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Siste Ordet 5. [oppdaterte regler 16.11.06!]


Anbefalte innlegg

Og oljefondet skal forhåpentligvis finansiere trygd og pensjoner i Norge når vi ikke lenger lever i sus og dus på grunn av olje. Så fremt ingen kaster bort masse penger fra oljefondet da.


Det heter faktisk pensjonsfondet, ikke oljefondet. Og kanskje vi kan bruke litt mer av inntektene som pløyes inn i fondet, men å ta av fondet for å bygge sykehus håper jeg vi slipper. Private sykehus og private helseforsikringer er meget bedre.


for alle har jo råd til det :roll:

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Nå skal jeg ut på eventyr

For jeg har fått et kall

Å fange noen rare dyr

Som bor inni en ball


Reiser over land og strand

Ut på evig jakt

Lar Pokemon, se det går an

Å bruke deres makt


Pokemon, fanger alle nå (for deg og meg)

For det er jo det jeg må (Pokemon!)

Du min beste venn (på vår jord vi elsker dem)

Pokemon, fanger alle nå (Jeg blir så lei)

For styrken vil vise vei

Du gir meg, og jeg gir deg, Pokemon

Fanger alle nå, fanger alle nå, Pokemon!


Og med det sier jeg god natt.

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Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

Death is a funny thing. It's like magic. We're here. Then poof. We're gone. Imagine what it was like for the first organism to experience death. The amoeba. He must've been like, "Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm... fading away! What the hell is this sensation!? Aaauughhh! Oh Amoeba God, make it stop!" And then, after a fierce protoplasmic death rattle, it's gone. Poof. Magic. Maybe his amoeba buddies gave him a proper burial, dressed him up in a little black outfit and placed him in a tiny casket. Actually, no. They all must've been freaked out. It was the First Death Of Anything Ever. They were probably like, "Dude, what happened to Fred?" as they watched his lifeless single-cell body float off in the primordial ooze, nary a trace of the jubilance and zest for life he once displayed. Maybe they thought it was cool. Maybe they were like, "Wow. Check out Fred. He's all frozen! That's so weird! I want to be dead too! I want to be dead like Fred!" Fred probably started the whole Goth thing. In his wake, he inspired countless other single-cell organisms to be sullen depressives, moping around, wearing little amoeba boots with huge buckles on them, putting on too much mascara and singing Nine Inch Nails songs. So it's all Fred's fault. Fred the Amoeba: Inventor of Goth.


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Skjult tekst: (Marker innholdet i feltet for å se teksten):

Death is a funny thing. It's like magic. We're here. Then poof. We're gone. Imagine what it was like for the first organism to experience death. The amoeba. He must've been like, "Oh shit! Oh shit! I'm... fading away! What the hell is this sensation!? Aaauughhh! Oh Amoeba God, make it stop!" And then, after a fierce protoplasmic death rattle, it's gone. Poof. Magic. Maybe his amoeba buddies gave him a proper burial, dressed him up in a little black outfit and placed him in a tiny casket. Actually, no. They all must've been freaked out. It was the First Death Of Anything Ever. They were probably like, "Dude, what happened to Fred?" as they watched his lifeless single-cell body float off in the primordial ooze, nary a trace of the jubilance and zest for life he once displayed. Maybe they thought it was cool. Maybe they were like, "Wow. Check out Fred. He's all frozen! That's so weird! I want to be dead too! I want to be dead like Fred!" Fred probably started the whole Goth thing. In his wake, he inspired countless other single-cell organisms to be sullen depressives, moping around, wearing little amoeba boots with huge buckles on them, putting on too much mascara and singing Nine Inch Nails songs. So it's all Fred's fault. Fred the Amoeba: Inventor of Goth.






Hm, jeg må vel sette i gang med en aldri så liten matteinnlevering til i morra :hrm:



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