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For å ikke bli helt "Lost". En liten oversikt.

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Vel, hva gjør man om man tilfeldigvis må til Australia, for så å ta et fly som tilfeldigvis mister kontakt med land og mister kurs, for så å tilfeldig brekke i tre rett over en mystisk øy midt i Atlanterhavet, som tilfeldigvis er bebodd av et mystisk monster og skumle fremmede mennesker? Vel, flaks har man ihvertfall ikke. Men kanskje alt ikke er så tilfeldig likevel?


Ja, det er et av uendelig mange spørsmål de som følger med på Lost spør seg selv. Denne serien som tok verden med storm i 2004 er så spekket med mysterier at det selv for de mest drevne er vanskelig å holde tungen bent i munnen. Så hva bedre da enn en egen tråd for å prøve å samle bitene. Hvem vet, kanskje vi klarer å pusle sammen et bilde som noen klarer å tyde?


I denne tråden skal vi prøve å få kartlagt mest mulig av det som har skjedd og oppføre relevante opplysninger og mysterier. Jeg har lagd et førsteutkast utifra hva jeg selv husker og har funnet på internett, men er nok mye som fortsatt mangler. Så det er bare å komme med alle mysteriene og innformasjonen som enda ikke er listet opp. :)

Denne tråden er ikke stedet å diskutere selve serien, her skal vi kun lage en form for "oppslagsverk". Ønsker du å diskutere selve episodene og handlingen, besøk en av de to sidene her:


LOST sesong 2 - USA - Les 1. post *NO WAREZ*

LOST sesong 2 - TVNorge - Les 1. post


Denne tråden vil følge det som er sendt i USA, så om du følger med på TVNorge, så er dette ikke stedet å være om du vil bli spoilet!






  • Jack Shepard:
  • Karakteren var egentlig ment å dø i første episode, men dette ble endret.
  • Dro til Sydney for å hente sin avdøde far, som døde av hjertestopp.
  • Inbilte at han så sin far levende på øyen. Noe som ledet han til å finne kisten hans ved noen huler. Kisten var tom.
  • Lege/kirurg ved St. Sebastian Hospital, jobbet sammen med sin far, intil Jack tystet til styret på sin egen far, som var alkoholiker.
  • Giftet seg med en kvinne som ble skadet i bilulykke hvor Shannon sin far satt i andre bilen. Han døde. Kvinnen ble på mirakuløst vis skånet fra å bli lam for resten av livet etter at Jack opererte henne. Rett før operasjonen møtte Jack Desmond.
  • Konen forlot Jack til fordel for en annen mann.
  • [NY]Er fanget av "the others".
  • Navnebror til filosofen John Locke(1632-1704)
  • Var avhengig av rullestol når han entret flyet, etter flystyrten kunne han gå
  • Tror at flykræsjet var skjebnen.
  • Jobbet i et selskap som produserte esker. Trolig et av mange selskaper Hurley eide.
  • Jobbet sammen med en som tidligere var Hurley sin sjef.
  • I en av flashback episodene blir han påkjørt av en bil som er eksakt lik en bil som kjørte på Michael i en av hannes flashback episoder.
  • Var adoptert. Fant sin biologiske far, som endte med å svindle Locke for hans nyre.
  • En av tre overlevende som har sett "monsteret".
  • Slo ned Charlie etter at Charlie ble besatt av å døpe Aaron. I sesong 1 hjalp han Charlie med å venne seg av fra heroin.
  • Fått et nært forhold med Claire.
  • Har delvis skyld i Boones død, da han løy om hans skade.
  • Fant den berømte luken sammen med Boone. Var også vitne til ulykken som kostet Boone livet.
  • Trente opp Michael til å bruke våpen.
  • [NY]Snakket med Rose på flyplassen, hun vet at han var i rullestol.
  • [NY]"Henry Gale" ga han beskjed om at han var kommet for å hente han.
  • [NY]Fant en ny luke sammen med Eko. Er kommet i en konflikt med Eko angående knappen som skal trykkes.
  • [NY]Forhindret at knappen ble trykket og telleren gikk så til null. Uvisst om han overlevde.
    Katherine "Kate" Austen:
  • Var på flyet fordi hun var fange og skulle transporteres tilbake til USA, etter å ha vært på rømmen for å ha myrdet sin far(som hun trodde var sin ste-far).
  • Ble tystet på av en som het Ray Mullen
  • En av hennes tidligere flammer(Tom) døde da han prøvde å hjelpe henne å rømme.
  • Hennes far (men ikke biologiske som hun myrdet), var en av de som tok Sayid til fange i Irak.
  • Har benyttet seg av følgende navn: Kate Ryan, Kate Austen, Joan Heart, Annie, Maggie
  • [NY] Fanget av "the Others"
    James "Sawyer" Ford:
  • Tok navnet "Sawyer" fra svindleren som forårsaket at hans far tok livet av hans mor, for så å ta selvmord. Den opprinnelige Sawyer innledet et forhold med Ford sin mor for så å svindle dem. Ford sin far tok livet av hans mor når han fant dette ut, for så å ta sitt eget liv.
  • Dro til Australia fordi han trodde han fant den ekte Sawyer, som han også drepte. Det viste seg å være feil mann, Sawyer ble lurt.
  • Ble deportert fra Australia etter å ha skallet ned en australsk minister i barslagsmål.
  • Var på politistasjonen i Sydney samtidig som Boone var der.
  • Er så langt blitt banket opp (av Jack), torturert (av Sayid) og skutt (av en av "the Others")
  • Møtte Jack sin far i Sydney.
  • Møtte Kate sin mor på Cafe.
  • Har innledet et hemmelig sammarbeid med Charlie.
  • [NY] Dunket borti bilen som Ana Lucia og faren til Jack satt i.
  • [NY]Lå med Ana Lucia
  • [NY]Fanget av "The Others"

    Sawyer + pistol + Isbjørn på tropisk øy=død isbjørn

    Sayid Jarrah:

