I will increase the number of guild members in Death Jesters by 1.


What do you want and expect of Death Jesters: To be invited to the guild.


What talent specialization are you? I like folk music, I can play a trumbone and tamberine at the same time while holding a subtle melody with the flute which is firmly lodged in my butt.


Your progression gearwise: Full "of the whale" set


Your unbuffed resistances (especially Fire, Nature, and Shadow): Fire - 8, Nature - 5, Shadow - 0.


MC/Onyxia/BWL Experience: I don't even know what this means.


/played time on character: 6 days and 4 hours


How would you get out of a speeding ticket when going 78/45: I would have a 100 dollar bill lodged in my identity book, with my drivers license perfectly placed on top of the money to make it inconspicuous. I will rely on the corruptability of the investigating officer to subtley take the money, close the document and hand it back. If all else fails - I carry a 450 gram tub of vaseline in the glove compartment.


Any references, or people you know that can vouch for your personality and skill(Outside of Death Jesters, or inside): Dakse, Sorcorer, Bioricht, Grunder - we have spent alot of quality time together at the clinic being counselled on "Living with no balls".

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Hehe, har sett mange dårlige applications.. sånn som denne her: (til mitt forrige guild)


Name: Frekness


Race: Night elf


Class: druid


Age: 16


Coutry: Holland


Why left Atomic sun all my friends go to Fotune.


Why Random I Heard good things about them. Good raid's.


I have done MC.ZG.AQ20 ihope BWL AND AQ40




Her er min application til guildet jeg er i nå. (Må være lov å skryte litt :p)

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Hehe, har sett mange dårlige applications.. sånn som denne her: (til mitt forrige guild)


Name: Frekness


Race: Night elf


Class: druid


Age: 16


Coutry: Holland


Why left Atomic sun all my friends go to Fotune.


Why Random I Heard good things about them. Good raid's.


I have done MC.ZG.AQ20 ihope BWL AND AQ40




Her er min application til guildet jeg er i nå. (Må være lov å skryte litt :p)


Wow, du liker virkelig wow du...

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Hehe, har sett mange dårlige applications.. sånn som denne her: (til mitt forrige guild)


Name: Frekness


Race: Night elf


Class: druid


Age: 16


Coutry: Holland


Why left Atomic sun all my friends go to Fotune.


Why Random I Heard good things about them. Good raid's.


I have done MC.ZG.AQ20 ihope BWL AND AQ40




Her er min application til guildet jeg er i nå. (Må være lov å skryte litt :p)


Bra skrevet application, men damn 166 dager played. /respect. :p

Her er en application vi fikk en gang:

joo dizdnt n0t answer me last applicazion? I lookazed at that 1 Thaeread where joo sai taht i need patiiezne? But i do n0t have that atm, so invite me k?
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Hello my name is SENSUR and i'm warrior

i am attuned to BWL ony and MC killed ragnaros twice and ZG allway to bloodlord i am proc warrior spend like 60g find best possible build-_- my def is 310+52(66)  i f  i remove drakefire amulet fire res 74 armor 7758 http://www.wow-europe.com/en/info/basics/t...255030530220100 there is link to see my build and i hope i finaly get commynity to help me get way to top and my addons are taunt boddy ot something like that ct-raidassint and i can allways dowlond some other addons what i should get then i have TS and vetiro if needed i am free nerly everyday now at summer but other wise at friday and saturday i think i can solo one hard boss hogger but never know well if you still need know something abouth me send me e mail mail(in game) wisp or just leave reply hope you take some contack to me soon oh and last thing my english can suck sometime

Vi fikk inn denne for ikke så lenge sia.. Ingen avsnitt, og så mye feil engelsk at det blir vanskelig å lese.

Endret av H.kon
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Vi fikk inn denne for ikke så lenge sia.. Ingen avsnitt, og så mye feil engelsk at det blir vanskelig å lese.


Send ham en pakke punktumer som han kan bruke i sine videre tekster. Han har tydeligvis gått tom :/

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Hehe, har sett mange dårlige applications.. sånn som denne her: (til mitt forrige guild)


Name: Frekness


Race: Night elf


Class: druid


Age: 16


Coutry: Holland


Why left Atomic sun all my friends go to Fotune.


Why Random I Heard good things about them. Good raid's.


I have done MC.ZG.AQ20 ihope BWL AND AQ40




Her er min application til guildet jeg er i nå. (Må være lov å skryte litt :p)


Wow, du liker virkelig wow du...



Litt, Nazrm, bare litt :D Du stiller jo oss andre helt i skyggen. :thumbup:

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Her er en application til guildet jeg er i:


"me & my mum


About you:


Your age, your sex, where you're from, what you do, your interests outside WoW, etc.

I'm 11, male and from England. I am unemployed and my interests outside of WoW are wargaming. My mum is old, also from England and works from home. Her interests outside of WoW are housework.


List what days you would usually be able to play, and what hours.

Every other Sunday Evening, weekday night apart from Monday, basically, same with mum.


Your Internet connection.



About your character:

I'm lvl 60 Beast Mastery specced hunter with warrior racing up the 30's. My mum is 60 prot specc warrior with priest racing up the 30's


Any previous guild history.

Lots. In **************** atm, but looking for a guild with more raid progress


Your talent build.

38 Beast Mastery, 13 Marksman, Mum 51 prot


Your played time (type /played in game to see this :p).

Over 30 days, my mum less




What do you expect from us as a guild?

A strong raid guild.


What can you offer the guild as a member?

A sense of humour"

Endret av Cauldron2
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Ironforge - Exalted

Darnassus - Exalted

Stormpike - Exalted (Alterac Valley)

Zandalar Tribe - Exalted

Hydraxian WL - Exalted

Stormwind - Exalted

Argent Dawn - Exalted

Brood of Noz. - Exalted


Thorium BH. - Revered

Timbermaw Hold - Revered "


WTF! Skal si du har stått i, hvordan i (beep) Klarte du å bli Exalted med Brood of Noz ? Campet i aq40 eller :D ?




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