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Splinter Cell 4 Double Agent Info + Screens


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Det nye spillet i den berømte serien er snart klart for lansering ( som er satt til mars foreløpig), og for dere som gleder dere har jeg litt interessant lesning:


Official Australian Xbox Magazine-

The scene is all too familiar. An innocent man is gagged, bound, and kneeling in a filthy concrete room. He's a nobody who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. His every movement is a cry for mercy. His face is contorted. His eyes are black pits of dispair. He has fallen into the clutches of terrorists, and he is about to be murdered infront of millions, for no reason other than to demonstrate their power.


This is where you come in. Entering the room, the terrorist leader recognises you, puts a gun in your hand. Something is very wrong about this. The witnesses of this diabolical crime arn't CNN viewers, they're gamers. They're also murderers. You walk up to the man, take aim, and blow his brains out. You are Sam Fisher.

You are a terrorist.


Tom Clancy's video game production house doesn't do things by halves. For his fourth adventure on Xbox, Sam Fisher is going into extreme new territory. The crisis in today's counter intelligence war systems from a lack of 'Human Intelligence'- learning who and where the terorists are. For that job, you need someone who can think and act like a terrorist, and be convincing enough to make friends with them. To win their trust you must match their evil.


On OXM's recent mission to Ubisoft HQ in Paris, France, were thrust into moral dilemma at the heart of Double Agent right from the get-go. After two years of toiling away in secrecy, producer Julian Gerighty was determined to make a splash at this exclusive presentation. Mission accomplished. Having spent a good proportion of their professional lives making Sam Fisher look good, his team of game developement veterans seemed to hold a deep grudge against the grizzled hero.


"We're tired of the good soldier. We're going to destroy that. We're really going to break him." Where to begin? Well, lets start with his only living relative, his precious daughter, Sarah. She's dead, killed in an accident. Unlike a cheesy action film, like Commando, we don't see Sam rescue her from the bad guys at the climax- she's dead and buried. They even have pictures of her headstone mocked up. "It's a random event. This is not fantasy for 13-year old boys." Julian wasn't kidding. Judging by the ghoulish stuff we saw, Double Agent will be rating at MA15+, if its released at all. While there are elemnts of fantasy in the work(the terrorists are garden-variety white supremacists- like they've ever blown up an airliner), it wouldn't be a Tom Clancy production without at least a ring of truth. Hence Sam's dubious promotion to the highest level of US super spy: Non Official Cover. Just like in Mission Impossible, NOC spies don't officially exist- and if they get caught, they are totally, royally screwed. Julian clearly relished the possiblities. "They are completely invisable. That have no past, and they have no future."


He said it again, as if the execution video wasn't hint enough. "Your going to become a terrorist. You'll have dual objectives for each mission: terrorist and CIA." Do good deeds, and you'll get HSA love: satellite photos, gadgets, and a chance to wear Sam's trademark triple goggles once again. Dirty deeds lead you deeper into the mouth of madness: access to terrorists' inner sactum, and gizmo's from their own bag of tricks. Events unfold simultaneously around each level, forcing Sam to be in two places at once. And the clock keeps ticking- keep both sides happy may be too much, even for Sam. " It's doing the impossible in very, very difficult circumstances."


As if your standard countdown-driven gaming wasn't enough, Sam's own conscience is now the ultimate time bomb. "Nothing is going to be black and white in the game." Julian was clearly enjoying the distress his vision was about to unleash on the gameing community at large, and a wry, involuntary smile crept onto his lips every time he asked us: "Do I do evil for the greater good?" Next on the stand was, Bitmap Brothers veteran Chris Smith, another lead disigner on the Xbox 360 version. He was fresh off the plane from Shanghai, where 100-odd staff were coding away, working towards the March release. Unlike many other launch titles for the new system, Ubisoft were not merely scaling up the Xbox 1 version with a skeleton crew. In a rare and expensive move, completely different teams were working on the old and new Xbox systems( with seperate teams for PS2, gamecube, etc). Over 300 staff in all- a monster production.


