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Syns det virker som så mange vil inn i beta på et spill kun for å spille spillet. Det å få spille det er jo en liten betaling for jobben man skal gjøre med selve testingen. Skrive bugreports, prøve å få ting til å bugge for å så skrive bugreports etc.

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Syns det virker som så mange vil inn i beta på et spill kun for å spille spillet. Det å få spille det er jo en liten betaling for jobben man skal gjøre med selve testingen. Skrive bugreports, prøve å få ting til å bugge for å så skrive bugreports etc.




Closed Beta er jo ikke for at folk skal ha det moro, det er jo for at de skal finne buggs og gi tilbakemelding.


2 blir valgt ut fra hver av guildene som blir valgt ut, og de skal skrive noe om Beta hver uke tror jeg det var og alle andre må også se etter bugs og teste ut spillet.


Men er jo samtidig moro å få teste Beta selv om det er for å hjelpe Mythic.

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Noe jeg ikke har sett til nå men håper at de utfører fint i Warhammer Online er: Cloaks.


Det er noe jeg synes er flott om de er utført skikkelig i slike fantacy-spill, selv om jeg har erfart at andre kanskje ikke har like stor sans for dem.


Jeg elsket måten DAoC lot emblemet til forskjellige guild vises på kappen, det var en fin plass å vise guild-tilhørigheten på, såvell som på skjold.



WoW sine kapper syntes jeg var gyselige i måten de både så ut og måten de beveget seg når en var i bevegelse, så ut som hele kappen var vasket med stivelse så stiftet fast til korsryggen.


Hvordan ser dere for dere vising av Guild-emblemer og hvordan cloaks vil se ut i WAR(om de i det hele tatt blir lagt inn)?

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Jeg kan se for meg at cloaks er mye vanskeligere å få med nå som grafikken og modellene er mye mer avansert. For ikke å snakke om animasjoner og de enorme mengdene arbeid som må til for å få dette til med dagens standard. Og cloaks går sikkert imot Warhammer lore for en del av rasene på ett eller annet vis. Sjold er ikke lenger en enkel flate som man kan klistre på et emblem heller.



Krysser fingrene og håper, men har egentlig ikke så stor tro på at vi får se så mye til denslags.


edit: når jeg ser på screenshots som dette:


Så ser man i det minste en slot til cloaks øverst til høyre. Kanskje det kommer.

Endret av zappy
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Greenskin og Dwarfs







Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

A basic melee attack.


Sundering Blow

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that knocks your target down for 3 seconds.


Finish Him!

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that deals additional damage against any target that is knocked down.


Kidney Strike

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that damages your target and reduces their Action Points over 10 seconds. Only usable from your target's sides or rear.


Mouth Full O Hammer

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that Silences your target, making them unable to use magic for 5 seconds. Only usable from in front of your target.


Spine Crusher

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that takes 5 seconds of Morale from your target. Only usable from behind your target.


Impact Wave

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that damages your target and snares all other enemies in front of you, reducing their runspeed by 40% for 5 seconds.



Action Points: 140

A melee attack that hits all enemies in front of you. Each target that you hit has a 20% chance to be knocked down for 3 seconds.


Morale Abilities


Shatter Weapon

Morale: 20%

Range: 0-10 ft

A Hammer attack that Disarms your enemy, disabling their weapons for 3 seconds.


Whirlwind Attack

Morale: 40%

A melee attack that hits all enemies within 15 feet of you three times.


Grungni's Hammerfall

Morale: 60%

Damages and knocks back all enemies within 10 feet of you.



Morale: 80%

For the next 6 seconds, any enemy near you will be knocked back 45 feet.



Morale: 100%

For the next 6 seconds, any enemy near you will be knocked back 55 feet.








Action Points: 30?

Range: 0-65 ft

A shout that taunts your target, making them hate you more and reducing the damage they deal to everything else by 30%? for 30? seconds.


Guarded Attack

Action Points: 90?

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that reduces the damage you take for 30 seconds. Thge effect increases with higher Grudge.


Vengeful Strike

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that causes your target to bleed, dealing additional damage over 15 seconds. The bleeding will cause more damage when your Grudge increases. Only useable with at least 25 Grudge.


Relentless Stride

Action Points: 130

Removes all movement impairing effects from you.


Grudging Blow

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

A basic melee attack.


Shield of Reprisal?

Action Points: 60?

Range: 0-10 ft ?

