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Nytt om Armed Assault (PC)

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Åh, hehe. Glemte nesten å si at det har kommet enda et intervju som har blitt

oversatt fra Tjekkisk. Det er også et par eldre bilder med.


Intervjuet (på ArmedAssualt.eu)


PS: En del om Next Gen. Game (aka OFP2/Game 2) også.





EDIT, 9.april: Endret link til ArmA.dk pga. navneskifte.

ArmA.dk vil fra nå av bli ArmedAssault.eu

Endret av Colossus
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Gjest Slettet+56132

Argh, jeg klarer ikke å vente mer! Bildene ser vannvittig bra ut, spillet høres perfekt ut! 60+ multiplayer med AI. Dette er drømmen :w00t:

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Nei, desverre. Ikke noe bilder denne gang, men derimot dette:



Representatives of IDEA Games are ready to meet you at the industry event Game Connection at San Jose where they will present the upcoming titles

Armed Assault by Bohemia Interactive and Alpha Prime by Black Element Software. Don’t hesitate to request a meeting.

IDEA Games


Er Gamer.no til stede på konferansen? :innocent:

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Dette ser ikke lovende ut. Det kan se ut som om ArmA kommer til høsten i steden. :no:


Dette er tatt i fra et Tjekkisk spillmagasin (DOUPE 15) som er oversatt til Tysk og så til Engelsk, så den kan være litt feil.


Armed Assault Preview


Good ol' Flashpoint transferred into a new game, with nice innovations and more beautiful than before. That's, in brief, Armed Assault, the sequel to BIS' game. While early info dated last spring talked about ArmA as a reissue of Operation Flashpoint with a few innovations, the final version will be somewhat different. ArmA is a stand-alone game even if its roots are OFP. In our preview we'll introduce you to innovations that push the gaming experience and that surprise - pleasently.



Closer to mainstream ["mass of gamers" literally]


The first info is shocking: ArmA aims for a larger target group thus carrying some changes along. If you're looking for some sop, I'll clear everything for you: We won't be facing a revolution or an attack on something we loved, but rather an adjusting of the concept. There'll be multiple difficulty levels giving us the option to save more often, to make our fellow combattants tougher, to restrain friendly fire, etc.

Hardcore gamers and fans of OFP shouldn't panic though - ArmA still features the same tough and uncomprimising world they're already used (and they'll still get their super difficult mode)

This time the conflict takes place on an island, about as large as 400 km² - that's about as large as the three islands of OFP combined. The environment is richer and more elaborate than before, both its details and accoutrement please the eye. The engine has been nearly entirely reworked, the tree generator, which lets you forget the pseudo trees of OFP, stands for that. Each tree is an object that can be destroyed - driving through a forest with a tank is sensational, and when all the trees are cracking it feels very realistic. That's the case for the whole environment: Towns can be destroyed by bombardement, fences can be destroyed by cars, etc.



More roles in a mission


An unexpected innovation shows up on a spot, you would hardly have expected. The player will switch between multiple units which contribute to a mission, so the campaign gains an unexpected scale. In the mission we could watch in the developers' presentation the player had to clean a town to advance on the enemy's camp afterwards. While the main force is advancing on the new objective, the player takes the role of a sniper and cleans the approaches.

Completed single player missions will be available in coop mode, in which you'll be able to try out the different roles over and over.

The multiplayer mode gains importence, but at this point we want to describe the single player campaign.  Altough it's shorter and it features only half as many missions as OFP, it'll feature a richer and even better gaming experience. The island the action takes place on is seperated in two halfs: The north is a post-communist run-down country whilst the south is a flourishing pro-west country. As in real life the two different forms of governments (and ideologies) don't come along with another very well, and the american army, doing a manoeuvre,  intervenes in the conflict, the player will slip into the role of a soldier that is in the american forces. Although the length of the campaign will be shorter than in Flashpoint, the coop mode will countervail this.



Huge battles featuring umpteen players


We hail the reworked multiplayer that BIS has put more work on than before. The multiplayer features huge battles with umpteen players, places left idle will be filled up with bots. Due to the time such a mp game consumes - depending on the map up to several hours - the players may join in progress. The game won't restrain the number of players participating, it solely depends on the single computers. It's already possible today to fight battles with up to 60 players. That number, promising an unseen experience is only an outlook on the huge battlefields of the "future".

Due to multiplayer and the idle places filled up by bots the importance of A.I. rises, the developer team is intensively working on this topic. The enemies will be capable of calling support, taking cover - everything to make them capable of replacing real players and to make a adequate team member. The editor will enhance the durability of the game and we can look forward to further extensions (e.g. new dinghys, choppers, etc.)