  • Irakisk soldat under Gulf krigen (sambandsoffiser)
  • Ble slått ned av Locke tidlig i sesong 1, når man prøvde å triangulere et radiosignal. Det var lenge et mysterium hvem som slo han ned.
  • Førstemann som møtte den franske damen (Roussou)
  • Brukt store deler av de siste årene for å finne sin "livs kjærlighet" Nadia.
  • Ble kjæreste med Shannon, som ble skutt ved et uhell av Ana Lucia
  • Er trent i å torturere
  • Ble amerikansk krigsfange under Gulf krigen, hvor han møtte Kate sin far.
  • Var i Australia og samarbeidet med CIA for å finne sin barndomskjærlighet Nadia.
  • En av de som har hørt "hviskingen" i jungelen.
  • Har så langt torturert Sawyer og "Henry Gale".
  • [NY]Har sammen med Jin og Sun seilt avgårde til andre siden av øyen, hvor de kom over en statue av en fot med fire tær.
  • Kan ikke svømme
  • Tidligere c-kjendis gjennom rockebandet til han og broren (Driveshaft). Både Locke, Kate og Hurley vet om bandet.
  • Drepte Ethan
  • Er fra London
  • Ble slått ned av Locke etter å ha blitt besatt av å "redde" babyen til Claire.
  • Ble hengt av Ethan og overlevde såvidt.
  • Samarbeidet med Sawyer for at Sawyer skulle få kontroll over våpenene. For å gjøre dette måtte han få det til å se ut som the others prøvde å kidnappe Sun.
  • Har sett "monsteret".
  • En av de som har hørt "hviskingen" i jungelen.
  • [NY] Har kvittet seg med all heroinen og er tydeligvis avvent.
  • [NY]Tydeligvis blitt sammen med Claire.
  • [NY]Oppførte seg merkelig etter hendelsen i luken.
  • Var høygravid da hun tok flyet. Ble overtalt av en synsk mann om at hun måtte ta dette eksakte flyet, om hun skulle redde barnet sitt. Den synske mannen har i en Eko sentrisk episode innrømmet å være en falskner.
  • Ble i sesong 1 kidnappet av "Ethan Rome". De ville ha barnet hennes.
  • Fødte sønnen Aaron på øyen.
  • Ble under perioden hun var kidnappet dopet ned av Ethan og andre. "Mr. Friendly" var også involvert. Det hele fant sted på nok en mystisk undergrunnsbase. Babyen fikk injisert RX-1, samme type vaksine som Desmond tok
  • Rousseau og muligens hennes datter, Alex, hjalp Claire å flykte.
  • [NY]Er tydeligvis blitt sammen med Charlie.
  • Halvbroren til Shannon
  • Hadde tydeligvis følelser som overgikk ren søskenkjærlighet overfor Shannon
  • Ble drept som følgende av en skade som ble påført da han og Locke oppdaget et fly som ble brukt til smugling, og som hadde kræsjet på øyen. Rett før ulykken fikk Boone radiokontakt med det som senere viste seg å være overlevende fra haleseksjonen(Bernard). Flyet ble brukt av kompanjonger til Eko, samt hans bror, til å smugle heroin fra Nigeria.
    Shannon Rutherford:
  • Var 20 år når flyet kræsjet.
  • Døde i tidlig i sesong 2, ble skutt ved en ulykke av Ana Lucia
  • Halvsøsteren til Boone
  • Lekte køyeleken med halvbroren
  • Datteren til Adam Rutherford.
    Hurley(Hugo Reyes):
  • Vant 114 millioner dollar med å bruke nummerene 4 8 15 16 23 42
  • Mener nummerene bragte ulykke.
  • Trolig eier av selskapet som Locke jobber i.
  • Hans tidligere sjef jobbet sammen med Locke.
  • Fikk nummerene fra "Leonard" på et mentalsykehus han var lagt inn på. Leonard fikk de fra Sam Toomey, som igjen hørte de bli sendt når han var stasjonert på en øy. Det var derfor Hurley dro til Australia.
  • Har gjemt bort en god del mat, som han ødela rett før man fikk et nytt parti varer.
  • Var innlagt etter en ulykke som forårsakte to dødsfall. Han hallusinerte bl.a. og hadde en fantasivenn.
  • Var innlagt på samme sted som Libby
  • [NY]Var forelsket i Libby
  • [NY]Ble sluppet fri av "The Others".
  • Tok flyet for å levere klokker i Los Angeles for Suns far.
  • Gift med Sun.
  • Jobbet for faren til Sun, noe som innebar "torpedo" virksomhet.
  • Er vistnok steril, men Sun er blitt gravid og hevder han er faren.
    I historien til Jin finner vi ut at fly ulykken finner sted i fremtiden(dato på CV), men ifølge siste episode av sesong 2 så stemmer ikke dette. Merkelig.


  • Konen til Jin
  • Kan engelsk.
  • Planla å forlate mannen sin, men endret mening i siste liten og ble med på flyet.
  • Ble angrepet av Charlie for å få det til å se ut som om "the others" angrep. Hun så ikke at det var Charlie som angrep. Dette var en del av en større plan som Sawyer og Charlie iverksatte for å få kontroll over våpnene.
  • Er blitt gravid
  • Far til Walt.
  • For tiden på jakt alene i jungelen på leting etter sin sønn, som ble kidnappet av "the others"
  • [NY]Ble fanget av "the others".
  • [NY]Fikk møte Walt
  • [NY]Drepte Ana Lucia og Libby for å frigjøre Henry Gale
  • [NY]Avtalte med "the others" å bringe Jack, Sawyer, Hurley og Kate tilbake til deres base, noe han gjorde.
  • [NY]Har seilt avgårde med Walt.
  • I 2. episode leser Walt en tegneserie som involverte en isbjørn. Isbjørn dukket "tilfeldigvis" opp på øyen, i samme episode.
  • Var på vei til USA med faren sin (Michael) etter at moren døde.
  • Enkelte ting tyder på at Walt har noen mystiske overnaturlige krefter
  • Ble kidnappet av "the others", ledet av "Mr. Friendly/Zeke" i sesongavslutningen i sesong 1.
  • [NY]"The others" utfører flere tester på han.
  • [NY]Er blitt sluppet fri og dratt avgårde med sin far.
  • Har en mystisk stokk
  • Fant liket til sin bror på øyen
  • Var en tidligere gjengleder i Afrika som drev med smugling.
  • Drepte to av "the others" i slagsmål.
  • Har "møtt" monsteret.
  • Ber merkelig nok "Henry Gale" om unnskyldning for at han drepte sine to overfallsmenn.
  • Driver og merker av trær som han hugger nedfor å bygge en kirke med Charlie.
  • [NY]Blitt besatt av å trykke inn knappen.
  • [NY]Uvisst om han overlevde hendelsen i luken.
  • Var ikke psykolog, som hun hevder, men en tidligere pasient på samme sted som Hurley var-
  • Hjalp Claire til å huske det hun hadde glemt.
  • [NY]Ble drept av Michael
  • [NY]Møtte Desmond noen år i forveien og ga han båten sin.
  • [NY]Hun var enke.
    Ana Lucia
  • Tidligere politi, som myrdet en mann som skjøt henne.
  • Drepte en av "the others" (Goodwin).
  • [NY]Ble drept av Michael
  • Er gift med Bernard.
  • Var dødelig syk, men er muligens blitt helbredet etter krasjet.
  • Vet at Locke var avhengig av rullestol før de krasjet.
  • Ønsker ikke å forlate øyen.
  • Gift med Rose
    Danielle Rousseau:
  • Trolig vært på øyen i 16 år.
  • Var høygravid når hun ankom øyen sammen med forskerteamet sitt. Ungen ble kidnappet, de andre i teamet er trolig døde. Hun antydet at de ble smittet av en eller annen form for sykdom. En av dem hadde navnet Robert.
  • Hjalp Claire å flykte.
  • Hjalp Claire å finne bunkersen som Claire ble holdt fanget i. Delvis fordi hun selv leitet etter sin datter
  • Levd 4 år i undergrunnsbasen(ifølge han).
  • Har tidligere møtt Jack.
  • Ventet tydeligvis på en avløser.
  • Var i begynnelsen sammen i bunkeren med en mann som het Kelvin.
  • Bildet av konen/kjæresten hans ligner på kvinnen som ønsket å adoptere Claire sin sønn.
  • Gåten "What did one snowman say to the other snowman?" som han spurte Locke om har Hurley tidligere brukt på Walt. Ventet han på Hurley?
  • Tok en vaksine som het RX-1, samme som Claire sin baby ble injisert med. Han tok med seg det som var i bunkersen av resterende mengde.
  • [NY]Kom på øyen etter å ha deltatt i et seilas. Ble reddet av en som het Kelvin, samme mann som fikk Sayid til å torturere sin tidligere sjef i Irak
  • [NY]Drepte Kelvin ved et uhell
  • [NY]Var i fengsel.
  • [NY]Tidligere soldat.
  • [NY]Var i et forhold med en kvinne som heter Penelope Widmore. Hennes far leder et stor selskap. Hun er tydeligvis på jakt etter øyen.