A shield slam that damages your target and increases your Grudge by 10. Only usable after you block an attack.


Shield Sweep

Action Points: 140

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that hits all enemies in front of you. You gain additional Grudge for each enemy you hit.


Binding Grudge

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack which snares your target, reducing their runspeed by 40% for 3 seconds. The snare lasts 3 second longer for every 25 Grudge you have.


Punishing Blow

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

A melee attack that stuns your target for 1-3 seconds, based on Grudge. Only usable against a target that you have taunted.


Morale Abilities


Your Time is Now

Morale: 20%

Range: 0-10 ft

You hit your target with two melee attacks. If they are below 25% Hit Points, you will hit them a third time, dealing damage based on your Grudge.


Grudgeborn Fury

Morale: 40%

Range: 0-65 ft

Your target is surrounded by barbs, damaging them each time they use a melee ability for the next 10 seconds. The damage is increased when your Grudge builds up.


Curse You All

Morale: 60%

Adds 40 Grudges to you.


Curse of Vengeance

Morale: 80%

Damages all enemies within 65 feet over several seconds. The effect will last longer and deal more damage when your Grudge builds up.


Curse You All

Morale: 100%

Adds 80 Grudges to you.







Rune of Striking

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-100 ft

Damages your target.


Rune of Cleansing

Action Points: 40

Range: 0-150 ft

Removes one negative effect from your target.


Rune of Binding

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-100 ft

Roots your target, making them unable to move for 7 seconds. Any damage done may break the effect.


Rune of Mending

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-150 ft

Heals your target.


Oath Rune of Healing

Action Points: 80

Range: 0-100 ft

Heals your target every 5 seconds, and all heals on that target will be 20% more effective. The bearer of the rune can break it, instantly healing them but ending the effect.


Rune of Regeneration

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-150 ft

Heals your target over 10 seconds.


Oath Rune of Fury

Action Points: 80

Range: 0-100 ft

All of the target's offensive abilities have a 10% chance to cause additional damage. The bearer of the rune can break it, instantly dealing damage to all enemies within 30 feet, but ending the effect.


Morale Abilities


Healing Burst

Morale: 20%

Heals all allies within 30 feet for a large amount.


Dazzling Burst

Morale: 40%

All enemies within 30 feet have all of their stats reduced for 15 seconds.


Rune of Smiting

Morale: 60%

Range: 0-100 ft

Deals heavy damage to your target.


Thundering Burst

Morale: 80%

Damages all enemies within 45 feet of you.


Sapping Burst

Morale: 100%

Damages all enemies within 30 feet and slightly heals you.







Spanner Swipe

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

A basic melee attack.


Gun Blast

Action Points: 90

Range: 10-100 ft

A basic gun attack.



Action Points: 140

Range: 10-100 ft

A powerful gun attack which can not be dodged or blocked.


Focused Fire

Action Points: 80

Range: 10-100 ft

Shoots your target repeatedly for up to 3 seconds as long as you continue to focus on them.


Rust Grenade

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-65 ft

A grenade attack which reduces your target's armor and resistance by 25% for 10 seconds.


Shrapnel Grenade

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-65 ft

A grenade that you launch at the ground, scattering shrapnel 30 feet around the spot you select for 15 seconds. Any enemies who enter the area will take damage and become snared, reducing their runspeed by 60% while they remain within the area.


Oil Grenade

Action Points: 80

Range: 0-65 ft

A grenade that you throw at the ground, covering it with oil for 15 seconds. Any enemies in the area have a chance to fall down and will also be covered in oil causing additional damage to them if they are struck by an Elemental attack.


Land Mine

Action Points: 130

Place a bomb trap which will explode when an enemy comes near it, damaging all enemies within 30 feet and knocking them down for 1 second. You may only have 1 bomb active at a time.


Friction Burn

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft

An Elemental melee attack that has a 33% chance to stun your enemy for 5 seconds.


Portable Keg

Action Points: 60

Creates a keg of ale for 3 minutes. You and your allies may tap a Mug of Stout from the keg which will increase Ballistic Skill for an hour when quaffed.


Crippling Bomb

Action Points: 130

Places a bomb trap which will explode when an enemy comes near it, rooting all enemies within 30 feet for 7 seconds. Any damage may break the effect sooner. You may only have 1 bomb active at a time.