It's not necessary to comment on the graphics - form yourself a view by the screenshots and the assurance that the game will look a lot more beautiful and vivious than OFP. Thanks to the used technology ArmA looks good, and it'll run on current computers without a problem. A 2,4 GHz precessor and 1 GB RAM are adequate for a good running gaming experience at good quality. But the developers still have to do the final optimization which will bring down the hardware requirements.

That alone should be enough to calm down the worries, that players of military simulations will have about ArmA. The rest of the ingredients let assume that the obsession called Operation Flashpoint - now called Armed Assault - will erupt once again. We're excitedly anticipating it.


General Info box:

Genre: Military action

Developer: Bohemia Interactive Studio

Czech publisher: Cenega Czech (Kun for Tjekkisk utgivelse)

Release: Fall 2006



Infobox about Game 2


Even if ArmA carries some interesting innovations, the developers are working on a game called "Game 2" that has been designed as a totally new game ab initio. Game 2 shall feature a more thrilling experience than OFP or ArmA - it shall be a next-gen military simulation. This goal shall be reached by total freedom concerning solving the missions and a reworked A.I. that learns from its own experiences and that has its own memory. But these are just dreams from the future - Game two will come end 2007 at the earliest, with regard to ArmA's postponement it'll probably come even later.


Mer mainstream?? :dontgetit:


This time the conflict takes place on an island, about as large as 400 km² - that's about as large as the three islands of OFP combined.

Hmm? På BIS' siste pressemelding står det at "Sarah" skal være 200 km², men her, og faktisk på IDEA-games' webside, står det 400 km²


Kilder: BIS' Forum #1, BIS' Forum #2 (se siste post) og Gamestar.de (Forum).



An unexpected innovation shows up on a spot, you would hardly have expected. The player will switch between multiple units which contribute to a mission, so the campaign gains an unexpected scale. In the mission we could watch in the developers' presentation the player had to clean a town to advance on the enemy's camp afterwards. While the main force is advancing on the new objective, the player takes the role of a sniper and cleans the approaches.

Liker ikke det jeg ser her :no:

Alle 1st person spill som har hatt denne muligheten har jeg holdt meg langt unna, jeg liker det rett og slett ikke.

Endret av Colossus
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Jeg synes alt høres bra ut, utenom akkurat dette med bytting av karakterer.

Men men, hver sin smak. Dessuten så har vi jo ikke fått prøvd ut ArmA enda.


Litt skuffa over at det står at det slippes ut til høsten, men jeg vil nok tro at det kommer til å lønne seg. Vi vil da ikke ha et halv ferdig spill.

Endret av Colossus
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Gjest Slettet+56132
Jeg synes alt høres bra ut, utenom akkurat dette med bytting av karakterer.

Men men, hver sin smak. Dessuten så har vi jo ikke fått prøvd ut ArmA enda.


Litt skuffa over at det står at det slippes ut til høsten, men jeg vil nok tro at det kommer til å lønne seg. Vi vil da ikke ha et halv ferdig spill.


Det er vel kun 25-30 stykker som jobber på det til forskjell fra OFP som det kun var 28 som jobbet med!

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ArmA videoen er her! :dribble:

Det er en preview fra et Russisk spillmagasin som desverre ikke har blitt oversatt enda, men det kommer.


EDIT: Her er oversettelsen (LINK)



MEGAUPLOAD - Mirror #1


FILE FACTORY - Mirror #2


OFP.INFO - Mirror #3 (Anbefalt mirror)





Husk at alt det du ser på preview'en er WIP (work in progress) og ikke det endelige resultatet.

Endret av Colossus
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dette var HERLIG! fly flate.. dette kommer til og bli så bra. ser ut som de tok vare på den gode gammle OFP feelingen iallefall :D


som sagt, eneste jeg ikke liker er "switch character" opplegget.. arti med den sangen som var i litt "nyere" version fra ofp :p


edit: men lurer på.. er denne traileren gammel? med tanke på at de ikke bruker de nye animasjonene ? :hmm:

Endret av *Magnus*
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Ja, det går rykter om at dette er i fra en gammel tech demo.

Merkelig nok var BIS overrasket over at filmen kom ut.


Nye animasjoner skal etter plannen være med på sluttproduktet.


Q: Concerning soldiers, will we see variations for the same kind of animation, (as current Flashpoint is with death animations), so if for example we see a squad of soldiers standing together they won't animate as though they're clones?


A (V.B): The complete animation model is changed in ArmA and there are many more animations than were seen in OFP.

OFP.INFOs intervju


EDIT: Fant akkurat dette.

As the video in question wasn't made by us, or released by us and contains very old footage and content, I think it's not important for it to have a separate thread beyond where it's being discussed.


When there is an official BIS trailer/video released by all means create a separate thread for it

Placebo på BIS Forum

Endret av Colossus
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