  • Er muligens det som får motoren i episode 1 til å eksplodere (merkelig "røyk" kan sees)
  • Har møtt Locke og Eko, uten å angripe. Dog angrep den Locke ved en anledning.
  • Drepte flyets pilot.
  • Er en røyksky.
    Hvem har møtt hvem?
    Vel, hvor skal vi starte? Jack møtte sin fremtidige kone da hun ble skadet etter en bilulykke hvor Shannon sin far var involvert. Jack tok avgjørelsen å operere sin fremtidige kone, mens da faren til Shannon døde. Rett før han skulle operere på sin fremtidige kone for andre gang møtte Jack Desmond, som var i luken på øyen. Han holdt Locke som gissel. Locke på sin side jobbet i et selskap som milliardær Hurley eide, Locke jobbet også sammen med en som tidligere var Hurley sin sjef. Moren til Locke var innlagt samme sted som Hurley var. Hurley var kjent med bandet "Driveshaft", som Charlie var med i. Det samme bandet viste ikke Kate mye om, men hennes far vet nok godt hvem Sayid er, da de møttes under Gulf krigen. Moren til kate serverte også ved en anledning Sawyer, som igjen har møtt Jack sin far også. For ikke å nevne at han befant seg på politistasjonen i Sydney samtidig med Boone. Hvem andre kan ha møtt hverandre før? Hurley syntes det var noe kjent med Libby, noe som godt kan være sant da Libby er psykolog og Hurley tidligere har vært innlagt. Locke sin biologiske far var litt av en svindler, tilfeldigvis er det en på øyen som er besatt av å finne svindleren som ødela hans liv. Tilfeldig? Hvem vet. Men det virker mer og mer som lite er tilfeldig når det kommer til Lost. Ellers kan det nevnes at Hurley har sagt han kjente en som deltok i Gulf krigen (hvor Sayid deltok, og Kate sin far), kvinnen som leste opp lotto nummerene som Hurley vant med var sammen med Sawyer på hotell. En av sykepleierene Jack jobbet med er vistnok den samme som Claire hadde med seg til den synske mannen. [NY] Det viser seg også at Libby var innlagt på samme mentalsykehus som Hurley. Rose møtte på Locke i rullestol på flyplassen, mens Ana Lucia var den som fulgte Jack sin far til Australia. Libby møtte også Desmond og ga han båten sin. Desmond havnet med det på øyen og møtte Kelvin, som er samme mann som fikk Sayid til å torturere sin tidligere sjef i Irak krigen.
    Ethan Rom
  • Kidnappet Claire
  • Stokker man om på bokstavene blir det til "Other Man", "The Roman" og "more Than".
  • Ble skutt og drept av Charlie.
  • Man kan tydelig se at han puster når han ble gravlagt. Om det kun var en produksjonsglipp eller det var intensjonen vites ikke.
  • Virket umenneskelig sterk.
  • Infiltrerte gruppen med overlevende. Ble avslørt av Hurley.
  • Dopet ned Claire og injiserte babyen med RX-1 vaksine. Fortalte Claire at hun måtte gå og gi babyen til de.
  • Ble sett av Claire mens han snakket med "Mr. Zeke
  • Ble drept av Ana Lucia
    Mr. Friendly
  • Fikk kallenavnet "Zeke" av Sawyer
  • Brukte falsk skjegg og fillete klær i sitt møte med Jack, Locke, Sawyer og Kate.
  • Er ikke lederen av "the others".
  • Datteren til Roussou?
  • Hun som reddet Claire fra bunkersen.
    Henry Gale
  • Er nå bekreftet at han er en av "the others". Navnet og hans bakgrunnshistorie er hentet fra "the wizard of Oz".
  • Ble torturert av Sayid og skutt med en pil av Rousseau.
  • Prøver å skape splid mellom Jack og Locke
  • Holdes skjult i bunkersen.
  • Er ikke Henry Gale og har ikke begravet sin kone, men faktisk den ekte Henry Gale.
  • [NY]Ble satt fri av Michael.
  • [NY]Påsto at ingenting skjer om man ikke trykker inn knappen.
  • [NY]Påsto at han var kommet for å hente Locke.
    "God doesn't know how long we've been here, John.
    He can't see this island any better than
    the rest of the world can"


