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Det var engang en elefant som heitte Jumbo. Jumbo ville så gjerne ha seg en sportsbil, så han jobba dag ut og dag inn for å få råd, og sparte kver ei krone.


Endelig kom den dangen då Jumbo hadde spart opp nok peng til å kjøpe seg en skvett ny, gul Porche. Jumbo kjørte rundt i jungelen dag ut og dag inn, helt til han en dag kresja i en palme og totalvraka Porchen.


Oppgitt over alt som hadde gått tapt i krasjen, rusla han fortvila rundt i skogen. Plutselig høre han et rop om hjelp, og følger lyden til han kjem til en dam, der ei mus helde på å drukne. Jumbo strekker ut snabelen slik at musa kan gå på den inn til land.




Moralen i historia er at du ikkje trenge en fancy, dyr bil for å få våt mus på snabelen! :D





Endret av olz
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A black guy walks into a bar with a beatiful parrot on his shoulder. "Wow," says the bartender. "That is really something. Where'd you get it?"


"Africa," says the parrot.


Ok... a guy is siting down watching tv then hears the doorbell ring. He goes to the door and sees no one, then looks down and sees a snail. He picks up the snail and throws it into the bushes. Ten years later he hears the doorbell ring and answers. He looks down and sees the snail and he snail says "What the FUCK"

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Two guys were walking in the desert, when one of them suddenly says "I see a bacon-tree!"

and he runs off to the bacon-tree he saw. Then he gets there and sees that there were no bacon-tree, then they walk some more and the same guy says "there it is again, a bacon-tree!"


The other guy says "no,no there is no bacon-tree" - but his friends had allready ran off to check it out.


10min laters he comes back with some pretty bad bruises and cuts all over his body, "what happened?" says his friend. "It wasnt a bacon-tree, it was a ham-bush"

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