Mortar Attack

Action Points: 100

Range: 10-100 ft

A gun attack which damages all enemies within 30 feet of your target.


Incendiary Shot

Action Points: 100

Range: 10-100 ft

A gun attack which deals Elemental damage over 10 seconds.


Noxious Bomb

Action Points: 150

Place a bomb trap which will explode when an enemy comes near, creating a cloud of toxic fumes for 20 seconds which will damage any enemies within 30 feet. You may only have 1 bomb active at a time.


Flash Grenade

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-65 ft

A grenade attack that explodes with a startling flash that disorients your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them for 5 seconds, increasing the buildup times for their abilities by an additional 1 second.


Nitroglycerin Grenade

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-65 ft

A grenade attack which covers your target with explosives for 10 seconds. Any time they are hit by a melee or ranged attack, there is a 25% chance that all enemies within 20 feet of them will take damage.


Morale Abilities


Bite the Bullet

Morale: 20%

Heals you for a moderate amount.


Toss Bandolier

Morale: 40%

Range: 0-65 ft

Throws three Grenade attacks at your target.


Firebomb Grenade

Morale: 60%

Range: 0-65 ft

Deals heavy damage to your target and all other enemies within 15 feet of them.


Napalm Grenade

Morale: 80%

Range: 0-65 feet

Your target and all other enemies within 30 feet of them are set on fire, causing high damage over 10 seconds. While on fire, they will also cause their own allies to burn if they approach them too closely, causing moderate damage over 5 seconds to them.


Call in Artillery

Morale: 100%

Range: 35-150 ft

Deals heavy damage to your target and all other enemies within 40 feet of them, and ignores their armor.



Black Orc




Arm Breaka

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack which deals damage over 6 seconds and disarms your target, making them unable to use melee or ranged weapons. Only usable after you parry an attack.



Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft


A basic melee attack.


Trip 'Em Up

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack deals damage to your taarget over 15 seconds and snares them, reducing their runspeed by 40%. Does higher damage with 2 Builders!


Da Challenge

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-65 ft

A shout that taunts your target, making them hate you more and reducing the damage they deal to anyone else by 50% for 30 seconds.


Right in Da Jibblies

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack that has a greatly increased chance to critically hit.


Down Ya Go

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack that knocks your target down for 2 seconds and makes them unable to defend themselves for 7 seconds. Only usable after you block an attack.


Shut Yer Face

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack that will increase the cooldowns of all abilities that your target uses in the next 10 seconds by 1 second.


Savin' Me Hide

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack that increases your chance to block by 25% for 5 seconds. Does more damage with 2 Builders!


Where You Goin'?

Action Points: 80

Roots up to 4 enemies within 30 feet of you, making them unable to move for 10 seconds.


Tough Up, Lads!

Action Points: 130


Increases your group's Strength and Toughness for 30 seconds. Lasts longer with 2 Builders!


Frightenin' Roar

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-65 feet


A shout that reduces your target's armor and defenses by 4% for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.


Rock 'Ard

Action Points: 0

A defensive stance which increases your armor and your chances to block and parry attacks but drains 5 Action Points per second. Lasts until you turn it off or run out of Action Points.


Can't Stop da WAAAGH!

Action Points: 130

Removes all movement impairing effects from you.


Da Big 'Un

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-30 feet?


A melee attack that also damages up to 3 other enemies near your target.


Outta My Way!

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-10 ft

Knocks an ally away and causes them to detaunt all enemies around them, reducing the damage that the enemies deal to that ally by 50% for 10 seconds.


Morale Abilities


Bloody Murder

Morale: 20%

Range: 0-10 ft


A melee attack that halts your target's normal Morale gain for 5 seconds. Lasts longer with 2 Builders!


Quit Yer Squabblin'

Morale: 60%

Increases your group's Toughness for 30 seconds.








Action Points: 0

Toggled Auto-attack.


Shatter Armor

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-10 ft

Reduces your target's armor by 15% for 10 seconds. This effect will stack up to 5 times.


Go For Da Soft Spot

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

A strong melee attack. Only usable from behind your target.



Action Points: 0

You enter a berserker rage for 15 seconds. Powerful Berserking abilities will become unlocked and when your rage wears off, you will get an Action Point and Morale boost for each Berserking ability that you used. All of your other abilities will cost 1 [text missing?]


Stop Right Dere!

Action Points: 100

All enemies within 30 feet are stunned for 2 seconds.