  • "The Black Roc" er et gammelt skip, trolig et slaveskip.
  • Er ca. tre dagers seilas fra Tahiti, ifølge Roussou.
  • Det finnes minst 6 forskningslaber.
    Generelle mysterier:
  • Hvor er liket til Jacks far?
  • Hvem var mannen og kvinnen som Jack fant i hulen?
  • Hva er kabelen som kom fra sjøen til?
  • Hva er egentlig "monsteret"?
  • Hvem er "the others"?
  • Snakket Desmond sant?
  • Hvorfor har det en tendens til å begynne å regne hver gang noe "action" skal finne sted?
  • Hvor er Walt og Michael?
  • Hvorfor gikk flyet i tre biter?
  • Hva fikk flyet til å miste kursen?
  • Hva er Dharma Initiative?
  • Hva skjedde med Claire når hun ble bortført?
  • Hva skjer når nedtellingen når 0?
  • Hvorfor har the others forlatt bunkersen som CLaire ble holdt fanget i?
  • Hva var det the others ville med Claire sin baby?
  • Hvorfor ville de ikke vente til babyen ble født?
  • Hvorfor kler the others seg ut i filler?
  • Hvem er sjefen til "the others"?
  • Hva er hviskingen så mange hører i jungelen?
  • Hva er det som gjør at man tilsynelatende blir helbredet?
  • Hvordan kan det ha seg at Sun ble gravid når Jin er steril?
  • [NY]Hvorfor tok "the others" tester av Walt?
  • [NY]Hva vil "the others" med Sawyer, Jack og Kate?
  • [NY]Hva var lyden og det skarpe lyset som fant sted i sesongavslutningen?
  • [NY]Hva har Widmore selskapet med dette å gjøre?
  • [NY]Hva er det Penelope Whidmore ser etter?
  • Modelflyet til Kate lå i banboks 815.
  • Nummerene er vinnersifrene til Hurley på lotteriet. Han fikk de fra en pasient på mentalsykehus, som hørte tallene da han var stasjonert på en øy.
  • Nummerene var det som opprinnelig ble sendt ut som signal, ble erstattet med den Roussou sitt nødsignal.
  • Nummerene må tastes inn på pc'en i undergrunnsbasen for at nedtellingen skal resettes
  • Luken til undergrunnsbasen var merket med nummerene.
  • Adderer man 4,8,15,16,23,42 får man 108 (tallet som nedtellingen starter med)
  • Numrene stod på "vaksinen" som Ethan ga til Clair sin baby
  • [NY]4 x 8 x 15 x 16 x 23 x 42 = 7418880, tallet som stod på apperatet i sesongavslutningen sesong 2.






"Ah Ah Ah, jungleboy. Not even for a second"



Shannon: I’ve just been through a trauma here!

Boone: We’ve all been through a trauma! The only difference is that you’ve given yourself a pedicure!


Jack: You shot him in the chest.

Sawyer: I was aiming for his heart.

Jack: Well, you missed


Sawyer: (to Shannon) I'll take an IOU. Something tells me you're good . . . for it.


Jack: I just don't understand why you won't come with me, us? It's maybe a mile up there, if that,

Kate: We crashed eight days ago Jack, I'm not setting up house here.


(Sayid is torturing Sawyer)

Sawyer: That's it, that's all you got, splinters? No wonder we kicked your ass in the Gulf.


Sawyer: (to Sayid) Well, ain't you the brave one? Jumping a guy while his napping.


Hurley: "So..I had an idea. I'm out here looking for some psycho with Scott and Steve, right. And I'm realizing.. who the hell are Scott and Steve?"


Walt: "You owe me 20,000 dollars!"

Hurley: "Don't worry, you'll get it."


Hurley (to Jin): Pee on my foot!


Hurley (to Jin): "Are you sure you don't speak English? There's a rumor that you do....Your wife's hot!"


Jack: "What do you think his story is?"

Charlie: "Who Locke? Guy's a freak of nature. Highly disturbed. Chances are he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in this lunch tin. That was my first impression anyway. Then he saved my life."


Sawyer: "Where did you get the hardware, Hoss?"(Sammenligner Jack med "Hoss" fra "Bonanza")


Ethan (to Charlie, about Claire): "You bring her here. If you don't, I'm going to kill one of them. And then if you don't bring her back before sundown tomorrow, I'll kill another, and another, and another. One every day. And Charlie, I will kill you last."


Hurley: Did you ever get that Gulf War syndrome?

Sayid: That was the other side.


Sawyer: "It's Lord of the Flies time now."


Hurley: Back home I am worth $156,000,000.


Hurley: What? You don't know? Okay, that thing in the woods, maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed off giraffe, I don't know. The fact that no one is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird, but I just go along with it because I'm along for the ride, good old fun time Hurley. Well guess what? Now, I want some friggin' answers!


Hurley: "Dude, looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter." (kommentar til de hjemmelagde brillene til Sawyer)


Jack (to Kate on helping Sawyer): "...all I'm gonna get is a snappy one-liner, and, if I'm lucky, a new nickname."


Boone: (between raspy breaths) "I know you made a promise. I'm letting you off the hook. Let me go, Jack."


Charlie (singing to Turniphead): "The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the spout, down came the rain and drowned the spider out. . ."

Hurley: "Dude, it's washed. . . washed the spider out. Unless it's some kind of British version?"


Locke: "Why would Kate poison Michael?"

Hurley: "Well, you know, the whole fugitive thing.

(Jack looks at Hurley) He doesn't know? (Jack shakes his head). Well how am I supposed to keep straight who knows what around here? I mean, Steve didn't even know about the polar bear."


Tom: "No self-respecting man in Iowa goes anywhere without beer."


Hurley: Whoever named this place Dark Teritory.... genius.


Sawyer: C'mon Han and Chewie.


Hurley: Dude, why did you do that?

Locke: Do what?

Hurley: Why did you blow it up?(referring to the hatch.)

Locke: Why wouldn't I?

Hurley: Maybe because I was running at you, waving my arms yelling "dont do that!"!?


Hurley: You've got som Artz on you..


Hurley: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. 4, 8, We're dead, 15, 16, 23, 42.


Sawyer: [handing Michael the gun]: You see that toothy son of a bitch, you aim and squeeze, got it?


Sawyer (to Michael): What are you gonna do, splash me?


Sawyer: Yeah, yeah Chewie, I know.


Ana-Lucia: (on Nathan) Did you kill him?

Goodwin: Nathan was not a good person. (leans over) That is why he wasn't on the list.


Eko: I have something I think you should see...If you don’t mind, I will begin at the beginning. Long before Christ, the king of Judah was a man named Josiah.

Locke: Boy, when you say beginning, you mean beginning.


Mr. Friendly: You know, somebody a whole lot smarter than anybody here once said: "Since the dawn of our species man's been blessed with curiosity."(Dette er nøyaktig det samme som Alvar Hanso sa. Grunnleggeren av Dharma initiative


Sawyer: (to Kate) You versus Sun, hot-oil death match? My money is on you, Sheena.


Sawyer: (to Charlie) Hell you even got Locke to take a swing at you. That's like getting Ghandi to beat his kids.


Sawyer: (to Hurley) If this was a scary movie, I'd be with a hot chick. Not you Babar.


Michael: You're wasting your time, man. If you pick the lock on a Halliburton, I'll put you on my back and fly us to L.A.


