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TES: Litt fakta om OB

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* 1st and 3rd Person Views

* 1500+ NPC’s*

* 121 Plant Types

* 150+ Quests

* 16 Square Miles (Not including dungeons or the realms of Oblivion)

* 200+ Dungeons*

* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)

* 21 Skills*

* 25 Settlements (They exist out in the wilderness, simliar to Morrowind)

* 40+ Creature Types (Many broken down into sub-types)

* 400+ Books

* 5 Counts Fighting for Power*

* 5 Different Breeds of Ride-able Horses for Purchase (Will be kept in stable while in towns or not using)

* 6 Factions/Guilds (The Arena*, Blades*, Dark Brotherhood*, Fighters’ Guild, Mages’ Guild, Thieves’ Guild*)

* 7 ‘Big’ Battles (Entailing more than the average 6-8 NPC’s fighting on screen at once)

* 9 Major Cities*

* 9000+ Objects (All of which are movable, and react accordingly with the environment)

* Ability to Purchase Homes (One in every major city)

* Autonomous Regions (Seperate regions, that behave as full exteriors)

* Birthsigns (Same 13 from Morrowind but apparently with more detailed and specific effects)

* Borders*

* Caius Cosades (Returing from MW, but he'll most likely be the only one)

* Cast-on-Strike Enchantments

* Charging for Offical Mods (This price will be small, and will depend on the amount of content in the mod)

* Collector's Edition (Includes a Making of Oblivion DVD, a newly updated Pocket Guide of Tamriel and a Septim Coin)

* Continuing Characters (NPC's who you meet several times along your journey's that you can influence slightly with your actions)

* Compass (Will only show places close by and that are relevant to current selected quest, can also mark a place on the map and have it point to that as well)

* Daedric Quests (Shrines scattered across the world where you can pick up quests)

* Decoration (For your homes but unknown what kinds)

* Dogs for Pets (Their disposition towards you based on your Personality)

* Dynamic Soft Shadows (For all objects and NPC's/creatures)

* Dynamic Water Effects*

* Dynamic Weather and Time

* Essential NPC Indicator (Subtle icon appears when looking at an essential NPC)

* Expanded Character Creation Process*

* Events/Festivals (Official mod downloadable for PC and X-Box 360)

* Evidence chest (When you're arrested all of your belongings end up here)

* Fast Travel Map

* Full Character Voice Acting (50+ Hours, Announced: Sean Bean, Linda Carter, Terence Stamp, Patrick Stewart)

* Greater Powers for Each Race (Imperials: Star of the West, Voice of the Emperor)

* Hoods/Hooded Robes

* Horse Armor (Official mod downloadable for PC and X-Box 360)

* Improved Combat*

* Improved Stealth*

* Increased Graphics Options (More optimization for lower end systems)

* Infamy Rating (Crime level that goes up but not down, helps calculate NPC disposition)

* Interactive Jail (Serve your time or find a means to escape)*

* Light, Shadow and Sound Based Sneaking

* Lockpicking Mini-game*

* Magical Staves (Fire spells from staff (oversized wand?))

* Magical Transportation (Instantanious, we're unsure what form or name it will take, but will be similair to Mark & Recall)

* Magicka Regeneration (Based on Willpower)

* Moral Choices (Decisions will now effect NPC's behavior, will you trust the guards word, or the citizen that calls him corrupt?)

* New and Improved Dialogue System (Listen in on conversations for new topics, will be the same tree list as in Morrowind but shorter for each NPC, there will be no dialogue box, all NPC dialogue's will be done using sub-titles)

* New Persuasion Interface*

* Oblivion Realms Locked after Main Quest

* Past Actions Remebered (Like murder)*

* Physics-based Sound (A sword sounds different when hitting stone then it does when hitting wood)

* Poisoned Apples (Buyable from the Dark Brotherhood, you will not be able to poison other foods though)

* Potion Application to Weapons*

* Races from MW (Altmer (High Elf), Argonian, Bosmer (Wood Elf), Breton, Dunmer (Dark Elf), Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, and Redguard)

* Radiant AI*

* Rated Teen by ESRB (Blood and Gore, Language, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violoence)

* Realistic Physics (Havok Engine 3.01 implemented, meaning objects have mass, weight, and react to one another accordingly)

* Reanimation Spell (Body will lift off the ground, hang in the air for a moment, then return to the ground your servant for a time, but only worls for the recently dead)

* Re-Balanced Spell Point System (Number's from Morrowind have little bearing now, compared to those in Oblivion)

* Recruiting / Promoting Guild Members (Only applicable to certain Guilds, and you must be very high up in rank, if not the top)

* Red Hand (A hand will turn red if an item you're looking at belongs to someone)

* Reoccuring Benefits (For top Guild members, such as monthly stipends of gold or equipment, use of plot-centric equipment, etc.)