Choppa Hurl

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-65 ft

A throwing attack that ignores 25% of your target's armor.


Fightin' Frenzy

Action Points: 60

_____ Action Points you gain, you gain 20 Action Points a second for 30 seconds. ____



Action Points: 90

A basic melee attack.


Morale Abilities



Morale: 20%

Range: 0-10 feet



Mean and Green

Morale: 40%

You gain Action Points each time you take damage for the next __ seconds.


The Best Defense

Morale 60%

Range: 0-10 ft



Da Most Choppies!

Morale: 80%

Your melee attacks deal 25% more damage for the next 30 seconds.


Da Most Choppies!

Morale: 100%

Your melee attacks deal 25% more damage for the next 45 seconds.







Brain Bursta

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Deals damage and reduces the target's Willpower for 6 seconds.


Life Leaka

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Causes moderate damage to your target over 10 seconds.


Gork's Barbs

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Your enemy is surrounded by Barbs for 10 seconds, causing damage each time they use a melee ability.


You Got Nuthin'

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Your target deals 15% less damage for the next 15 seconds.


'Ere We Go!

Action Points: 100

Each of your group members' next melee attacks will cause additional damage.


Gork'll Fix It!

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-150 ft

Spends Waaagh!

Heals your target. Spends Waaagh! for more effectiveness.


Gather Round

Action Points:


Spends Waaagh!

Heals everyone in your group. Spends Waaagh! to increase the effect.



Action Points: 50

Range: 0-100 ft

Spends Waaagh!

Resurrect a dead player. Spends Waaagh! to heal them as well.


Bigger, Better, An' Greener

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-150 ft

Spends Waaagh!

Greatly heals your target. Spends Waaagh! to reduce build time.



Action Points: 130

You and all enemies within 20 feet of you are knocked back 20 feet.


Yer A Weaklin'

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Your target's Strength is greatly decreased for 10 seconds, and they cannot critically hit with melee attacks.


I'll Take Dat

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Damages your target and heals you for a portion of the damage dealt.


Morale Abilities


Mork's Breath

Morale: 20%

Range: 0-100 ft

Spends Waaagh!

Your enemy is surrounded by a cloud for 10 seconds, which periodically heals any of your allies close to them. Spends Waaagh! to increase duration.


'Eavy Load

Morale: 40%

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Burdens your enemy, increasing the Action Point cost of all of their abilities by 25% for 10 seconds.


Gork's Breath

Morale: 60%

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Your enemy is surrounded by a cloud for 20 seconds, causing occasional damage to themselves and all other enemies within 30 feet of them. Any enemy damaged by this ability also becomes Rooted for 2 seconds, making them unable to move.



Morale: 80%

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

For 30 seconds, target enemy and all enemies within 30 feet of them are Snared, reducing their movement by 60% and are surrounded by Barbs, causing damage if they do move. Builds Waaagh!


Gork Sez Stop!

Morale; 100%

Range: 0-100 ft

Builds Waaagh!

Deals damage to your target over 3 seconds; if they move the timer will reset back to 3 seconds and the damage continues being dealt.


Squig Herder





Action Points: 50

Range: 30-100 ft

Basic bow attack.


Poisoned Arrer

Action Points: 130

Range: 30-100 ft

Bow attack that inflicts additional damage for 5 seconds.


Paralyzing Arrer

Action Points: 60

Range: 30-100 ft

Bow attack that Roots your target, making them unable to move for 5 seconds.


Triple Shot

Action Points: 100

Range: 30-100 ft

Bow attack that can inflict damage up to three times.


Horned Squig

Action Points: 150

Summon a Horned Squig that obeys your orders. This squig is not very robust, but can inflict significant damage with his horn.


Spiked Squig

Action Points: 150

Summon a Spiked Squig that obeys your orders. This squig prefers to stay in the back and attack your enemies by throwing his spikes(?).


Chompa (?)

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-166 ft

Requires a pet

Order your squig to bite the target, inflicting significant damage.


