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Sier du gulost eller hvitost?


Heter det hvitost eller gulost?  

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  1. 1. Heter det hvitost eller gulost?

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Gjest Bruker-95147
Men er gulosten hvit eller gul? Er mer off-white er den ikke?



Slutt å fokusere på armhuler.

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Gjest Bruker-95147
Wake up, and smell the ost!



Gulost, that is! :)



You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can't be mentioned, I am reliably informed by Hvitostings around the yard, wouldn't be worth mentioning even if it could be.
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Wake up, and smell the ost!



Gulost, that is! :)



You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can't be mentioned, I am reliably informed by Hvitostings around the yard, wouldn't be worth mentioning even if it could be.



"They say hvitostings have the so-called 'secret intelligence' -- this amount of intelligence must be very secret, since I've never seen any intelligent hvitost person, nor I have seen any sense in the bloody stupid 'white cheese'."
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Kvitost ftw! Selv om jeg syns den er mer gul enn hvit=/



Ja, men det er ikke av fargen osten kommer av, foreksempel hvitvin som nevnt tidligere, den er blank...



Det finnes (igjen) ingen alternative ord for hvitvin. Har ikke sett noen argument som strider mot gulost, at osten er gul tilsier ikke bare at det heter gulost, men også at det ikke heter hvitost.

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Kvitost ftw! Selv om jeg syns den er mer gul enn hvit=/



Ja, men det er ikke av fargen osten kommer av, foreksempel hvitvin som nevnt tidligere, den er blank...



Det finnes (igjen) ingen alternative ord for hvitvin. Har ikke sett noen argument som strider mot gulost, at osten er gul tilsier ikke bare at det heter gulost, men også at det ikke heter hvitost.



Jaja, da kaller vi det ost da, så blir det likt ^^

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Gjest Bruker-95147
Wake up, and smell the ost!



Gulost, that is! :)



You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can't be mentioned, I am reliably informed by Hvitostings around the yard, wouldn't be worth mentioning even if it could be.



"They say hvitostings have the so-called 'secret intelligence' -- this amount of intelligence must be very secret, since I've never seen any intelligent hvitost person, nor I have seen any sense in the bloody stupid 'white cheese'."



: I'm a gay bachelor, Superseven. I'm a roarer, a rogerer, a gorger and a puker! I can't eat Gulost, I'm young, I'm firm buttocked...
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Kvitost ftw! Selv om jeg syns den er mer gul enn hvit=/



Ja, men det er ikke av fargen osten kommer av, foreksempel hvitvin som nevnt tidligere, den er blank...


At osten er gul tilsier ikke bare at det heter gulost, men også at det ikke heter hvitost.


Feil! Du kan si både gulost og kvitost/hvitost!

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Wake up, and smell the ost!



Gulost, that is! :)



You ride a horse rather less well than another horse would. Your brain would make a grain of sand look large and ungainly and the part of you that can't be mentioned, I am reliably informed by Hvitostings around the yard, wouldn't be worth mentioning even if it could be.



"They say hvitostings have the so-called 'secret intelligence' -- this amount of intelligence must be very secret, since I've never seen any intelligent hvitost person, nor I have seen any sense in the bloody stupid 'white cheese'."



: I'm a gay bachelor, mr.mus. I'm a roarer, a rogerer, a gorger and a puker! I can't eat Gulost, I'm young, I'm firm buttocked...



Hvitosting: How can you see without eyeballs?

Gulosting: How can you walk around without a brain? Some things no one can answer.


Watch out where the huskies go, don't you eat that white cheese.


"It is probably more natural to perform sex with a sea urchin than to say 'hvitost'."


Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me gulost! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!


Mongol General: We have won again. That is good! But what is best in life?

Mongolian trainee: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcon on your wrist, wind in your hair!

Mongol General: Wrong! Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush the hvitostings, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

Mongol General: That is good!

Endret av superseven
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Gjest Bruker-95147

Ser ut som Gulostingoverdrive.


Edit: Nå var du flink Superseven :w00t:


Edit: Superseven skriver så det spruter!

Endret av Bruker-95147
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Kvitost ftw! Selv om jeg syns den er mer gul enn hvit=/



Ja, men det er ikke av fargen osten kommer av, foreksempel hvitvin som nevnt tidligere, den er blank...



Viss man ser nærmere på hvitvin så er den faktisk en tanke gul.

Men ALLE er vell enig om at det heter hvitvin fordet.

Konklusjonen må bli vi har hvite oster og noen som er en tanke mer gul.

Men disse osten har ett fellesnavn HVITOST!!

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