Sawyer: Doctor playin' golf? Whoo! Boy howdie, now I've heard everything. What's next? Cop eatin' a doughnut?


Hurley: [about Sawyer, commenting on his glasses] Dude! Looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter!


Sawyer: I saw a guy lying there with an ankle holster, so I took the gun. Thought it might come in handy. Guess what, I just shot a bear!


Charlie: What if I don't? You gonna hit me with your Jesus stick?!


Kate: Come on. You're going to see Jack.

Sawyer: Do I get a lollipop


Hurley: Great idea dude, go look inside the burning death hole.


Hurley: Okay, that thing in the woods, maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed-off giraffe. I don't know.


Sawyer: Dharma Initiative ranch dressing? You know you're supposed to refrigerate that after you open it.

Hurley: Well, actually in the back it says it'll keep at room temperature for up to 7 years.


Kate: I need a gun. And you don't get to ask why.

Sawyer: Well, Thelma, seeing as I got all the guns, I do get to ask why.

Kate: No, you don't.

Sawyer: Yes, I do. Watch... why?


Sayid: (pointing) That cliff there appears to be this(he points to the cliff on Henry's map)

Ana Lucia: Score one for Henry.

Sayid: Pointing out a geographical touchstone does not mean he's leading us to the balloon.

Ana Lucia: Maybe not, but at least we're on the right island.


Libby : Okay, hey, hey, how about no one's in charge, okay? I'm sure everyone can manage to just take what they need.

Sawyer : Great plan, Moonbeam. And after that we can sing Kumbaya and do 'trust falls.'


Charlie : Shouldn't we let someone a little more trustworthy take care of this?

Sawyer : Like you, babynapper?


Locke: Did you get caught on purpose? You and your people have been here for God knows how long, and you got caught in a net...

Henry Gale: God doesn't know.

Locke: Excuse me?

Henry Gale: God doesn't know how long we've been here, John. He can't see this island any better than the rest of the world can.


Sawyer: (talking about Kate) What'd you bring her along for, a sympathy vote? She ain't in my head, Doc, so why don't you two go play in the jungle?


Locke: You're lost already?

Eko: Your map is inexact.

Locke: No kidding.


Claire: What happened down there?

Charlie: You want to know the part where I almost got killed by the flaming fireball or the flying fork?


Hurley: No way! If I take that I'm gonna kill someone.

Sawyer: Ain't that the point?




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Episode 3.01: A Tale of Two Cities (Jack-centric)

Airdate: October 4, 2006

09/18 - Guest starring are John Terry as Christian Shephard, Julie Bowen as Sarah, M.C. Gainey as Mr. Friendly, William Mapother as Ethan, Brett Cullen as Goodwin, Blake Bashoff as Karl, Julie Adams as Amelia, Stephen Semel as Adam, Isabelle Cherwin as little girl, Alexandra Morgan as moderator, Sonya Seng as receptionist, Sally Davis as teacher and Julie Ow as nurse. Source: ABC

09/14 - In the season premiere episode, "A Tale of Two Cities," Jack, Kate and Sawyer begin to discover what they are up against as prisoners of "The Others." John Terry and Julie Bowen guest star. Source: ABC

09/14 - The opening scene of the Oct. 4 premiere will be very reminiscent of the first scene from last season's premiere, with Desmond in the hatch. In other words, you're probably going to be asking yourself, "Who's that and where the hell are we?!" Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

09/11 - [The first episode is Jack-centric not Kate-centric.] We'll see more of why he feels so guilty about his dad. Jack is in a glass enclosure, and will be interacting a lot with a character we haven't yet seen. Kate is in an examining room, and will be interacting with a character we know! Source: Kristin on E!Online

08/29 - Expanding on the 08/19 spoilers posted below on the Jack's flashback with the choking girl in the park: Also in that scene, Sarah is talking to a male teacher who may be more than a friend, and a little girl (the choking girl?) ends the scene by telling Jack not to trust Sarah. Source: The Transmission

08/24 - [During the Season 2 DVD Launch Party,] Matthew Fox was on set shooting flashback scenes with Julie Bowen (who plays Jack's wife, Sarah). Source: USA Today

08/19 - According to pictures that leaked on the net, there will be a flashback where Jack performs the Heimlich manoeuvre on a little blond girl in a park. Source: Dryope

08/18 - Jack was just shooting a flashback all decked out in his hospital scrubs. Kate will be making a choice in the first six episodes. Jack is inside something you’d find in a science class. Kate is on something we’ve seen before. And Sawyer is surrounded by something through which he shares a connection with Jack’s father. Source: Kristin on E!Online

07/29 - This episode will be Kate-centric and have flashbacks featuring a 60-year-old motherly, warm, and funny woman as well as handsome twenty-year-old Karl. Source: SpoilerFix.com [Note: The role of Amelia, posted in the General Season 3 spoilers on July 14, may now be part of the episode's flashback. This flashback is either for Jack or it is for Kate and will be part of a later episode.]

07/21 - During an interview Carlton Cuse revealed: We pick up where we left off, but obviously there are different stories on different parts of the island, and, you know, we will get to all of them in the first few episodes. But like last year, we didn't deal with the raft survivors in the first episode. Not everything is going to be answered in the first episode. But the captivity story [with Jack, Kate and Sawyer] will definitely be addressed.Source: The Ausiello Report




Episode 3.02: Further Instructions (Locke-centric)

Airdate: October 11, 2006

09/20 - The Oct. 11 episode, called "Further Instructions," will also reveal what happened to Locke, Desmond and Eko when the hatch collapsed in last season's finale, and will find Hurley returning to camp after being released by the Others. "Ian Somerhalder guest stars as Boone," the network copy says. Source: Zap2it

09/14 - Ian Somerhalder who played Boone, the first major characters to buy-it in season one, on the hit series LOST has come back for another go around. Only this time, it's not popping up inexplicably in someone's flashback, as you might guess. Hot off the release of his big screen horror "Pulse", the former LOST star spent a week in Hawaii working on new material for an upcoming episode of LOST which centers on the bushman-who-lost-his-way John Locke. In the episode Locke, who is still reeling from his actions in the cataclysmic season finale, begins to have visions of the young man who died to keep the hatch a secret. Boone leads Locke to a redemption of sorts and sets him off on a "kung fu" like journey to unravel yet another island mystery. Sources say this journey rivals the season one fascination with the hatch and will find John Locke squarely returning to his mysterious mysticism and McGyver-ish ways. Source: BuddyTV

08/29 - A scene was filming at the Hawaii Convention Center today, a Locke flashback (?) at the Sydney International Airport. I saw Locke in his chair, but he was shirtless. He seemed to be pointing or gesturing as he's pushed through the crowd of travelers. It almost seemed like it was a "dream sequence." Source: The Transmission

08/17 - The flashbacks also features Eddie, a sweet but torn caucasian male in his 20s. There will also be a trooper in his 30s. Source: SpoilerFix.com [Note: The flashback spoilers are either for Locke or will be part of a later episode about Claire.]

