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Ting som irriterer så grenseløst! *LES første post*


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Noe som irriterer er forresten er når folk blir sure over småting.

Jeg blir irritert av folk som blander seg inn i noe de ikke har noe med. Går det under ca det samme?


Jeg bare nevnte at du ikke burde hakke på andres skrivefeil, når du skriver feil selv. Skrivefeil er da noe man som oftest kan drite i.


Men jeg skal ikke diskutere detter her noe mer nå :wee:

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SPAM irriterer grenseløst.

I dag mottok jeg denne:



Dearest, I am Egobia Walter, an attorney at law. A deceased client of Mine, by name Mr. Andrew Parker from your country, who hereinafter shall be referred to as my client, whose life and that of his entire family were lapsed while on holidays in a holidays resort in Phuket Thailand on the 26th of December 2004 in the Tsunami natural disaster. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this deposit valued at $ 6 Million dollars is lodged. This bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin, or the Account will be confiscated because there is a government gazette/mandate/authorizing all banks to freeze or confiscate any account that has not been serviceable in a long period of time, this is geared towards capital flight for the economy. My proposition to you is to seek your consent to present you as the Next-of-kin and beneficiary of my named client, so that the proceeds Of this account can be paid to you. This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages,60% to me and 40% to you. All legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin will be provided. What I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through. This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.If this business proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology but if not, then contact me at once to indicate your interest,by giving me urgently the following below: URGENT PLEASE. 1. Your full Name 2. Your Telephone Number 3. Your Contact Address. 4. Your Age and Occupation. Your urgent response will be highly anticipated and appreciated. Call me on my private telephone +233547327561 for more information. Regards, Barrister Egobia Walter



Så jeg svarte følgende:



Hi! I'm in! Just say what to do. My name is Jævla Drittsekk Phone number xxxxxxxxx Contact address xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Age 42 Occupation Hair and nail salon owner. Looking forward to doing business with you. Best regards Jævla Drittsekk


Telefonnummer og adresse er til en politistasjon.

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Idioten inkluderte adressene til alle han spammet i Til-feltet.

Men dette er en mailkonto jeg kun bruker til å registrere meg på sider jeg ikke stoler på, uansett. F.eks. slike sider hvor adressen vises når man poster innlegg osv...

(slike irriterer forresten grenseløst.)


Han har forresten svart. Jeg fikk et skjema og noen instruksjoner, men forstod det ikke helt. Tror det skulle sendes til banken, der jeg gir meg ut for å ha krav på penga.


Jeg ba ham ringe for å forklare nærmere. Husk at telefonnummeret jeg oppgav er til en politistasjon...



Dear Jævla Drittsekk,


Application for the transfer of Six Million United States Dollars only ($6.

Million USD) from account number: No; 0669233178.


Please be informed that I wish to transfer the sum of Six Million United

States Dollars only ($6. Million USD) from Account number No; 0669233178. To

a new account as detailed below:


Kindly fill the application form and send to the bank email address:

[email protected]


Barrister Walter Esq.





Attn: The Director


Standard Chartered Bank of Ghana Ltd

(International Remittance Department)

Tel: +233267163201 Ext334

E-mail: [email protected]



Dear Sir,


Application for the transfer of Six Million United States Dollars only ($6.

Million USD) from account number: No; 0669233178.


Please be informed that I wish to transfer the sum of Six Million United

States Dollars only ($6. Million USD) from Account number No;

0669233178. To a new account as detailed below:


BANK NAME: ………………………

ADDRESS: ………………………….


ROUTING NUMBER: .........................(IF AVAILABLE)

SWIFT NUMBER: ........................................

BENEFICIARY: ……………………………


This is the money left behind in your Bank by my Uncle your deceased

customer (Mr. Andrew Parker) who died with is entire family in Phuket

Thailand on the 26th of December 2004 in the Tsunami natural disaster.


I am the beneficiary and named next of kin I wish as the heir apparent to

claim and instruct that the above mentioned amount to be transferred into my

nominated Bank account as shown above. I have all the relevant documents to

prove this claim and ready to forward them to you at your request.


Please, accept this late application as it was due to family logistic

problems consequent upon his funeral rights. I hope you will expedite action


Thanks for your anticipated co-operation,


Yours faithfully.

Your Name……..........................................................


Phone num:………………………………………….. ........

E-mail : …………………………………...........................


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