Is it worth it? To demonstrate, Chris booted up the openeing level of the 360 version. It's November 16, 2008, and Sam is breahing out of a Federal Prison. Detail we expected was an abundance: delicious textures, fine deatil, eerie lighting, fire and shadow. Then there were details we didn't expect, like 50 high-def inmates running riot through the six story complex. In the shadows, Sam slunk about, as normal. But in the light, he gave away any pretense sense of stealth and started running around will-nilly. When Chris took his hands off the controller, Sam relaxed against a wall, crossed his arms, and started idly looking about. Chris laughed at this point "Our animators hate me. Sam has a lot of new moves." The breahout scene revealed more than Sam's new shaved noggin and fetching a pseudotribal tattoos. There's a powerful co-op AI system purring under the hood. Accompanying our NOC supercrop is Chris; friend of Sam, but enemy of all Negroes. Chris is smarter than your average wingman. He runs around, acheiving objectives on his own, covering Sam's back as they progress towards their escape. This robust "frindly" AI is designed to make the inevitable moral choices tougher when they emerge.


A key point on the Xbox code we were shown illistrated this perfectly. It turns out that the blackout was engineered by your old chums at Third Echelon. Trouble is, their mission want awry, and one of their rubber-suited operative got nabbed. By Chris. After developing something of an emotional attachment(the designers hope) to your partner in crime, you have to choose between shhoting you tri-goggled comrade and the man who can lead you straight to the door of the terrorist mastermind. There are multiple paths, and no easy choices.


Back to 360 code, we were shown a window into the backyard of Ubisoft's operations in Red China: the Shanghai skyline. Sam has crash-landed a chopper on the 88-floor hotel, towering over the bustling redevelopment district of Asia's most dynamic mega-city. Rain buckets down, individual drops bouncing off Sam's skin-headed nogin. It's Chinese New Year, and multi-coloured explosions pepper the skyline. Players will be able to time violent actions to be masked by fireworks, or simply marvel and how each burst individually lights up the dreary rooftop.


Again, Sam has a wingman, covering his as5 as he works his way past, and through heavily armed, high alert guards. A big change is the lack of arbitrary, invisible barriers. No more locked doors, no more impassable railings. Thereare at least seven different ways to reach the objective, thanks to the wealth of new geometry the coders can cram in. On a larger scale, the other skyscrapers are real, not just painted to a skybox. Far below, individual cars weave through the streets. Beyond, the river surges in the storm. We're definately in 360 territory. The challenge is now to take advantage of this potential. Chris is elated at the power of the machine. "We don't have to cheat anymore."


As Sam creeps out on a crane and rappels down the side, his dual nature comes close to getting him into trouble. He's runnning a NSA errand right under the nose of his terrorist buddies, and reaches the level of their hotel room just as they say shut the blinds- close call. "We stress the player out so god**** much in this game." Chris asuured us there will be ample opportunities for Sam to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If going out out in the rain sounds risky, you can scale down INSIDE the hotel, thanks to it's distinct 57-level atrium. There's a risk of being noticed by some party-goers, but then it is a real nice atrium. "The hotel is absolutely gorgeous."


The 360's power supply was frequently overheating, shutting the test machine down mid-presentation. Nothing works a CPU like ambitious game design. Back in action, we were treated to the wide open spaces od Kinshasa, one of Africa's more delightful hell-holes. So what are domestic American Terrorists doing in the third world? It all comes down to an effect analyst call 'Blair's Law'. As extremist groups become more marganalised as freedom and democracy spread, they're more likely to do deals with each other, even if they have completely different philosophies. That's why you see Pakistan and North Korea trading missilie parts, for instance.


There's something different about this mission, though: it's in the daytime. Now sporting shades, Sam has fewer places than ever to hide. A running street battle rages between government and rebel forces, and Sam has to be very careful if he wants to meet his objectives at the terrorist arms bazaar. Yet as if we weren't being tortured enough,the designers find new ways to push Sam through the wringer. We soon see a small boy trapped in a burning bus. Rescuing him would be obvious, right? Well, to enter that pen ground, Sam has to blow away gnmen from both factions to ensure he isn't exposed. After that their surviving buddies will consider Sam a threat, and go out of their way to waste him for the rest of the mission.