* Respawning of some NPC’s (Guards and Bandits)

* Script Effect (Now possible to add script effects to spells using this new feature)

* Sinking in Water (Of objects and/or yourself when overweight)

* Sitting/Lying Down

* Skill Trainers (Master Trainers still unknown)

* SpeedTreeRT Technology (Realistic trees and vegetation that will animate in real time to the weather)

* Stats Menu (Tracks kills, stolen items, necks bitten as a vampire, etc., all of which will effect how NPC's will react to you)

* Stealing of Horses (But they will return to their owners when you leave them)

* TES Construction Set (PC Only)*

* Traps (Physics based booby-traps)

* Traveling NPC’s

* Vampires*

* Visibly Sheathed Weapons / Quiver (Swords at belt, long-swords, bows and quiver on back, arrows visibly disappear as used)

* Welkynd Stones (aka Elven Power Crystals, they wield great power that you can use, but unknown what powers they are)

* Yielding*

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* 1st and 3rd Person Views

* 1500+ NPC’s*

* 121 Plant Types

* 150+ Quests

* 16 Square Miles (Not including dungeons or the realms of Oblivion)

* 200+ Dungeons*

* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)

* 21 Skills*

* 25 Settlements (They exist out in the wilderness, simliar to Morrowind)

* 40+ Creature Types (Many broken down into sub-types)

* 400+ Books

* 5 Counts Fighting for Power*

* 5 Different Breeds of Ride-able Horses for Purchase (Will be kept in stable while in towns or not using)

* 6 Factions/Guilds (The Arena*, Blades*, Dark Brotherhood*, Fighters’ Guild, Mages’ Guild, Thieves’ Guild*)

* 7 ‘Big’ Battles (Entailing more than the average 6-8 NPC’s fighting on screen at once)

* 9 Major Cities*

* 9000+ Objects (All of which are movable, and react accordingly with the environment)

* Ability to Purchase Homes (One in every major city)

* Autonomous Regions (Seperate regions, that behave as full exteriors)

* Birthsigns (Same 13 from Morrowind but apparently with more detailed and specific effects)

* Borders*

* Caius Cosades (Returing from MW, but he'll most likely be the only one)

* Cast-on-Strike Enchantments

* Charging for Offical Mods (This price will be small, and will depend on the amount of content in the mod)

* Collector's Edition (Includes a Making of Oblivion DVD, a newly updated Pocket Guide of Tamriel and a Septim Coin)

* Continuing Characters (NPC's who you meet several times along your journey's that you can influence slightly with your actions)

* Compass (Will only show places close by and that are relevant to current selected quest, can also mark a place on the map and have it point to that as well)

* Daedric Quests (Shrines scattered across the world where you can pick up quests)

* Decoration (For your homes but unknown what kinds)

* Dogs for Pets (Their disposition towards you based on your Personality)

* Dynamic Soft Shadows (For all objects and NPC's/creatures)

* Dynamic Water Effects*

* Dynamic Weather and Time

* Essential NPC Indicator (Subtle icon appears when looking at an essential NPC)

* Expanded Character Creation Process*

* Events/Festivals (Official mod downloadable for PC and X-Box 360)

* Evidence chest (When you're arrested all of your belongings end up here)

* Fast Travel Map

* Full Character Voice Acting (50+ Hours, Announced: Sean Bean, Linda Carter, Terence Stamp, Patrick Stewart)

* Greater Powers for Each Race (Imperials: Star of the West, Voice of the Emperor)

* Hoods/Hooded Robes

* Horse Armor (Official mod downloadable for PC and X-Box 360)

* Improved Combat*

* Improved Stealth*

* Increased Graphics Options (More optimization for lower end systems)

* Infamy Rating (Crime level that goes up but not down, helps calculate NPC disposition)

* Interactive Jail (Serve your time or find a means to escape)*

* Light, Shadow and Sound Based Sneaking

* Lockpicking Mini-game*

* Magical Staves (Fire spells from staff (oversized wand?))

* Magical Transportation (Instantanious, we're unsure what form or name it will take, but will be similair to Mark & Recall)

* Magicka Regeneration (Based on Willpower)

* Moral Choices (Decisions will now effect NPC's behavior, will you trust the guards word, or the citizen that calls him corrupt?)

* New and Improved Dialogue System (Listen in on conversations for new topics, will be the same tree list as in Morrowind but shorter for each NPC, there will be no dialogue box, all NPC dialogue's will be done using sub-titles)

* New Persuasion Interface*

* Oblivion Realms Locked after Main Quest

* Past Actions Remebered (Like murder)*

* Physics-based Sound (A sword sounds different when hitting stone then it does when hitting wood)

* Poisoned Apples (Buyable from the Dark Brotherhood, you will not be able to poison other foods though)

* Potion Application to Weapons*

* Races from MW (Altmer (High Elf), Argonian, Bosmer (Wood Elf), Breton, Dunmer (Dark Elf), Imperial, Khajiit, Nord, Orc, and Redguard)

* Radiant AI*

* Rated Teen by ESRB (Blood and Gore, Language, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violoence)

* Realistic Physics (Havok Engine 3.01 implemented, meaning objects have mass, weight, and react to one another accordingly)

* Reanimation Spell (Body will lift off the ground, hang in the air for a moment, then return to the ground your servant for a time, but only worls for the recently dead)

* Re-Balanced Spell Point System (Number's from Morrowind have little bearing now, compared to those in Oblivion)

* Recruiting / Promoting Guild Members (Only applicable to certain Guilds, and you must be very high up in rank, if not the top)

* Red Hand (A hand will turn red if an item you're looking at belongs to someone)

* Reoccuring Benefits (For top Guild members, such as monthly stipends of gold or equipment, use of plot-centric equipment, etc.)

