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Får ikke installert NFS Most Wanted[LØST]

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Har problemer med å få installert NFS Most Wanted. Når jeg skal til å installere så kommer det opp en feilmelding som sier at spillet krever dx9.0c som jeg allerede har siste versjon av. Har prøvd denne metoden for å løse problemer, men den fungerte ikke i det heletatt.


Re: Need for speed most wanted direct x error





What do you do when you get a "DirectXSetupGetVersion" error during installation?


If you receive this error during installation try copying the DSetup.dll file from the install CD to the hard drive, and then try reinstalling the game.



Renaming the Direct X Setup File


1. From your desktop, go to the Start button then Programs or All Programs.

2. Next, find and launch Windows Explorer.

3. Once in Windows Explorer, go to the C:\Windows\System directory

4. Rename the DSetup.dll file (try DSetupbackup.dll). To rename a file right-click on the file and select "Rename" from the menu.



Now we will copy the dsetup.dll file from the CD, located in the DirectX folder, into the C:\windows\system directory.



Copying the replacement Direct X Setup File


1. From your Windows desktop, double-click on My Computer.

2. Now, just right-click on your CD-ROM drive with the install disk inside and select "Explore" from the menu.

3. Next, double-click on the DirectX folder.

4. Right-click on the DSetup.dll file and select "Copy" from the menu.

5. With the Windows Explorer window still open, browse the C:\windows\system directory.

6. Once inside of the System folder, choose “Edit", located at the top of the window, then “Paste" from the menu.

7. Run the install as normal. Once the installation is complete, erase the DSetup.dll file from Windows/System and then rename DSetupbackup.dll back to DSetup.dll.


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Samme problemet gjelder både demo og fullversjon.


Takker for svar :yes:

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