Chaos og Empire






Fling Red Fire

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Deals moderate damage


Clinging Chaos

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Snares target, reducing run speed by 20% for 6s


Dissolving Blast

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages target over 10s, reduces their stats slightly


Invoke Orange Fire

Action Points: 90

Description: Your toughness/armour are increases by 20% for 12 seconds


Befuddling Green Fire

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages target and Disoreients them for 6s, increasing buildup times on abilities by 1 second


Exhaustive Power

Action Points: 100

Description: For the next 9s you do 15% more damage, for the next (x) seconds afterwards deal 10% less


Aegis of Yellow Flame

Action Points: 130

Description: For the next 6s magical attacks against you do 'almost no' damage but instead restore some AP/HP



Action Points: 130

Description: Become virtually immune to melee damage for 8s


Surging Blue Fire

Action Points: 140

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target and has a chance to hit 3 other targets near them


Devastating Indigo Fire

Action Points: 140

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target and all other enemies within 20 feet of them


Warping Blast

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target and disarms them, making them unable to use weapons for 3s


Despairing Black Fire

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Ground Targeted AoE, damages all enemies within 50 feet of the spot you select




Violent Fire of Tzeentch

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target begins to burn, suffering high damage and reducing their resists by 60% for 9s


Power Vortex

Description: Damages all enemies within (x) feet of ou, and slighly restores your AP based on damage dealt


Tenacious Tendrils of Force

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target takes damage over (x) seconds, and is rooted, making them unable to move


Tzeentch's Spark

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Shoots a bolt of lightning, damaging all enemies within 30ft of the target


Force Lance

Range: 0-60 ft

Description: Burst of power that damages enemies in a straight line in front of you.


Roiling Winds

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Cloud surrounds the target for 9s, damaging all enemies within 25ft of them periodically


Plundering Power

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Removed up to 2 beneficial effects from your enemy, and heals you for each one


Corrosive Grey Fire

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target begins to burn, suffering high damage over (x) seconds


Conduit of Chaos

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: AP costs of your abilities are reduced by 20% for 12s



Range: 0-20 ft

Description: Damages all enemies within 20 feet of you, but momentarily stuns you





Tactic Slots: 4

Description: All snare effects are 20% less effective against you


Fury of Chaos

Tactic Slots: 2

Description: When hit in melee, there is a 25% chance that some damage will be dealt to your attacker


Erratic Movement

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Chance to evade increased by 10%


Reckless Abandon

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Whenever you kill a target, your next damage spell within 20s will do 15% more damage



Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Increase spell range by 15%, but increase AP costs 15% as well


Distortion of Reality

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Your damaging spells detaunt your target, reducing damage they deal to you by 10% for 6s and reducing hate


Assimilation of Energy

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time you suffer magical damage, you regain 10% of the damage as AP


Changer of Ways

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Green Fire will also Daze your target, reducing their stats by 5% for 6s


Conduit of Madness

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Int and Tough are greatly increased, but willpower is slightly decreased


Protection Of Tzeentch

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Orange Fire will also increase all of your resists by 20%


Spreading Flames

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Red Fire will deal an additional 50% of it's damage to all enemies within 15ft of your target


Tide of Chaos

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Your group's strength is greatly increased, but your willpower is slightly decreased


Unbearable Abhorrence

Tactic Slots: 4

Description: When hit in melee, there is a 5% chance that the attacker will lose 5 seconds worth of morale


Burst of Force

Tactic Slots: 4

Description: Red fire gains a 10% chance to cause a setback, increasing casting time by an additional 1s




Bright Wizard




Flames of Rhuin

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: For the next 18s, your target's melee attacks will cause additional elemental damage


Flame Breath

Action Points: 140

Description: Cone of fire that deals damage to all enemies in front of you


Flame Shield

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Any time your target is hit in melee within 20s, damage will be dealt back to the attacker



Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Deals damage to your target and all enemies within 30 feet of them



Action Points: 80

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Your target's Elemental and Lumina resists are reduced by 30% for 12s


Distracting Burst

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Deals low damage to the target and inflicts a setback, adding 2 seconds to any spells they are currently casting


Rain of Fire

Action Points: 140

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Meteors strike the ground doing damage to all enemies within (x) feet of that spot


Slow Burn

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target and all enemies withing 15 feet regain action points 25% slower for 6 seconds



Description: Restores 90AP but does damage to you which you cannot prevent





Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target and all enemies within 40 feet suffer high damage over 9 seconds


Conflagration of Doom

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Pillar of flame ignites the target, burns the spot for 8 seconds afterwards dealing damage to anyone who is within 10 feet



Range: 0-100 ft

Description: All heals on your target are reduced by 20% for the next 8 seconds


The Burning Head

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: A ghostly flaming skull streaks overhead, damaging all enemies in front of you


