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Neste generasjons analyser (Sony, MS, Nintendo)


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Her er en veldig god artikkel som tar for seg Sony i neste generasjons "krig". Etterhvert vil MS og Nintendo delene følge, med en konklusjon til slutt. Mulig jeg oppdaterer når de eventuelt kommer.


Den er lang, men anbefalest på det sterkeste

As we enter the last few weeks before E3, everybody is making predictions about who is going to show what, who is going to win the heart of the fans, and whether Shigeru Miyamoto is going to finally land a booth babe for himself (ok, most aren't actually speculating on that last one). In that respect, I'm no different, but after watching the news for the past few years, a slightly different approach occurred to me.


This 4-part series analyzes the major players of the videogame industry from the most profound perspective of all: within their heads. In the first three sporadically published articles, I will attempt to discover what makes each of them tick, what their neuroses are and the obstacles they will have to overcome to achieve their goal. And then in the fourth article, I will bring it all together to try to formulate a new way of looking at the way the future of videogaming will play out. And just as Freud discovered back when he invented the psychoanalysis, it turns out that some of the biggest stumbling blocks that Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft face come not from each other but from themselves.


We begin with a look at the industry leader, Sony.


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Psychoanalyzing the Industry #2


Microsoft: Inferiority and Superiority Complex

I can hear the fanboys already. “Microsoft has an inferiority complex?!” they shout in incredulous disbelief. “And a bloody superiority complex, too? You must be daft to believe such a load of bollocks!” (for some reason, my imaginary fanboys are British).


So before we jump in, let’s start with a few facts.


1. Microsoft is one of the biggest corporations in the world. It is #41 on the recent Fortune 500 list in terms of gross revenue, and it’s actually more profitable than 30 of the companies ahead of it on that list. Some have estimated that if Microsoft’s revenues all suddenly cut off today, it would still be able to operate at full capacity for the next two years simply running on saved up profits.


2. Microsoft is also the new kid in the videogame industry.


3. And so far, Microsoft is a minor player in the console wars. You may read a lot of news about the Xbox, but the fact of the matter is that Xbox sales make up less than 20% of the videogame industry. Microsoft may be in second place in the industry (depending on what measure you use), but it’s such a distant second place as to not really compare to the Sony’s current dominance.


4. And unlike Nintendo or Sony, Microsoft is not primarily a hardware company.


So what does this mean for Microsoft’s collective psychology? Why do I think it has both an inferiority and a superiority complex? Let’s just explain those terms briefly.

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Psychoanalyzing the Industry #3

Nintendo: Learned Helplessness

If I had been writing this series of articles a few years ago, Nintendo probably would have gotten the “superiority/inferiority complex” diagnosis instead of Microsoft. Remember Hiroshi Yamauchi’s quote about how online gaming was a fad? Now, I do happen to think that the impact of online gaming is exaggerated, but all the same, it takes a lot of chutzpah to say something like that in a press statement that is surely going to be widely circulated through the internet. Or how about that time when Yamauchi publicly rebuffed Squaresoft and barred them from developing on the Game Boy Advance? True, that probably made for good leverage, but talk about having a big head!


But Hiroshi Yamauchi is no longer Nintendo’s President. This is the era of Satoru Iwata, and the company’s character has changed accordingly. Some would say that Iwata has overseen a much humbler company and that this is a good thing. The problem, I will argue, is that being humble doesn’t mean being a doormat, and there are times when Nintendo crosses that line. And this is a big problem. Let me be clear about one thing from the start: this article is not about Nintendo’s design strategy for their products. It’s not about whether the Revolution controller is really a good idea or whether Nintendo tries too hard to innovate just for innovation’s sake. These have all been argued and discussed very well elsewhere. One thing everyone agrees on is that Nintendo is taking a huge risk. The Revolution will either change the face of the industry or else it will be Nintendo’s last home console ever. And that’s why their marketing and public relations have to be flawless and aggressive. They are already burdened with having to sell a gaming system like none ever before. The last thing they need is to be greeted with prohibitive skepticism and obliviousness on top of everything else thanks to poor marketing and public relations. The problem is Nintendo may have internalized their weaknesses to the point where they don’t even think they have the strength they do.




Siste del av serien av analyser. Virker som folk har ikke gidder lese informative tekster. Så jeg er ikke sikker på om det egentlg er vits å poste, men her kommer det da.

Endret av TCi
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Har lest den om Sony og den om MS. Egentlig ikke den beste lesningen i verden, men ok tidtrøyte. Begynner på den om Nintendo nå. Disse tekstene hopper så mye frem og tilbake at det er vanskelig å si noe om dem, og det er så lang lesning, at hvis du kommer på noe som du vil diskutere så har du glemt det når du har lest ferdig.

Men det er jo alltid morsomt å lese personers meninger om de forskjellige konsollene, og det er en del gode poeng i de.

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Har lest den om Sony og den om MS. Egentlig ikke den beste lesningen i verden, men ok tidtrøyte. Begynner på den om Nintendo nå. Disse tekstene hopper så mye frem og tilbake at det er vanskelig å si noe om dem, og det er så lang lesning, at hvis du kommer på noe som du vil diskutere så har du glemt det når du har lest ferdig.

Men det er jo alltid morsomt å lese personers meninger om de forskjellige konsollene, og det er en del gode poeng i de.


Ja det er sant at det er mye hopping fram og tilbake. Er som regel enig i mesteparten av det han skriver. Og det jeg ikke er enig i, har allerede de som kommenterer artiklen tatt opp.


Det viktigste med disse er uansett at det får deg til å tenke og se ting fra litt andre perspektiv også. Noe som kan være vanskelig om man favoriserer en eller flere konsoller over andre.

Endret av TCi
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Skjønner så absolutt hva du mener. Selv prøver jeg å la være å favorisere noen over andre, men det er vanskelig, spesielt når jeg leser fanboy innlegg. Jeg hater alle som hyler om hvor hyper mega ekstrem super PS3 blir. Jeg blir også litt hodegal av personer som maser om at det er spillene som teller og derfor er Nintendo best (som om noen kan bestemme hvilke spill andre skal like). Og når jeg leser slike ting så blir det fort at jeg sier ting som fort vinkler det til at jeg foretrekker en konsoll over en annen.

Jeg ender nok opp med alle tre igjen, selv om jeg prioriterer revolution fremfor ps3. Xbox 360 har jeg allerede. Grunnen til at jeg prøver å holde tilbake på PS3 er fordi jeg allerede føler jeg bruker for mye penger og tid på spilling.

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