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Guide for kjøp av filmer på nett


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Må nok bare smøre deg med tålmodighet...


Venter fortsatt på Michael Haneke AE boksen jeg bestilte fra amazon.co.uk. Den ble sendt 21/12 med delivery estimate 30/12... men antar at den norske faenskapsidiotijævelpissetaten også kjent som tollvesenet har en finger med i spillet ettersom det løper på litt MVA og dritt... :mad:


Fikk forøvrig Dirty Harry BD boksen i postkassa idag... den ble sendt fra play 18/12...

Endret av Hrundi V. Bakshi
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Ja, jeg får vel bare vente, men det irriterer meg ganske krafig. Jeg hadde satt av hele lørdagen til å se filmene, men ingen av dem dukker opp. Til helga skal jeg bort, til uka blir det masse prøver og stress, til neste helg skal jeg kankje på hytta. Uka etter er det stress igjen. Jeg får jo aldri sett filmene mine.

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Må nok bare smøre deg med tålmodighet...


Venter fortsatt på Michael Haneke AE boksen jeg bestilte fra amazon.co.uk. Den ble sendt 21/12 med delivery estimate 30/12... men antar at den norske faenskapsidiotijævelpissetaten også kjent som tollvesenet har en finger med i spillet ettersom det løper på litt MVA og dritt... :mad:


Fikk forøvrig Dirty Harry BD boksen i postkassa idag... den ble sendt fra play 18/12...

Får vel heller ikke Monster Inc. eller james bond filmene mine før om noen uker da!

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DVD Pacific har spikret igjen dører og vinduer. Kanskje dårlige nyheter for noen her? Butikken kan nok med fordel fjernes fra førstesiden.


Er noen år siden jeg sist bestilte noe fra DVD Pacific, har ingenting negativt å si om dem, så får vel si det er trist de legger ned.


DVD Pacific Closure Announcement

Dear Customers,

Today is a sad day as I announce to you that we are going to cease trading. After successfully running DVD Pacific for the

past 16 years we have decided to close our operations. The current market conditions, declining overall business and my

present health issues have impacted us greatly and led to this very difficult decision.

To you, our commercial customer base, we understand the difficulties you face in not having product in a timely manner and

have taken steps to assist you with continuous uninterrupted supply of product as we commence our winding down. Effective

immediately we have transferred all of your contact information through to Alliance Entertainment. Alliance has been our

primary supply chain partner for almost 10 years now and we feel very comfortable and confident that they will be more than

capable of servicing all your DVD and CD needs.

Kathie will be available during this transition phase to ensure everything is managed as smoothly as possible and she will

be liaising with you and Alliance to handle any issues should they arise. You may be concerned about pricing issues etc and

at this time it is our understanding that Alliance will be able to offer you pricing comparable to or possibly better than

you received from DVD Pacific but I am sure a representative from Alliance once assigned to your account will be able to

supply you with all of this pertinent information.

Current filled items will be split off and shipped and backorders will be cancelled and need to be submitted under new

account. Should you not wish the filled items to be shipped please let us know as soon as possible and should any customer

require a list of their backorders Kathie would be more than happy to help and can be reached at

mailto:[email protected]. We also expect there will be many questions and will be more than happy to help in any way we

can and urge you to ask as we are here to help.

We wish to thank you for your support to date as many of you have been with us for a substantial time and truly been a

pleasure to work with. We trust your businesses continue to prosper and your new partnership with Alliance if you choose to

go that route as I recommend is profitable and successful. Please expect a follow up e-mail and introduction from Alliance


Your sincerely,

Brad Searle


DVD Pacific Inc.

Kathryn Searle

DVD Pacific Inc

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Trist hvis det stemmer, har ikke brukt de så alt for mye det siste året, men har brukt dem mye totalt.


Jeg har lest den der, men jeg har også lest denne:


From: Kathryn Searle [[email protected]]


Sent: dinsdag 9 februari 2010 17:26


To: [email protected]


Subject: Re: what is happening?



Hi Rudi,


Take a breath, all will be ok :-)


DVD Pacific end consumer will be moving to a new domain, however our commercial accounts will be handed to Alliance in an effort to retain the business as the site will not have the ability to process commercial size orders and the service and customer support you would need would not be there.


Alliance has been a major supplier of ours for 10 years and we have always been extremely happy with their customer service and handling of our account. Unfortunately re-establishing the account is a pain, but once this is done you will be able to continue as you had. Prices will be similar if not better on some and shipping should also be better priced.


Your current style of ordering, which is also the most cost effective way of ordering is best set with Alliance and give you the best results and a level of service you are used to.


I will be here anytime to assist in the transition and will be open to any questions you may have to help you. I apologize for the confusion however the split and notification was necessary as many of our commercial accounts are businesses and was our goal to do our best to not interrupt their business and allow orders to still flow as they would.


The change in domain for end consumer we hope to have live on Wednesday, it will be a big change from current style but again there will be support available for when this becomes live.


Kathryn Searle

DVD Pacific Inc


Men de har vært stengt i de neste 48 timene, snart i to uker så er jo ikke godt å si. Fryktelig greie på mye av film, god service har/hadde de også.

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Hvor lenge kan jeg forvente å vente på en film fra Play som var på lager når jeg bestilte den?

Regner med de sender til Europa ved at de fyller en kontainer eller noe, og sendes først når den er full? Kan det ta opptil 2 uker i snitt, eller snakker vi 5-6 måneder?


Kan nevne at jeg har ventet en uke, jeg som hadde gledet meg til å se Up i full-HD :) .

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