08/09 - It's Claire-centric and her flashback features Mike and Jan, a hippie-ish couple in their 50's. They are warm and kind, but also tough and protective when the situation calls for it. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP [Note: The flashback spoilers are either for Locke or will be part of a later episode about Claire.]




Episode 3.03: The Glass Ballerina (Sun/Jin-centric)

Airdate: October 18, 2006

08/30 - Colleen is set to have been a security officer when she was off the island. Source: SpoilerFix.com

08/29 - New character introduced in #303. Will recur. 'Colleen', late 30's, tough, obvious military training. Doesn't flinch when a gun is shoved in her face. Trusts few people on the island and only allows herself to be emotionally vulnerable in front of her significant other. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP

08/18 - Sun has a dream of her future, featuring her 9-year-old daughter. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP




Episode 3.04: Every Man For Himself (Desmond-centric) [Note: Some sources say it's a Sawyer episode.]

Airdate: October 25, 2006

09/07 - Amongst Desmond's flashbacks, we will see his best friend in prison, Stuckey Chavez. The latter is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but he is always appraised of prison gossip. Source: SpoilerFix.com

08/22 - [This] Desmond-centric [episode features] flashbacks of his time in prison. It features Warden Harris, a nasty man with a hate for Desmond. [The episode also features] 'Munson', a mild-mannered gov't bureaucrat in his 30's who shows his dark side when he finds out he has been betrayed by his wife. Source: secretagentman @ TWOP




Episode 3.05: The Cost of Living (Eko-centric)

Airdate: November 1, 2006

09/06 - This Eko-centric episode will feature a Nigerian woman named Amadi who is intuitive and strong and has a son, a violent warlord named Azi, and a sweet altar boy named Daniel. Source: SpoilerFix.com



General spoilers:

09/19 - I've only seen two beings [die this season]: (a) a character we knew from before and (b) the cutest little fuzziest more adorable animal (that is not Vincent the dog). Source: Kristin on E!Online

09/15 - You wanna know where the Others live? I'll tell you. In the last place you'd expect. And that's just one of the jaw-dropping twists you'll discover in the first few episodes of the third season of Lost. Those frustrated with the lack of answers last season will be happy to get a few in the first few episodes--like, oh, the revelation of what the Others are up to, what shocking connection Jin has to Sun's secret lovah and which island boy will be once again kissing Kate. Yep, kissing her. A few old faces will even be coming back, like William Mapother (Ethan), Ian Somerhalder (Boone) and, hopefully, more of Cynthia Watros (Libby) in flashbacks. Source: Kristin on E!Online

09/11 - I can tell you that at some point in the first four episodes, [Kate] does confess that she loves someone on the island. It is one of the most heart-wrenching (in every single possible meaning of the phrase “heart-wrenching”) scenes you will ever see. [ian Somerhalder will likely appear in a flashback as he was on the set not too long ago practicing lines with Terry O'Quinn.] Despite what Rodrigo Santoro said in that interview with a Brazilian newspaper, [he] actually appears very early on this season, and he will be one-half of the one of the hottest couples I think I’ve ever seen on television. [Kiele and Rodrigo will be some of the survivors who have been living in the background for 2 seasons. Elizabeth Mitchell's character] is not a plane crash survivor. She is a woman. She is romantically linked to someone we already know, and could be romantically linked to a second someone we know. Source: Kristin on E!Online

08/29 - Damon Lindelof revealed: Elizabeth Mitchell is a regular, while Rodrigo and Kiele are contracted to be recurring characters. When we meet up with the three castaways (held captive by the Others), Sawyer is in a cage! The planned series finale of Lost [is] a "happy but tragic" ending. Source: Kristin on E!Online [Note: The fact that Lindelof speaks of the series finale does not mean that season 3 is the last one. They always planned Lost to last around 5 season.]

08/25 - A little birdie told me William Mapother was in Hawaii last week -- and he exactly wasn't sipping mai tais by the pool, but rather, he was working his wonderfully creepy Ethan magic. Simply put in the words of executive producer Bryan Burke: "The Hatch is gone. Done. We have new sets that have been built on our soundstage, so it's a whole new world for you." It looks as if Kate is spending some quality time in close quarters with good ol' Henry. Rodrigo said that he won't appear on the show until February. Turns out, Rodrigo is still under contract with Globo TV. He said they're letting him take a sabbatical to shoot Lost, and then he'll go back to Globo, so it doesn't sound like he'll be sticking around all that long in Hawaii. Rodrigo said, "I'm going to be one of the survivors from the plane that apparently was on the island all this time. I'm going to be a character with a past." Terry O'Quinn revealed that "I've heard that [the why was Locke in a wheelchair explanation is] going to happen this season. I'm not sure when it will happen but I have heard that it will." Source: Kristin on E!Online

08/24 - It will be revealed that Jack has met one of "The Others" back in the real world; this will relate to why he is the only one they are able to cooperate with, although he will be extremely wary in the beginning. Get ready for politics-on-the-beach when the clique returns Jack-less and limping to confront a populace ready for regime change, and an aggressive new leader with a dangerous motivation. Source: The Tail Section

08/09 - [Kiele Sanchez will be playing a character named] Nikki and she'll be a love interest for Rodrigo Santoro['s character]. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

08/07 - Jack, Kate and Sawyer open the season in captivity as prisoners of "The Others." Just who these "Others" are and what they want are primary questions Season Three will explore. Michael Emerson joins the regular cast in his ongoing role as Henry Gale, leader of "The Others." Romance looms on the horizon as Jack's interests veer towards a mysterious new woman, whose motives may be questionable. Sun and Jin will continue to celebrate their pregnancy - but is the child really Jin's? Locke and Sayid will band together with some of the other survivors and journey across the island in an attempt to free Jack, Kate and Sawyer. Charlie will attempt to return into the good graces of Claire and her baby, Aaron, but can he be trusted to stay clean and sober? The fates of Locke, Desmond and Mr. Eko in the aftermath of the implosion of the hatch are answered. Will Penny Widmore find the island and her long, lost love, Desmond, and can the survivors find a way to interact with the outside world? The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But as they have discovered during their 60-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets. "Lost" stars Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Mr. Eko, Naveen Andrews as Sayid, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond, Emilie de Ravin as Claire, Michael Emerson as Henry Gale, Matthew Fox as Jack, Jorge Garcia as Hurley, Josh Holloway as Sawyer, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin, Yunjin Kim as Sun, Evangeline Lilly as Kate, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet, Dominic Monaghan as Charlie and Terry O'Quinn as Locke. Source: ABC

08/06 - It looks like [Kiele] Sanchez [from Related] closed the deal late Friday [for the third role to be casted on Lost], although I have yet to receive an official confirmation from ABC. Source: The Ausiello Report

07/30 - [Henry Ian] Cusick [...] said: "I've been asked to be a regular for at least a year." Source: The Sunday Mail

07/29 - Elizabeth Mitchell has joined the cast of ABC's hit drama "Lost" as a possible new love interest for Matthew Fox's character, sources said. Source: Yahoo! [Note: We believe that she will play "Juliet" described in out July 14 spoilers below.]

