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Lost Sesong 3: Spoilertråd

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Jeg tror "the others" er folkene som var på stasjonene som har samlet seg, men det er sikkert mange andre muligheter også :hmm:


BTW e21 var ganske bra egentlig... at de finner en ny stasjon osv...

Blir sikkert en del som skjern i de siste episodene av sesong 2=)

Endret av B.H.H
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På podcastet spør en fyr "hva det er som er på bordet i the pearl"


Er det bare meg eller sier virkelig Damon at :


"It's a burning sigarette"



Som vil bety at: Det var folk der nede RETT før Locke og Eco kommer ned


Den gangen som Sayd og Jack fant i the Swan (eller hva den nå enn het ) kan kanskje være en nødgang som er forseglet eller no.


sånn som man ser på kartet

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Episode 22 var grei nok, MEN EPISODE 23 TAR HELT AV tror jeg etter hva jeg har sett!!

Man finner promo til den på youtube.com


DEN tar av den, dessuten får vi vite mange av mysteriene på øya også, dette blir S.Y.K.T.! Leste det på LOST Norge det med at vi får vite mange av mysteriene på øya :dribble: .

Endret av Ludacris
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Noen spoilere:












05/17 - The cast is rehearsing a funeral on the beach. There are five graves. The two most recent are open, and contain corpses of Ana Lucia and Libby, wrapped in gray flannel. Source: Newsweek

05/16 - In a clearing of crunchy grass, the nefarious Mr. Friendly (M.C. Gainey) twirls a bolo and barks at his fellow Others: "Don't shoot! We need him." Down in the hatch, Eko mops up Libby's blood and speaks of damnation. And as they load their weapons, Jack and Sawyer bond over the memory of Ana Lucia. "At least I get to kill somebody now," says Sawyer, cocking his shotgun with an emphatic crack. [...] Source: Entertainment Weekly

05/17 - "We are going to tell you why the plane crashed," says Cuse. "We're going to explain what happens if you don't push the button. And we're going to resolve the Michael-and-Walt story." (Michael's son, Walt, was kidnapped by "the others" in last year's season finale and has been missing ever since.) Desmond, the enigmatic guy originally discovered in the hatch, also reappears, and he's not in good shape, though he gives the survivors fresh hope for escape. Just as last year's finale expanded our scope of the island's boundaries, this year's will expand its relevance. "There is something else that is reverberating on our planet that is directly linked to this island," says Monaghan. "You begin to understand that what is happening there has a significant butterfly effect in the rest of the world." One more thing: we think another character is going to die, or come close. It's just a hypothesis, based on the fact that when we asked Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) to guess which character would die after Libby, she said: "I can't do that, 'cause I know." Then she clammed up. Source: Newsweek

05/16 - At the beach, long-lost button pusher Desmond (Henry Ian Cusick) chugs from a bottle of booze and spills a secret. (Hint: It's sick.) [...] This time, we'll see Walt again, learn what caused Oceanic flight 815 to crash, find out what that mysterious button actually does (if anything), and more. Source: Entertainment Weekly

05/17 - Michael Emerson (Henry Gale) [...] is returning next season as a series regular. Source: The Ausiello Report

05/16 - [in Season 3,] there will be new locations and new characters (one rumor has Desmond joining the cast full-time, but producers won't comment). The season's big theme sounds timely, twisty, and terrifying. Hints Lindelof: "'Us versus Them.' But who's the 'us,' and who's the 'them'?" Source: Entertainment Weekly

05/14 - Damon Lindelof [reveals]: Libby's got this mysterious backstory, of which we've only given you the tip of the iceberg. We know she's spent some time in the mental institution with Hurley, and the idea of killing her before she had an opportunity to explain how she got there... we have a master plan for how we're going to tell that story, but it's all posthumous. You'll start to learn Libby's moves through flashbacks over the course of the next season. So we're not done with Cynthia, but Libby is dead. Source: The Ausiello Report





Kan bli mektig spennendes dette her :yes:

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jammen sist vi så han var han på øya. Båten gikk han på grunne med. Verdensomseilinga ble stoppet av en øy som var i veien


Når fant de den gangen? hvor da hen?


