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Bærbar-kjøp fra Tyskland

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Fikk svar fra butikken i tyskland (har klippet og limt litt ;)):
Dear Customer,


Thank you for your inquiry.


If you order a notebook with us you have to pay 16% of the German Tax, not the 25% you have to pay in Norway.

The Warranty conditions can vary from country to country.

If you have a “Bring-In” Service in Germany you can have a “Send-In” Service in Norway.


Most manufacturers offer an EU-wide Warranty and some offer an international warranty.


If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

Virket som en hyggelig kar :)



Som andre har vært inne på: dette er helt feil. Skal alt bli riktig så skal ikke butikken ha 16%. Uansett om du betaler 16% til denne butikken eller ikke, så må du betale 25% for å få den inn i Norge. Dette er bare tøv, og han vet overhodet ikke hva han snakker om.



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Hmm, sendte mail om det om han var sikker på det med tax-en, fikk til svar:



All I can tell you is that if you buy something in Germany you pay the tax in Germany and not the tax of Norway.

Blir helt forvirret jeg nå :hmm:...


Men iallefall:

Since Toshiba offers a 2 year international warranty you can handle the warranty in Norway.

Så det er heldigvis dekket :)

Endret av -Codeman
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Hello again,


Not problem with your questions. That's what we are here for.

We want that you are satisfied with your notebook.

Since you buy the notebook in Germany you pay German tax.

But since Norway is obviously not in the EU you won't pay any tax. It would be an export from Germany to Norway. We'll handle everything with the custom authorities for you.

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Hello again,


Not problem with your questions. That's what we are here for.

We want that you are satisfied with your notebook.

Since you buy the notebook in Germany you pay German tax.

But since Norway is obviously not in the EU you won't pay any tax. It would be an export from Germany to Norway. We'll handle everything with the custom authorities for you.



Nå begynner det å ligne på noe :) Rullegardina har tydeligvis gått opp hos han selgeren, selv om han motsier seg selv ser det vel ut til at han skjønt essensen i det hele.



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Toll-avgift = Mva


Nei, mange varer krever ekstra toll i tillegg til mva.


For de som lurte på dette:


De alle fleste varer, for eksempel elektriske og elektroniske artikler, cd- og dvd-plater er tollfrie. Klær er derimot tollbelagte.


Takk Olav for svar.

Hva sier dere andre om denne saken?

Endret av -Codeman
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