It's a maddening choice. Julian has an apt way of describing this-"The bad guy is our engine to play with Sam." Larger forces are at work. He is definately being lead, down a dark path, but underneath it all, Sam is still Sam. We hope. "We still have Sam's moral code. Sam's character is always considered."


So, to summerise: as if things weren't cpmlicated enough, there's more than one terror group working it in Double Agent. "There's not just ONE Big Bad." As the player weaves towards the multiple ending of their choice, all will be revealed.


The game will climax with Sam making an earth-shattering decision; wheather to kill one person to save three thousand lives. An ominous threshold, considering how many souls perished on 9/11. It seems like no-brainer, especially if the latest in Sam's long line of victims is a terrorist.


Mathieu Ferland, the original producer of Splinter Cell, and leader of the Double Agent Xbox team, was adamant this was a good move. he gave reassuring answer when we asked if the terror trollop was hot enough justify such as a dangerous liaison. "Of course, or there is no purpose."


Deperting the Dark Continent of our own, Charles De Gaulle airport bore signs of our world terror: armed gendarmes, brandishing machine, pistols; marching briskly, eyes roving on alert. their guns showed wear and tear; these guys had been practicing. An orange sun burned through the clouds of fog; was that smoke, from a hundred burning cars?


One thing is clear: we're living in a new age. A dirty age, full of dirty work. Sam Fisher's just the man to do it. But when we wash our hands after playing, will the dirt come off?


-courtesy Official Australian Xbox Magazine


Jeg kan oppdatere med screens fra X360 versjonen senere :)

Endret av JulianR
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Her er et bilde fra 360-versjonen. Har du godt syn, kan du se at under bildet står det: "There's so much detail in the Xbox 360 version that you can see the movements of the cars down below" :D


*.. fjernet*

Endret av psilocybe
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Det siste bildet er CG. Men uansett ser det lovende ut. Håper at historien er like godt fortalt som i Chaos Theory. Splinter Cell serien er faktisk noen av de få seriene som faktisk har solide forbedringer for hver gang.

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Jeg er selv en kjempestor fan av SC serien og har alltid kjøpt serien på PC, men lurer om jeg skal investere SC 4 til X-Box 360 versjonen kunn pga grafikken. :D



Ja jeg lurer på om jeg enten må ha et nytt skjermkort, eller om jeg må investere i en 360..

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:love: Splinter cell :love:

Skal definitivt ha dette, SCCT var rått...hmm..tror jeg må legge det inn og spille gjennom det mens jeg venter :D


Uff blir mye penger i 360'n nå for tiden, nettopp kjøpt DoA4, i februar bli det i allefall Fight Night: round 3 og i mars blir det Splinter Cell 4!! (og Burnout?)

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:love: Splinter cell :love:

Skal definitivt ha dette, SCCT var rått...hmm..tror jeg må legge det inn og spille gjennom det mens jeg venter  :D


Uff blir mye penger i 360'n nå for tiden, nettopp kjøpt DoA4, i februar bli det i allefall Fight Night: round 3 og i mars blir det Splinter Cell 4!! (og Burnout?)




Jepp.. dette skal definitivt kjøpes, og det til 360. Har alle spillene i Splinter cell serien. De to første til xbox og CT til pc. Ble skuffet over kontrollen på pc. Gleder meg skikkelig til splinter cell 4.



Jepp blir en del penger til 360. Skal ha meg DoA4, NHL 2k6, Fight Night round 3 og oblivion. Har også litt lyst på test drive unlimited

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Uff blir mye penger i 360'n nå for tiden, nettopp kjøpt DoA4, i februar bli det i allefall Fight Night: round 3 og i mars blir det Splinter Cell 4!! (og Burnout?)


Mars er da Oblivion sin måned hehe :)

Skal ikke Gears of war ha release innimellom her en plass også da?

Men dyrt ja heh, har allerede 7 spill, og det blir ikke mindre de neste 2-3 månedene ser det ut til.

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