* Respawning of some NPC’s (Guards and Bandits)

* Script Effect (Now possible to add script effects to spells using this new feature)

* Sinking in Water (Of objects and/or yourself when overweight)

* Sitting/Lying Down

* Skill Trainers (Master Trainers still unknown)

* SpeedTreeRT Technology (Realistic trees and vegetation that will animate in real time to the weather)

* Stats Menu (Tracks kills, stolen items, necks bitten as a vampire, etc., all of which will effect how NPC's will react to you)

* Stealing of Horses (But they will return to their owners when you leave them)

* TES Construction Set (PC Only)*

* Traps (Physics based booby-traps)

* Traveling NPC’s

* Vampires*

* Visibly Sheathed Weapons / Quiver (Swords at belt, long-swords, bows and quiver on back, arrows visibly disappear as used)

* Welkynd Stones (aka Elven Power Crystals, they wield great power that you can use, but unknown what powers they are)

* Yielding*




korfor måtte all denne skjønnheten utsettes :cry:

vil ha det! vil ha det nå!

bare må ha det :cry:

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* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)


Dette synest nå jeg er veldig veldig lite. Har spillt wow i sikkert 30 dager playtime, hmm, 30 x 24 = 720 timer.



det er ikke lite i forhold til andre spill på markedet.

feks fable da. eller gun.


og mmorpg er bygd om annerledes så da kan man feks si at d2 også er bedre enn oblivion på gameplaytid

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* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)


Dette synest nå jeg er veldig veldig lite. Har spillt wow i sikkert 30 dager playtime, hmm, 30 x 24 = 720 timer.




og alt du gjør der er å drepe drepe og atter drepe.


er ikke vansklig å drepe i 30 dager i OB heller

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* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)


Dette synest nå jeg er veldig veldig lite. Har spillt wow i sikkert 30 dager playtime, hmm, 30 x 24 = 720 timer.




og alt du gjør der er å drepe drepe og atter drepe.


er ikke vansklig å drepe i 30 dager i OB heller



WOW = Drepe, løpe\gå og lage items

Oblivion = en hel masse forskjelli

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* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)


Dette synest nå jeg er veldig veldig lite. Har spillt wow i sikkert 30 dager playtime, hmm, 30 x 24 = 720 timer.


Man kan overhodet ikke sammenligne MMORPGs med vanlige RPGs.

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Ser digg ut må si jeg gleder meg enormt akkurat nå.


Uansett 20-25 timer med main questene høres digg ut, og etter det så kan du jo fortsette å bygge på charactern din, og det kan du vel fortsette med i uendeligheter, regner med at det ikke finnes et sted hvor spillet plutselig stopper og sier "you cannot play anymore" :p

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det er de færeste som gjør main questen ferdig først, man tar quester her og der, (ellers er man skjeldent sterk nok til å komme langt i mainquesten


har sikkert godt 30-40 timer før man er har gjort seg ferdig med main questen

Endret av gunfreak19
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det er de færeste som gjør main questen ferdig først, man tar quester her og der, (ellers er man skjeldent sterk nok til å komme langt i mainquesten




Ja sorry var ikke slik jeg egentlig mente det, orket/greide ikke å formulere meg bedere, men det jeg mente at ettersom man blir ferdig med hovedquestene i spillet så er det sikkert uendelig av ting som kan gjøres i ettertid.

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* 200+ Hours of Gameplay (Main Quest is 20-25 hours long)


Dette synest nå jeg er veldig veldig lite. Har spillt wow i sikkert 30 dager playtime, hmm, 30 x 24 = 720 timer.


40% av den tiden har du brukt på å travle rundt omkring. 50% er brukt til å grinde, grinde og atter grinde. De siste 10% er levling til 60.


Du kan overhodet ikke sammenligne et mmo med noe annet enn et annet mmo. Om man sammenligner med andre rpg's så kommer Oblivion veldig langt. Fable var gjort på 30 timer maks. KoTOR-spillene kan man vel gjennomføre på 50-100 timer om man er veldig grundig.

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Mye stas her, men et par punkter reagerte jeg på. For det første ser jeg at det ikke finnes noen Imperial Legion eller Imperial Cult. Med tanke på at sistnevnte gruppe er misjonærer, kan jeg jo forstå at de er borte, men Legion kommer jeg til å savne. Fighters Guild er ikke det samme som en ekte gjeng med vakter og tropper. Vet ikke helt hvilken rolle Blades kommer til å spille, eller hva The Arena er, men de overtar vel ikke den rollen (?)


Dessuten ser jeg at de nevner "nine major cities". Greit nok, men det finnes vel mindre plasser også? I Morrowind var det jo stas å f.eks besøke små fiskerlandsbyer langs kysten.

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