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Hvor mye ram har du i pc'en din? 2006


Hvor mye ram har du i hovedpc'en din? (velg nærmeste alternativ)  

970 stemmer

  1. 1. Hvor mye ram har du i hovedpc'en din? (velg nærmeste alternativ)

    • 128 MiB
    • 192 MiB
    • 256 MiB
    • 384 MiB
    • 512 MiB
    • 768 MiB
    • 1 GiB
    • 1,5 GiB
    • 2 GiB
    • 3 GiB
    • 4 GiB

Anbefalte innlegg


nope, pagefile er på den.


.There is no improvement in performance when turning off the pagefile. When programs start, they allocate huge amounts(100's of MBs) of virtual memory even if they may not even use it all. If you have no pagefile present, any memory-intensive program can quickly use a huge amount of RAM. Even just a few of these programs can bring any rig loaded with RAM to a stop. Some programs, will display a warning message on it's startup if there is no pagefile present.


In current operating systems, programs and many processes almost always reference memory by using virtual memory addresses which are automatically translated to physical RAM addresses by thehardware. Only certain core parts of the OS kernel circumvent this address translation and directly use real memory addresses. All processes running under Windows get virtual memory addresses no matter how much RAM is actually present in the machine. In the standard Windows configuration, 2GB of virtual address space is for each process' private use, the other 2GB are shared with all processes and the OS. RAM is a very limited system resource, while virtual memory is, for most part, not limited. There can be a number of processes each with their own private 2GB of virtual memory. When the memory usage by all of the existing processes surpasses the amount of physical RAM present, the operating system will move pages, in 4KB chunks, of one or more virtual address spaces to the hard drive, freeing the physical RAM for other uses. In Windows, these "paged out" pages are kept in files called pagefile.sys in the root of a partition. Virtual Memory is always being used, even if the memory required by all running programs doesn't surpass the amount of physical RAM installed in the rig.








Når jeg spiller WoW nå, utenfor peak time, og står i IF, bruker systemet 1.13GB minne, så jo, >1GB er nødvendig :D

(Nå skal det sies at jeg sitter på ett dual screen oppsett og kjører WoW i window mode, så det blir litt andre ting som suger systemminne enn WoW når jeg spiller...


BF2 liker seg jo som kjent best med >1GB minne i høyere oppløsninger/grafikkinstillinger...

Endret av MrLee
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Har bestilt meg nytt Geil Ultra CL4 PC6400 2GB sett. Hadde planer om å kjøpe et PC8500/PC8000 sett, men tenkte det var galskap å betale dobbel pris for relativt liten ytelsesøkning (spill). Skal klokkes max mulig, så det duger nok.

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