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Få deg en gratis EF81

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  • 2 måneder senere...
Dear Nordoelum,



We are sorry to inform you that you are not one of the applicants, who get to test our upcoming EF81 for now. However, you can apply to become a test user again when once we are again scouting new candidates.



Please visit our homepage regularly to stay updated on potential openings. Again thank you very much for applying as a test user and better luck next time.



Your Online Team Please note that this is an automated generated message

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Jeg fikk denne mailen idag:


Dear CraZman2,


Congratulations on being one of our EF81 mobile test users. You have been selected as one of the test users to try out our upcoming model. You will receive more information upon the testing process within the next days. If you have not entered your correct data in your personal account please complete it, so we can send you the test product.


If you have any further questions you may reply to this e-mail address.


Thank you for participating and helping us optimize our upcoming mobile phone!




Your BenQ Mobile Online Team





Men hva nå... skal jo kjøpe N80 om to uker :(


Ja, ja, får si som ole brum: JA TAKK BEGGE DELER :cool:

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Jeg fikk denne mailen idag:


Dear CraZman2, 


Congratulations on being one of our EF81 mobile test users. You have been selected as one of the test users to try out our upcoming model. You will receive more information upon the testing process within the next days. If you have not entered your correct data in your personal account please complete it, so we can send you the test product.


If you have any further questions you may reply to this e-mail address.


Thank you for participating and helping us optimize our upcoming mobile phone! 




Your BenQ Mobile Online Team



:D  :D  :D


Men hva nå... skal jo kjøpe N80 om to uker :(


Ja, ja, får si som ole brum: JA TAKK BEGGE DELER  :cool:




Coolt, artig! Gratulerer så mye! :) Håper du tar deg tiden til å poste litt om erfaringene med telefonen og kanskje noen bilder og videoer av den i sving her når du først har vært så heldig...? :innocent:

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Send den gjerne til meg så jeg kan teste den :p hehe... Men du kan jo vente med å kjøpe N80?



Er så sugen på N80, at jeg kommer til å kjøpe den uansett. Lar kona være "mobil test user"!

Har ikke hørt noe mer ifra Benq enda, men det bli gøy å få telefonen!

Skal prøve å legge ut litt erfaringer her etterhvert, muligens også noen bilder etc... :)

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