Shielding Blaze

Description: All magic damage against you is reduced by 50% for the next 6 seconds



Range: 0-100 ft

Description: The ground you are standing on bursts into flame, damaging all enemies in that area over 8 seconds


Lava Field

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target and all other enemies within 30ft become snared by 30% for 6 seconds


Melt Armor

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target over 10s and reduces their armour by 30%


Flaming Disaster

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target and all other enemies within 30ft become dazed, reducing all their abilities by 10% for 6s


Purifying Flames

Description: Removes one negative effect from you, and heals you when successful




Key of Tinder

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Cooldown on detonate is reduced by 4 seconds


Key of Spark

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time you are hit in melee, 30% chance damage will be dealt back to the attacker


Tempered Acumen

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Your int is increased and your toughness is slightly decreased


Volatile Flames

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Chance to crit with magic is increased by 35%


Persistent Flames

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: All damaging spells have a 20% chance to cause a burn, additional damage over 6 seconds


Shield of the Tangible

Description: Increase group's elemental resistance by 15%


Key of Embers

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: When below 20% hp, all cooldowns are reduced by 50%


Key of Smoke

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time you crit with magic, you regain 50 AP


Key of Flame

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any damage spell with a radius has radius increased by 10%


Smoldering Pain

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Damage caused by burn effects increased by 20%


Uncontrolled Flames

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: All damage spells have a 10% chance to cause addtional damage to another enemy within 20ft of the target


Explosive Energy

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: All magic damage you deal is increased 5%, but AP costs for all abilities are 10% higher


Key of Fire

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Rain of Fire/Ignite deal 10% more damage, Fiery Blast and Fireball deal 10% less






Mirror of Madness

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages the target


Tzeentch's Restoration

Action Points: 100

Description: Heals your entire group


Ritual of Exhaustion

Action Points: 100

Description: Dark ritual that causes harbinger bearer to regain AP 20% slower, but groupmates within 60ft 10% faster


Demon Spittle

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target over 10s


Elixer of Dark Cleansing

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Removed 1 harmful effect from an ally


Ritual of Fragility

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Dark ritual that reduces armour of harbinger bearer, increasing the armour of groupmates within 60ft


Golden Eye of Tzeentch

Action Points: 140

Description: Your chance to disrupt hostile magic is increased by 75% for 10 seconds


Ritual of Lethargy

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Ritual that increases cooldowns of harbinger bearer, reducing cooldowns of groupmates within 60ft


Dark Medicine

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-125 ft

Description: Heals the target


Tzeentch Shall Remake You

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Resurrects the target


Ritual of Exsangination

Action Points: 100

Description: Dark ritual which deals damage to the harbinger bearer, and heals an groupmates within 60 feet for a portion of the damage


Tzeentch's Cordial

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-125 ft

Description: Heals target, then heals them over time for 10s




Dark per___?

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Damages your target and all enemies within 35ft over 10s


Eye of Sheerian

Description: Heals your entire group over (x) seconds


Reckoning of Tzeentch

Description: Resurrects up to 2 dead allies within 40 feet of you, but only with 1hp


Reversal of Fate

Description: Deals slight damage to all enemies within 25 feet, slightling healing all allies in the area


Tzeentch's Plan

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target and all enemies within 25ft of them regain AP 20% slower for 15s


Coils of Tzeentch

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Snares your target by 20% for 6s


Phylactery Eye of Tzeentch

Description: Deals damage to the harbinger bearer, and heals you for a portion of the damage dealt


Tzeentch's Talon

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target's armour and resists are reduced by 35% for 6s


Cower Before Tzeentch!

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Target is detaunted, hating you less and reducing damage they deal to you by 30% for 9s


Quelling Mists

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Deals damage to your target




Insight of the Schemer

Tactic Slots: 2

Description: Increases your Intelligence


Gift of the Daemonic Prince

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Damage caused by your ____ Of Daemonic Fury is increased 20%


Touched by Tzeentch

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Your melee attacks have a chance to cause additional corporeal damage


Chaos Bearer

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: You regain AP faster for each mark of chaos that you bear


Warping the spirit

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: You are healed when your harbinger dies


Masterful Recreation

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Tzeentch Shall Remake You will also heal the target resurrected


Overwhelming Despair

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: The Daze effectiveness of your harbinger is increased by 5%


Swift Changes

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Your group's intuition is increased


Violent Deformation

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: Damage caused by Tumultuous Warping is increased by 20%


Tzeentch's Wrath

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time you are hit in melee, there is a 25% chance your attacker's Strength and Toughness will be reduced for 12 seconds


Brittle Vitality

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Ritual of Exsangination deals 10% more damage, but ritual of fragility drains 15% less armour


Relentless Concentration

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Dark ritual durations are increased by 25%


The Hand of Destiny

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: When harbinger bearer dies, your group is healed. Cannot occure more than once every 20 seconds


Hastened Instability

Tactic Slots: ?