(husker så dårlig sånne ting jeg  )


ganske tidlig i sesong 2. Jack og Sayid sjekket. de gikk in i et komlokk og havna under bunkeren om jeg ikke tar feil. ;)


litt gammelt nytt tror jeg: leste i en spoiler at i desmond sitt flashback vil han kjøpe båten han skulle seile jorda rundt i. Libby vil gi han kaffe ^^

Endret av Moff
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Fant dette på IMDB. Tviler på at det stemmer.


Det skal liksom være plottet for episode 23, men som sagt : tviler på at det er slik :


Survivors think they are being rescued when they see the boat.

Jack swims out to the boat. Desmond is inside the bunker.


They bring him ashore.


Desmond has tons of booze with him. And a dark secret.

Jack asks him where he was, what he did....

During the 23 days he was gone, Desmond managed to fix his sailboat and sail off the island. Jack asks him what he isn't telling them.


We get FLASHBACKS of Desmond's life before the island, and when he first crashed there. Notable points here would be that Desmond was married to a girl named Penny, Libby was married to Charles Widmore, and Desmond borrowed Libby's boat for 200 grand for his race around the world.

Desmond also made the glow-in-the-dark map in the hatch. And Kelvin is, or was, the twin of a certain Joe Inamn, CIA man from Sayid's flashbacks. We see Kelvin drag Desmond to the hatch, type in the button, show Desmond the film, and Desmond begins pushing the button as well.


Present day,

At night Jack and Sayid come up with a plan involving Desmond's boat.

Desmond disappears off into the jungle, heading for the hatch.


The next day, Jack and gang load up to go.

The 5 survivors depart. Charlie tells Hurley good luck.

Michael leads them off.


In the hatch,

Eko continues to push the button.

Locke enters and they talk.

Locke laughs that he still pushes the button.

Eko says he is a man of faith.


Jack Kate Michael Sawyer and Hurley make their way though the jungle.

They begin to pass though what Hurley says is the Dark Territory.

There are MANY fallen trees around them.


They camp for the night. Michael talks about how these people have harmed the survivors, particularly the 5 of them. Killed Shannon Libby, etc. etc.


Locke and Eko are having their discussion in the hatch. Locke argues with Eko on how he thought this place was destinty, that the island built him up just to knock him down, it is all an experiment.

Locke tells him he plans to see what happens when the button reaches zero once and for all. He wants to make sure he is right. Eko doesn't agree with this.


Desmond reaches the hatch and talks with Locke and Eko inside. He seems pissed.

Asks Locke if he continued to push the button. Locke says yes.

Desmond doesn't believe that Locke pushed it.


Atop one of the hills, Jack and gang find a big pile of tubes from the Pearl hatch.


Michael tells them they aren't far now and gotta keep going.

He leads them to the the spot where Zeke and The Others captured him.



They begin to hear whispering.

LOTS of it this time.


Jack yells out that it's a trap when he spots one of them in the trees.

They all open fire on, it would seem they are surrounded.


There is another lockdown inside the hatch. We don't know why, but could this be some sort of final test?

Locke is trapped inside the Geodome with Desmond. Eko is locked out.

Eko yells at Locke that he can't let the timer reach zero, but Locke has other ideas.

The timer is at 107 minutes.


Bernard talks with Claire and the baby, inquiring on what the vaccine is for. Claire explains to him, they bond.


Sayid talks with Jin and Sun. He formulates a plan with Jin. Sun translates for him. Jin understands.


Eko seeks Charlie's help on the situation in the hatch.

He rushes to the beach and tells him they need to go gather the dynamite Charlie knows where it is.


In the Hatch, Desmond and Locke argue about the button. Locke tells Desmond the button is not real, that it was all an experiment of the Goddamn Dharma Initiative. Desmond screams at him "Don't tell me it isn't real!"

Desmond tells Locke that he sailed away from the island.

He was going to get them all rescued.

But that when he reached land, he discovered


Desmond says that the entire world was not there. There was absolutely nothing. He believes that the button is to blame, calling back to what the original Dharma film said. Locke is shaken by this, but thinks Desmond is crazy.

The timer is at 43 minutes by now.


Eko and Charlie gather dynamite from the stash and run to the hatch. Eko plans to blow the blast door. Charlie thinks he's off his rocker.

