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AMD støtter DDR2-800

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Jeg reagerte litt på uttalelsen om at de lett kan gå til DDR3? Vil ikke DDR3 kreve nye type minne slots og kanskje også endringer i CPU socket når man har integrert kontroller Noe àla det som skjedde med DDR-DDR2?


Nei, DDR3 skal visstnok være "drop-in-compatible" med eksisterende DDR2-infrastruktur såvidt jeg har hørt. Intel og AMD kranglet åpenlyst i JEDEC-komitéen vedrørende DDR3, som det kommer frem på s. 39-40 av sakspapirene til AMD i søksmålet mot Intel:


b. Intel’s Promotion of Industry Standards that Disadvantage AMD


116. Even where it has been unable to exclude AMD from participating in the development of industry standards, Intel has attempted to drive the adoption of standards having no substantial consumer benefit and whose sole or dominant purpose was to competitively disadvantage AMD based on its highly integrated microprocessor architecture.


117. As an example, in 2004, JEDEC began developing standards governing the design of the memory modules for next generation (“DDR3”) memory devices. These modules, known as dual inline memory modules, or “DIMMs,” consisted of printed circuit boards upon which a number of memory chips were mounted. The DIMMs connected the memory chips to the computer’s motherboard through a series of metal connectors known as “pins.” One purpose of the JEDEC standards was to define the functions of these pins so as to enable chipmakers to design compatible memory controllers that would allow their microprocessors and the memory on the DIMMs to communicate.


118. The JEDEC committee, which consists of members representing companies throughout the computer industry, had already adopted a scheme for defining the pins for the previous generation (“DDR2”) DIMMs used in desktop and laptop computers. When the JEDEC committee began work on standards for DDR3 memory modules for desktop computers, Intel proposed that the committee adopt a pin definition similar to that used for the DDR2 memory modules. This proposal made perfect sense, as Intel explained to the committee, because it allowed DDR3 memory controllers to be compatible with DDR2 and DDR3 memory modules.


119. However, when the JEDEC committee began to define the pins for DDR3 laptop memory modules in this consistent manner, Intel completely reversed its position, counterproposing instead that the committee rearrange the pin definitions. Intel’s proposal had no discernable technical merit or basis.


120. In fact, Intel’s motivation for proposing modification of the laptop memory module pin definition was to competitively disadvantage AMD. Any modification to the laptop memory module pin definition would require Intel and AMD to make corresponding modifications of their memory controllers. AMD’s microprocessor design, while representing a huge breakthrough in integration, embeds the memory controller directly into its microprocessor. While this produces significant computing advantages, modification of an embedded memory controller requires significantly more time and expense.


121. Knowing this vulnerability, Intel proposed its modified DDR3 memory module pin definition for laptop computers for the purpose of delaying AMD’s introduction of a technologically superior part. While Intel’s proposal was ultimately rejected by the JEDEC committee, confirming the proposal’s complete lack of technical merit, this is yet another example of how Intel has attempted to drive industry standards to achieve its exclusionary ends.

Anbefaler også alle som er opptatt av minnestandarder å lese del a ("Intel’s Exclusion of AMD from Industry Standards") på s. 38-39 for mer om dette - meget interessant lesing! Det forklarer kanskje også hvorfor AMD ventet i det lengste med å støtte DDR2, ettersom det var en minnestandard som var mer fordelaktig for Intel enn AMD.

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Hmm, likte ikke helt den taktikken på laptops og får håpe det ikke blir noe av.


Nei, det ser heldigvis ikke ut til at det blir tilfellet.


Men så det vil si at kjøper jeg eks. et AM2 hovedkort så kan jeg etterhvert kjøpe en CPU som støtter både DDR2 og DDR3 :).


Ja, det skal iallefall være fullt mulig. Kanskje også DDR4? :)

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Hmm, da begynner vi å snakke om en plattform med lang levetid igjen :).


Jeg har akkurat kjøpt meg 2GB DDR PC4000(inbytte for defekt 1GB) og skulle ønske jeg kunne brukt de med nyere HK og CPU.


Kanskje jeg tar en mellomoppgradering innom S939 alikevel og venter med AM2 til DDR3 er støttet i CPU :).

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