Description: The cooldowns on abilities granted by your marks of chaos are reduced by 15% but cost more AP




Warrior Priest





Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack, dazes your target, reducing their stats by 5% for 4s, builds righteous fury


Wave of Righteousness

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack that heals all allies within 25ft of the target, spends righteous fury


Divine Light

Action Points: 130

Description: Heals your entire group, spends righteous fury


Prayer of Absolution

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Removes 1 damaging attack from an ally


Blast of Faith

Action Points: 130

Description: Melee attack damages enemies in front of you, up to (x) feet away, spends righteous fury


Righteous Blow

Action Points: 100

Description: A powerful melee attack, spends righteous fury


Armor of Faith

Action Points: 80

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Increases the target's armour by 20% for 12s


Prayer of Lasting Devotion

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-150 ft

Description: Target is healed over 9 seconds, spends righteous fury


Rending Strike

Action Points: 80

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee effect that shatters one beneficial effect on you target, causing additional damage, spends righteous fury


Scorn of Sigmar

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack that causes additional damage over 9s


Prayer of Burning Faith

Action Points: 130

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Deals low damage to your target and all enemies within 30ft, deals additional damage to any daemonic or undead, spends righteous fury


Touch of the Divine

Action Points: 140

Range: 0-150 ft

Description: Greatly heals the target, spends righteous fury



Action Points: 50

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Strong melee attack, builds a large amount of righteous fury


Divine aid

Action Points: 90

Range: 0-150 ft

Description: Heals the target, spends righteous fury



Action Points: 50

Range: 0-65 ft

Description: Basic throwing attack


Wright of guilt

Action Points: 60

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack that snares your target by 20% for 4s


Healing hands

Action Points: 100

Range: 0-150 ft

Description: Heals the target, spends righteous fury


Breath of Sigmar

Action Points: 50

Range: 0-100 ft

Description: Resurrects the target




Divine Replenishment

Description: For 6s, all your melee attacks will restore 50 AP


Twin-Tailed Fury

Description: For 8s, all melee attacks will strike the target a second time, dealing additional damage


Do or Die

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Heavily damaging melee attack, leaves you drained causing AP to regen slowly for 9s, builds righteous fury


Sigmar's Wrath

Description: Strike the ground with your weapon, damaging all enemies within 30 ft, builds righteous fury



Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack which heals you for a portion of the damage dealt, build righteous fury



Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack which reduces target's attack speed by 20% for 12s


Blessed Weapons

Range: 0-150 ft

Description: For 15s, the group's melee attacks will deal additional lumina damage


Divine Aegis

Description: Damage you take is reduced by 25% for 9s


Cower, Ye Faithless

Description: Damages and dazes all enemies within 30ft of you, reducing their stats by 20% for 8s


Glimpse of Divinity

Range: 0-10 ft

Description: Melee attack that stuns your enemy for 4s




Blessing of Unending Might

Tactic Slots: 2

Description: Your AP regens 10% faster



Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time a groupmate dies, remaining members gain 5s of morale


I shall not fall

Tactic Slots: 5

Description: When you are killed, there is a chance you will be resurrected (not yet implemented)


Stride of the Purposefull

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: All snaring effects are 25% less effective against you


Blessing of Protection

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Group's spirit and lumina resists are increased by 15%


Blessing of wrath

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Group's chance to crit with great weapons is increased by 5%


Blessing of restoration

Tactic Slots: 4

Description: Group regains hit points every few seconds


Blessing of strength

Tactic Slots: 4

Description: Entire group's strength is increased


Blessing of Purity

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Group deals 10% more damage against Daemonic, undead, or chaos enemies


Sigmar's Shield

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Any time you suffer magical damage, 20% chance damage will be dealt to your attacker



Tactic Slots: 4

Description: Build righteous fury each time you are hit in melee, but all damage you take is increased 10%


Aggressive negotiations

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Deal 5% more melee damage but your heals are reduced by 5%


Insightful Mediator

Tactic Slots: 3

Description: Heals are increased by 5%, but you deal 5% less melee damage


Deus Sigmar

Tactic Slots: 5

Description: Your group gains Morale 5% faster

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Mange som glemmer at også en viktig del av closed beta er å sjekke om spillet er noe morro.


