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Setting up ATI video card:



The following steps are for Catalyst 6.4 for win XP, can be downloaded from




Setting up extended desktop:

- Open ATI Control Panel.

- Make sure it is in Advanced mode.

- Go to Display Management. You should see two monitor pictures on the right-hand side. If you do not make sure both monitors are connected to the video card and reboot. <screenshot: http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/8468/1ui2.jpg >

- Right-click on second monitor (not the one that is on right now) and select option Extend main from the pop-up menu. <screenshot: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/4586/2jq1.jpg >

- If you need to change position of the pictures (ie left to become right and vice versa) right click on the second monitor and select Swap display mapping option from the popup menu.


How to know that it worked: you should have picture on both screens. On your

main one you should see all that you had before (icons, bottom bar, windows,

etc) and on the second one you should see only the background, but you

should be able to drag windows/icons/etc on it by moving the mouse over

right (or left) edge of the main screen.



Setting up Stretch monitor:

- Open ATI Control Panel.

- Make sure it is in Advanced mode.

- Go to Display Management. You should see two monitor pictures on the right-hand side. If you do not make sure both monitors are connected to the video card and reboot. <screenshot: http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/8468/1ui2.jpg >

- Right-click on second monitor (not the one that is on right now) and select option Stretch main horizontally from the pop-up menu. <screenshot: http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/4586/2jq1.jpg >

- If you need to change position of the pictures (ie left to become right and vice versa) right click on the second monitor and select Swap display mapping option from the popup menu.

How to know that it worked: you should have picture on both screens. On your main one you should see all that you had before (icons, bottom bar, windows, etc) and on the second one you should see the background and the extension of the bottom bar <screenshot: http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/7512/5hw6.jpg >. Also all windows should act as if two monitors were just one big monitor (ie appearing in the middle of the two screens, partially appearing on both

screens, etc).



Using profiles to automatically switch monitor settings before playing:


These instructions will tell you how to set up your computer so it will switch to different monitor settings to play wow automatically. Originally these instructions were written by Rumblebub.


- Open you ATI Catalyst Control Center.

- Make sure all your settings are those that you want to be in game.

- Open the ATI Profiles Manager. Click on the Profiles tab up top and select Profiles Manager. <screenshot: http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3759/7zh1.jpg >

- In profiles Manager window enter the name for your setup, select “all CATALYST Control Center settings” on the bottom.

- Go to “Activation” tab and put checkmark in front of “Desktop shortcut”

- Hit “Save” button on the top part.

- Make sure there is a link to WoW on your desktop and it is called WoW.

- Start notepad (Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad)

- Put the following text into the text file:


start dual.lnk

start wow.lnk

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Er ikke fubar. :p


cy_art, ellerno





Var sikker på at det var fubar, sjekka lister over addons flere som har den har, og der er den lista : /


Hadde du giddi å funnet addonen eller ihvertfall navnet, fikker ikke cy_art på lista over ace addons..


edit: Fant det, tusen takk :p

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