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Noen som har en Asus W1Vc og kan si hvilket tilbehør de fikk med i pakken sin?


Sniktittet i manualen online mens jeg venter på å få min i posten, og der lister de opp to(!) fjernkontroller (en PCMCIA, en full størrelse), tv/radio-antenne, adapter for coaxial kabel, adapter for hvit/gul/rød ledning og s-video inn, 1 stk hodetelefoner.. og sikkert noe mer som jeg har glemt


Litt av en pakke som skal komme med..!

Men på komplett.no og andre nettbutikker nevnes bare PCMCIA-fjernkontrollen..

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Oh it is the same, perhaps some specs might be different but then that's all. I've downloaded all my updated drivers from the W1V section on asus' support site. So you have been looking at the right manual :)


And now that the thread's been ressurrected, i can follow up what i originally was asking for, now that i know what comes with the W1Vc.


It's got:

* two remote controls, 1 full-sized black and one PCMCIA-sized

* an adaptor from tv/antenna cable -> pcmcia tv tuner card format

* a black box that connects into the adaptor and functions as a DVB-T (digital TV) and FM radio antenna (but because of its size it's not that strong)

* an adaptor from composite & s-video in -> the tv tuner card (goes into the DV connector)

* an adaptor from S-video out -> composite out (looks like just a single composite thingy, coloured brown)

* a set of standard around your neck-type headphones

* a logitech wireless mouse with an IR usb receiver ( :thumbdown: for not being bluetooth, so you wouldn't need the bulky usb receiver)


..and that's all. enough to keep me going!

Endret av Federisco
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Did you manage to successfully install ASUS Mobile Theater? I keep getting that my laptop 'is not a qualified system' :cry:


As you can see here (if you can read some French), this has happened to others as well. ASUS told me to upgrade the BIOS to fix this: That did not help at all... :hrm:

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Really? I'm sorry to hear that you have that problem.

It worked fine when I did it. I used the CD with Mobile Theatre on, and it installed without any problems.


But if it's any comfort to you, I never use Mobile Theatre. It is one of those programs that are built in Flash, so it is bulky and cumbersome to use. You'll mostly use it for watching TV, but you get TV programs that do the same while being alot smaller and faster + with more options. I tried Chris TV, but eventually I ended up using K!TV.. it's freeware and works like a charm, much easier to fine-tune and create your program lists than with Mobile Theatre. And when it's that much better I dont mind not getting to use the remote control anymore, really--


And if you feel like using the remote control you can always use Instant Fun :thumbup:


so.. other than this problem, how's the W1Vc been to you?

Endret av Federisco
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Really? I'm sorry to hear that you have that problem.

It worked fine when I did it. I used the CD with Mobile Theatre on, and it installed without any problems.


But if it's any comfort to you, I never use Mobile Theatre. It is one of those programs that are built in Flash, so it is bulky and cumbersome to use. You'll mostly use it for watching TV, but you get TV programs that do the same while being alot smaller and faster + with more options. I tried Chris TV, but eventually I ended up using K!TV.. it's freeware and works like a charm, much easier to fine-tune and create your program lists than with Mobile Theatre. And when it's that much better I dont mind not getting to use the remote control anymore, really--


And if you feel like using the remote control you can always use Instant Fun  :thumbup:


so.. other than this problem, how's the W1Vc been to you?



Thanks for the tip on K!TV. It works pretty good! :-)


Well, 1 thing I NOT like about the laptop is that the wireless card does not have support for channels 12-13. I've gotten this confirmed by ASUS: the wireless cards in the European units are the same as in the US-units and therefor channels 12-13 are not available... :hrm:


BTW, have you gotten any reception on DVB-T? I'm not getting anything there... :hmm:

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