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Kan ikke joine server p.g.a modifyed content?

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This server only allow player with unmodyfied content to join.

Revert your version of Battlefield 2 to the current official version to join


Denne meldingen får jeg når jeg prøver å joine servere.


Jeg har BF2 orginalt, alt funka fint før jeg gjorde dette:


Jeg har instalert den nye patchen og instalert en single player 64 maps mod.



Noen som har peiling? Vill helst ungå å uninstalere.

Men finner jeg ikke en annen løsning kan jeg vel bare gjøre det.

Endret av Aak1
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"Must have unmodified content" or "Data differs from Server" errors.




If your Battlefield 2 or Battlefield 2 Special Forces installation has become corrupt, either through the use of unsupported modifications to the game, or a corrupted patch or installation, you may receive one of these errors when attempting to connect to an online game.


To resolve this issue, Battlefield 2 and any expansions must be uninstalled from your computer and reinstalled from scratch. This replaces corrupted game files and will allow you to connect to online games successfully


If you have Special Forces installed, you will need to uninstall that expansion first, then the regular version of Battlefield 2. These uninstalls can be done automatically by using the Uninstall Battlefield 2 or Uninstall Battlefield 2 Special Forces programs located in the respective game's Program folder in the Start menu. If the automatic uninstalls do not work, manual uninstalls can be performed by following the instructions located here for Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2 Special Forces.


Once the games have been successfully uninstalled, reinstall them as you did before. You should now be able to access online games successfully.

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If you have Special Forces installed, you will need to uninstall that expansion first, then the regular version of Battlefield 2.  These uninstalls can be done automatically by using the Uninstall Battlefield 2 or Uninstall Battlefield 2 Special Forces programs located in the respective game's Program folder in the Start menu.  If the automatic uninstalls do not work, manual uninstalls can be performed by following the instructions located here for Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2 Special Forces.




Hvorfor har rekkefølgen noe å si? Hvis disken er renset for BF2 filer kan dette umulig være viktig :hmm:

(håper jeg, for jeg avinstallerte i "feil" rekkefølge.)



Fugerte fint det. Slettet ikke accounts eller lignende heller. Et tips er å ikke patche før man legger inn SF, SF patcher nemlig ned til 1.1 først :blush:

Endret av IceDale
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