Eko believes Desmond that the timer DOES do something when it reaches zero.



Jack and gang are all been captured by The Others.

They are being led back to the village.


Jin and Sayid have taken Desmond's boat and followed Rousseau's map along the shoreline to where Sayid believes could be the location of The Others. They spot the giant rock with the hole in it.


Sayid sneaks up along the rocks with his gun, Jin trails him.

To make it short, they interrupt the party and attack The Others.

A fight ensues.

Sawyer fights Zeke, and rips his fake beard off. Gives a funny quip here.

SAYID IS SHOT, straight in the chest and falls back into the water.


As chaos ensues in the camp, Michael sneaks up to the door in the cliff. There's a Dharma symbol resembling just a door. One of the guards guarding is shot. Michael enters in and closes it behind him.


Inside this room is the BIG reveal.



Back at the hatch,

The timer is at 23 minutes.


Eko and Charlie enter in with the dynamite. Set it.


Locke and Desmond argue inside as the timer reaches 15 minutes, 8 minutes, 4 minutes. The beeping starts up real loud.


Eko blows the blast doors; Charlie is knocked against the cement wall unconscious.


Eko runs in to push the button before the time runs out.

Locke has knocked Desmond out unconscious with Eko's Jesus stick.

Locke and Eko come to fists.


Locke beats Eko to the ground. He takes the stick and SMASHES THE COMPUTER.

It's busted. So now there's no stopping the timer.


At the Others camp, Jack Kate Sawyer and Hurley seem to have overpowered The Others.


Inside The Door.

Michael finds Walt in here, but is confronted by the FAKE HENRY GALE.

Fenry tells Michael everything about what he is seeing right now, I won't tell you this as I don't want to spoil this surprise at least. But it involvers 3 other people, the plane crash, Hanso, and a key. There's a SINGLE monitoring TV inside this room as well. It's a monitor for Station 3. Fenry tells Michael that he needs leave the island now if he wants to escape with Walt. The boat is ready for him in a back exit.


The Timer at the hatch reaches ZERO.


Something DOES happen.


What is it?? You'll see.


And so does Michael and Walt as they escape the island with the boat, leaving everyone else behind.


If you are to believe Desmond, they will find nothing else left.

Endret av Moff
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Moff: Du tviler jo veldig på dette, men det meste passer elegant inn i det vi har sett utfra spoilere og promo. Mulig noe av det er helt på jordet, men er nok en del som stemmer. Se promoen i slow-motion, og du ser likhetene.


ok. Litt mer overbevist nå, men virket LITT sykt med dette for eksempel :




Men ja. Det er sikkert noe i den duren det kommer til å skje ;) Men håper for all del ikke Sayid dør.

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Lurer på om tidsrereiser eller noe i den gata der kan ha noe med saken å gjøre. Er ihvertfall en forklaring på hvordan "the others" kan vite hvem som er "god" og hvem som er "ond" om de er fra fremtiden og bare kan slå opp på hvem som er hvem i et arkiv.


Produsentene har sagt at det overhodet ikke er sikkert flyet tok av i 2004, trolig endel år i fremtiden. Noe som tilbakeblikksepisode til Jin bekreftet, da CV'en hans hadde dato fra fremtiden.


Uansett så er det en grunn til at de som er der er der, for å si det sånn. Med manipulering av tid kan det forklares hvordan man har sørget for at de man ønsker på øyen havner der.


Om det er en slags fremmed dimensjon eller noe slikt så kan det være Walt er en av de som kan manipulere den. Å trykke på knappen kan godt være å resette tiden.

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Produsentene har sagt at det overhodet ikke er sikkert flyet tok av i 2004, trolig endel år i fremtiden. Noe som tilbakeblikksepisode til Jin bekreftet, da CV'en hans hadde dato fra fremtiden.



Har ikke de landene "Apenes år" og sånt da? :p


Men jeg mener å ha sett at mugshotet til Kate (eller noe lignende) var datert 2003. Tror også at det var noe rare datoer på flyet da Boone døde.


Synes egentlig at en "de er i fremtiden"-teori er litt teit, men håper at det bare er en liten del av det hele.

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