MAO å spille spille å prøve å ha det morro, deretter gi report tilbake om hva som var bra.


Ikkenoe vits med et spill som er bugfree men kjedelig.

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Warhammer Alliance har vært på Game Day i Kanada og gitt ut en film med 25 minutter med in-game photo og intervju i bakgrunnen. :) Har lagt den opp til serveren min for raskere nedlasting en fra Warhammer Alliance sin tjeneste, som er Filefront :S




Denne må alle se. Beste ingame videoen som har kommet. Intervjuet i bakgrunnen er ikke noe særlig. Tusen takk for at du hoster Trynemjoel!

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Jeg syntes selv at intervjuet var greit nok. Bekreftet at en viderebygging av DAOC sitt Realm Rank system ville være på plass i PVP-systemet, som jeg har håpet på lenge og ikke sett konfirmasjon på frem til nå. Intervjuobjektet dro en del linjer mellom DAOC og WAR, slik at det var forståelig om hvordan det kan bli utviklet.


Etter å ha sett Greenskins i den videoen står de nå sterkere i smak med visning av store tanker av noen Orcer og små rare goblins.

Endret av Trynemjoel
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Godt å høre at de skal bygge videre på RvR-systemet, det er jo det som gjorde DAoC så utrolig bra.


Hilsen spiller med mange millioner rps bak seg ^^


Ah, ja. Jeg har faktisk nylig plukket opp daoc igjen, ettersom jeg fant ut nok en gang at Wow stinker. Startet opp på US ettersom de engelske EU serverene driver og dør.

Bare et par levler igjen til 50. Tjoho.



Jeg klarer ikke å bestemme meg for om det blir destruction eller order på meg. Enda mindre hvilken rase eller classe. Jeg kommer nok til å velge den siden som er underbefolket. Som trolig kommer til å bli order.

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Det kommer helt klart til å være fler som spiller Order enn Destruction tro meg. . .


De fleste som kommer til å spille spillet hører om det kanskje 1 uke før release og det første de tenker er: "Jeg vil være en helt". Og hva velger de da? Order sefølgelig pga deres "prektighet".


F.eks i WoW så det ut som at Horde skulle få flere enn Alliance utifra pools, men fikk de det? Nei, Alliance ble overpopulated.

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Det kommer helt klart til å være fler som spiller Order enn Destruction tro meg. . .


De fleste som kommer til å spille spillet hører om det kanskje 1 uke før release og det første de tenker er: "Jeg vil være en helt". Og hva velger de da? Order sefølgelig pga deres "prektighet".


F.eks i WoW så det ut som at Horde skulle få flere enn Alliance utifra pools, men fikk de det? Nei, Alliance ble overpopulated.


Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor det på noen måte må bli likt som i Wow.


Men om du ser på horde rasene så sjønner man hvorfor folk ikke vil spille dem. Orkene er grønne og stygge, tauren er treehugger\ku, undead er den "onde" blandt de, men modellene og utførelsen av de er jo til å spy av. Alliance har human og night elves som helt klart er populære.


I WAR har destruction chaos som trolig er den mest lovende rasen, og garantert kommer til å bli blandt de mest spilte. Samme med dark elves. Goblins er så som så, mens orkene er usakelig kule, selv om den sikkert ikke blir like mye spillt som de to andre. Order siden har basically bare empire som er tiltrekkende. High-elves er vanskelig å si iom. at de er både alver og generelt upopulær. Og vi vet veldig lite om de.


Å tro at det bli det samme som wow bare fordi man kan se paralellene er litt tur spør du meg. Tiden vil vise, kanskje vi ender opp med at det blir balansert. Hvem vet.

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Nå er jo Dwarf kjempekule da :D


Men uanset: Ja, jeg vet horde ser ut som dritt.. . Er en grund til at main min var Human. Men uanset så har det skjedd med flere spill at de onde sidene blir minst spillt, men er jo ikke sikkert det skjer med WAR siden Destruction er ganske råe.

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