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Snus-tråden v.3 - Annet prat toleres ikke.


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Ja det renser virkelig opp... Prøvde det her om dagen, og det hjelper skikkelig mot tett nese, snørrer brunt et par timer, men men... :p Jeg syns det var ganske digg egentlig. En kjapp "rus" som blir borte like fort som den kommer, men det er bare en artig greie å ha sammen med kompiser. Ikke noe å begynne med, dog. Ser passe dumt ut å sitte på feks. kafe og legge en feit stripe og sniffe for harde livet :p

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Snart blir det like vanlig med snuff og alle sitter på kafe'ene og sniffer seg en stripe eller to.



Bortsett fra de som har kamuflert kokainen sin som snuff.


ftw :woot:


lars16: Tror snus er farligere jeg ;)

Endret av ArmenMinAU
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Hva er snuff?

Snuff blir laget ved å bryte ned et tobakksblad slik at det blir til et grovt pudder. Det blir deretter malt på manuelle eller mekaniske måter, og så siktet. Etterpå tilsetter man gjerne ulike typer oljer for smakens skyld, for å deretter oppbevare det.


Snuff sniffes gjennom nesen/nasalt, og er pudderet er vanligvis brunt.


Health Hazard

It cannot be asserted with any absolute confidence that snuff taking presents no health hazard - possibly one even greater than the one in 1.2 billion chance of contracting CJD from eating T-Bone steaks, the sale of which until recently was a serious criminal offence in the UK.

Indeed, some medical research should lead to care in this matter: e.g. it was reported by an author in the British Medical Journal Vol. 293, 16th August 1986 that while he had found neither nasal nor antroethmoidal cancer arising in any patient within Britain who had used snuff, Root, Austin and Sullivan had reported the case of a farmer who had placed snuff in the left ear for 42 years, eventually developing a squamous carcinoma of the external auditory meatus; and that moreover the high incidence of upper jaw neoplasms among Bantu in the Transvaal might possibly be explained by their widespread use of snuff containing charred aloe stems.

Clearly, it would be wise to avoid snuffs containing charred aloe stems, especially if it is intended to be stuffed into the ear'ole for over forty years.

But the "Cancer Research Campaign" wrote on 8th March 1985:

. . . .there is no evidence of any association with cancer or other health risk in the snuff produced in this country.

For this reason, snuff seems an entirely acceptable substitute for cigarette smoking and could be recommended for addicted cigarette smokers since if they could substitute snuff taking for cigarette smoking, they would greatly reduce the risk to their health.

A cancer research specialist recently remarked on UK TV:

People smoke for the nicotine - but it's not the nicotine, it's the tar and toxic gases

that kill them.

EEC Council Directive 92/41/EEC now forces snuff retailers to affix a libel to their products: "CAUSES CANCER".

Clear evidence, not of a health hazard, but of duplicitous bureaucratic tyranny.

(Even though the UK Government still exempts snuff from tax because of the benefits to health of encouraging people to snuff rather than to smoke, it was forced, despite many protests, to succumb to this diktat)

Dr. Pöschl writes in his Nasal Snuff Tobacco ABC: " Since no tobacco is burned when taking a pinch of snuff there is no condensate given in the same way as when smoking tobacco..... Nasal snuff tobacco as a smokeless environmentally friendly tobacco enjoyment is not hazardous to health according to general scientific knowledge. Up to now no scientist had been able to prove damage to health through the enjoyment of nasal snuff tobacco. The contents of nasal snuff tobacco are subject to the stringent German Food Act. That is why it is beyond understanding why the EC authorities, certainly because they are not aware of the true situation, stipulate health warnings in respect of this form of tobacco enjoyment. This to our mind is wrong and only leads to misunderstandings."

pwnd :woot:

Endret av ArmenMinAU
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Hvor kjøper du den?

Jeg har bestillt Skruf Stark fra sverige, og slengte på litt Offroad fordi du nevnte det :-)



De ringte fra Postbanken i dag, ang. et lite problem med henvendelsen min.

Postdama hadde kryssa av i Ekspress, som koster 300 kr ekstra.

Han ville bare vite om jeg visste hva jeg gjorde, og visste at det kosta 300 kr.


Det var dama i skranken som kryssa av for meg. Hun burde visst hva hun gjorde.

Endret av Kerrigan
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det er ikke akuratt så vansklig og smukle snus inn til norge da...


Nei, men du kan tenke deg hva de tror når det står på esken at det er fra en snus butikk, og det kommer flere enn en eske. Hvor det er 5 bokser i hver eske...


Hvis jeg skal bestille, hadde jeg bestilt 5 bokser om gangen...bare å bestille oftere det!

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