07/26 - Rodrigo Santoro, best known to American audiences as the hot dude Laura Linney crushed on in Love Actually, is joining the cast this fall. Source: The Ausiello Report

07/22 - Among the revelations to come: Viewers will learn more about Desmond and Penny, why Locke was paralyzed, why Libby was in the asylum, and why the island has healing powers. Source: Sci Fi Wire

07/22 - The smoke monster is definitely not made of nanobots. Kate will "make her choice" in the first six episodes of the season. Her choice is presumably between Sawyer and Jack. The word "clone" will never be heard on the show. The Powers That Be all but confirmed Libby will be appearing in flashbacks, most logically Desmond's or Hurley's. If you're asking about daddy issues, you're asking the right questions. Strong implication that an underwater hatch might exist and that it might be explored this season. The producers say the hieroglyphics on the timer translate to "underworld". Source: Kristin on E!Online

07/21 - During an interview Carlton Cuse revealed: We almost view the first six as a miniseries. And it's going to answer what we left hanging at the end of the finale. Obviously, we're going to explain what happened to Locke and Desmond and Eko, and sort of deal with the fact that Sawyer and Kate and Jack are in captivity. We would love to sort of finish up [Libby]'s story. We're casting two female roles and one new male role. I can't tell you where the characters are going to come from, but obviously, one of the things we're doing this year on the show is... learning a lot more about the Others, and their society and their history. So it might be fair to say that you're going to learn more about some other characters who are also Others. I wouldn't call it the season of sex, but I will say that romance will play a much more active part of the show this year... We actually meant to get to it last year. We didn't really get to the romance as fast as we thought we were going to. So this year that's definitely on our agenda. I think actually one of these new female characters is going to be a romantic interest, possibly for Jack. There will be several new romances on the show this year... I think that this year we're looking to make the show a little bit brighter, a little bit more vibrant, a little bit more on the action-adventure axis, a little bit more on the romance axis. I don't think the show will be as dark and as intense this year [as it was last season]. And it will be, I think, even more on the character axis than on the mythological axis. John Locke will be a very different person in Season 3. All of his questions and his doubts and his uncertainty have been answered. In fact, the button did mean something. And there was something at stake. And I think that will bring about a change in that character. Penny is an important character in the overarching mythology of the show. The interrelationship between the outside world and the island will be something that will be a part of Season 3. The monster will be a part of Season 3, as will the polar bear. People are asking what happened to the polar bear, so we will be doing some polar-bear stories. The smoke creature and the monster are one and the same. I hope Cindy shows up at some point. Let's just say we have many actors on our show; she is not at the top of the list of actors we're servicing. Source: The Ausiello Report

07/14 - Juliet, a woman in her mid-30s, will be added to the cast as a regular. Juliet is a natural leader and a smart and independant woman. One of her flashbacks (?) will involve her mother Amelia. During said flashback, the ladies will discuss burnt brownies and Juliet's love life. It seems that Juliet may be an Other. Jack is held alone in a room and Juliet looks at him, separated from him with a glass window. Jack tries to break the chains that are holding him. Juliet tries to convince a pissed off Jack to trust her. Source: SpoilerFix.com [Note: It is unknown when those scenes will be seen and if they will be part of an episode.]

06/12/2006 - I *believe* Locke, Eko and Desmon will be back. Terry O'Quinn and SexAAA (Adewale Akinnuoye Agbaje) are both under contract, and I've heard Desmond will be back. Now, that could be in a flashback, but it was my understanding his next appearance would be more of the still-breathing-on-the-island variety. Source: Kristin on E!Online

05/29/2006 - Summary of spoilers given by Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: Next season, we will understand the real ramifications of Desmond activating the failsafe and what that did. The central issue of season three will be what did happen. It sounds like Desmond's coming back. They said they want him back, we want to know why he was in prison, we want to know what happened when he turned that key that affected the entire island. That will become very important. The island was visible but only for an instant. It was also visible for an instant on 9/22/04 when the plane crashed. The foot statue represents the history and archeology of the island. Season three will explore what happened on the island before Dharma arrived in the late 70's and who was there. The smoke monster will definitely be back in Season three. There is a good chance we saw the monster this year and didn't realize we were looking at it. By the end of next year we will realize what it was and when we saw it. Why did the Others take Jack, Kate and Sawyer? Where is their home? That will be the story told over the first six episodes. Season 3 will also be about the main characters and their relationships. They want to service the relationships next year more than the mythology. How Locke got in the wheelchair, how Jack got his tattoos will be revealed in Season three. Source: Lost Podcast

05/26/2006 - I just received some exclusive intel on the new characters joining Lost. In addition to the two female roles, the show is also adding a new hunk. Descriptions are: Female, 30s, with leadership qualities. Female, early 20s, very attractive. Male, Latino, early 20s, handsome, mysterious quality. My guess? These are some of the "background" survivors that Carlton Cuse told me would emerge next season. Source: The Ausiello Report

05/26/2006 - Next season will be about the Others, as led by the oblique Henry Gale (played by Michael Emerson, who will join the regular cast). Mr. Cuse listed what viewers will learn about the Others by this time next year: "Who are these people? How many of them are there? What is their history? What are they trying to accomplish?" Source: New York Times

05/25/2006 - Producers of ABC's hit series Lost [...] told SCI FI Wire that it sets up the upcoming third season, which will focus more on romance—and on the mysterious Others. "The Others are an important part of season three, and there's a lot of mysteries and a lot of questions about the Others that the audience is going to be curious about going into season three," said executive producer Carlton Cuse in an interview. "And those are the things we're going to explore." Cuse added: "There will definitely be some new characters on the show next year... Obviously, Michael Emerson, who plays Henry Gale, he's someone who's going to be very prominent in the show next year." Fans were also introduced to a new character who promises to figure in next season's storylines: Penelope Widmore, played by Sonya Walger. [...] "I'm excited about love in season three," said executive producer Bryan Burk, adding: "Don't forget now the people have been on the island for 60-plus days. They're now obviously more familiar with each other... The concept of love is there, and... it weaves its way through all of our characters. It's going to be much more prevalent in season three." Source: Sci Fi Wire

05/24/2006 - Carlton Cuse reveals: I will say that the next season is a lot about the Others. There's a lot of mysteries about the Others that we'll be getting into next year. [We will see more of Alex next season.] Source: E! Online

05/24/2006 - According to the Hollywood Reporter, ABC's Lost is on the hunt for two new actresses to join the cast for Season 3, now that the show's distaff ranks have been quickly depleted by the twin killings of Michelle Rodriguez's Ana Lucia and Cynthia Watros' Libby. Source: TV Guide Online

05/24/2006 - [Chances to see Ana-Lucia in flashbacks are] slim to none, according to Carlton [Cuse]. "Never say never, but we feel like we told her story," he reveals. "Her arc had a beginning, middle and an end." "You will [eventually] find out what happened to Cindy," [says Cuse.] Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

05/22/2006 - Harold Perrineau is not a regular for next season. He could be back as a guest star (à la Walt this season) but not as a regular cast member. Source: Kristin on E!Online

05/17/2006 - Michael Emerson (Henry Gale) [...] is returning next season as a series regular.Source: The Ausiello Report

05/16/2006 - [in Season 3,] there will be new locations and new characters (one rumor has Desmond joining the cast full-time, but producers won't comment). The season's big theme sounds timely, twisty, and terrifying. Hints Lindelof: "'Us versus Them.' But who's the 'us,' and who's the 'them'?" Source: Entertainment Weekly

05/14/2006 - Damon Lindelof [reveals]: Libby's got this mysterious backstory, of which we've only given you the tip of the iceberg. We know she's spent some time in the mental institution with Hurley, and the idea of killing her before she had an opportunity to explain how she got there... we have a master plan for how we're going to tell that story, but it's all posthumous. You'll start to learn Libby's moves through flashbacks over the course of the next season. So we're not done with Cynthia, but Libby is dead. Source: The Ausiello Report

05/03/2006 - Lindelof & Cuse: The growth of Malcolm David Kelly (Walt) will be addressed in the 3rd season. You can expect to see more of Rousseau next year, but the story of the wrecked research vessel, it will be coming at some point but we can't guarantee it'll be in Season 3. We'll be introducing new characters in Season 3, so you'll be getting fresh flashbacks. You'll probably see fewer flashbacks of our original characters as we begin to move toward certain inevitabilities. You will learn more about some of the other survivors next year. Also, where the new characters come from in Season 3 is going be part of the fun and anticipation over the summer, and hopefully by the end of the finale you'll be getting some sense of who those characters might be. We are going to produce the next 22 hours of Lost in Season 3. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TV Guide

11/28/2005 - Writer/Supervising producer Javier Grillo-Marxuach reveals (note that this is a summary of the spoilerish things he revealed): You have not seen the last of Dharma, but it's going to be a little while before you find out a little bit more. The Dharma Initiative was a communal research facility on the island. A lot of scientists and free-thinkers got together to do a lot of different kinds of research: psychiatry, zoology - and remember that with the zoology of the film you saw some polar bears. It's possible there were some animal aggression studies going on there, as well as human psychology experiments and a whole variety of other things. The Dharma Initiative was founded by two peacenik Grad students who were trying to get to the bottom of a lot of mysteries about human behavior. There are six bunkers on the island, and they were devoted to a lot of different kinds of research. That's going to open up a lot of different avenues for us to tease you with what the kind of research was, and how it's evolved now that the Dharma Initiative seems to have fallen into disrepair. A lot has happened on the island and the Dharma Initiative is just the tip of the iceberg... Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006

09/19/2005 - From Damon Lindelof: There is going to be a flashback story that fully explains the significance of all [Jack's] tattoos and puts it into the framework of what was happening in his life when he got them. Source: Kristin on E!Online






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Endret av Dotten
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Dette var rett og slett helt fantastisk bra :)


Et par ting å rette på forresten: Mangler navnet på Ana Lucia når det står hvem som drepte Shannon.

Og så heter Ethan Rom, ikke Rome ;)


Og forresten


inspirtert av denne? Uansett mye du kan bruke der for å lage denne guiden enda mer komplett tenker jeg. :)

Endret av Nevnarion
Lenke til kommentar
Dette var rett og slett helt fantastisk bra :)


Et par ting å rette på forresten: Mangler navnet på Ana Lucia når det står hvem som drepte Shannon.

Og så heter Ethan Rom, ikke Rome ;)


Og forresten


inspirtert av denne? Uansett mye du kan bruke der for å lage denne guiden enda mer komplett tenker jeg. :)



Ikke sett den faktisk, men skal titte innom og hanke ut relevant informasjon så fort jeg har tid. Og endre på de småfeilene som er.


Men nå er det leggetid :)

Lenke til kommentar

Minner om at det er Lost på TV Norge i dag (Revelations - "oppsamlingsepisode")


  LOST: Revelation

For de som er ihuga LOST-fans, de med dårlig hukommelse, de som gikk glipp av noen episoder før jul - eller som bare vil ha en oppfriskning av hva som skjedde i de ni første episodene.

Lenke til kommentar

Fytte grisen Dotten! Du kliner til med enda en kvalitetspost! Ikke tid til å lese gjennom nå, gjør det i kveld, men ser jo at det er en bra post! :)


Edit: Under Jack, der hvor du skriver om kona og alt det, kan du jo legge til at hun ble bra på mirakuløst vis etter at Jack møtte Desmond.


Edit2: Locke, han har forandret seg voldsomt i det siste, noe må det være! Før var han så filosofisk, forståelsesfull, venn med alle og "everything happens for a reason". Nå er han blitt helt forandra spør du meg, tøff og sjefete og greier.. Slo ned Charlie og greier. NOE må ha skjedd.


Edit3: Jin var tidligere leiemorder (elns)..

Claire, greide ikke å tilgi Charlie når hun fant ut at han fortsatt hadde narko.. Spesielt ikke når han "stjal" babyen hennes..


Edit4: Kan jo skrive under Ana Lucia at hun drepte Shannon. Du skreiv det jo på Shannon..


Hvordan vet du at forskningstemaet til Rosseau er døde? Er vel aldri blitt sagt noe om det? Jeg personlig tror at The Others faktisk ER forskningstemeat..

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Jobber med en god del "oppgraderinger". En ide kunne jo være at jeg satt spoilertags på alt som ikke er sendt i Norge, men jeg kan ikke love noe, da det er fort gjort for meg å blinkse litt der siden jeg følger med på USA sendingene. Får tenke litt på det.

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