*Magnus* Skrevet 8. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 8. februar 2006 2 nye bilder i dag! Snadder Bilde 1 Bilde 2 5573186[/snapback] Lovely Lenke til kommentar
Zeph Skrevet 8. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 8. februar 2006 Her var det mange glade mennesker Trur eg må kjøpe OFP og R. Dårlig med OFP:R på Gamer.no. Lenke til kommentar
Smooth Ceiling Skrevet 9. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 9. februar 2006 (endret) Vel, da bør du heller kjøpe GOTY versjonen (Game Of The Year) av OFP 1985, for der får du spillet ferdig patchet, samt at Resistance og Red Hammer følger med i pakken. Play.com har denne utgaven på lager igjen nå, for £9.99: Link Og som alltid: porto er innbakt i prisen. Edit: Liker du arcade shootere vil neppe dette være noe for deg, men liker du å bruke tid på missions, spille en skikkelig bra campaign pluss multiplayer, bruke et enormt fleksibelt verktøy, bra community, en drøss MOD's og annet laget av fans o.s.v., da bør du ta en titt. Endret 9. februar 2006 av Sundiver Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 9. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 9. februar 2006 (endret) jepp. Escape and evade missionet du spiller som down'a pilot brukte jeg vel nærmere 6 timer på den ene gangen. Avfyrte ikke ett skudd... Endret 9. februar 2006 av MrLee Lenke til kommentar
Colossus Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Ah herlig, enda flere bilder. Bilde 1 Bilde 2 Bilde 3 Lenke til kommentar
Desdichado Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Ser bra ut ja, men selve bakken virker rimelig "flat". Håper det blir mulig å kaste seg ned/bak små groper og tuer, men det er vel å tro på julenissen. Vil bli urettferdig i mp, da ikke alle kjører med samme innstillinger. Nesten som FarCry, hvor du kan velge mellom gress eller ikke. Å kaste seg ned i gresset blir rimelig teit hvis han andre ikke har gress på. Uansett, dette blir fett! Lenke til kommentar
koronag Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Dette er jo 2001-grafikk. Lenke til kommentar
Snorre Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Dette er jo 2001-grafikk. 5588057[/snapback] Leste du dette: Armed Assault utvikles med en helt ny spillmotor, og lover et moderne krigsmiljø hvor spilleren får total frihet i komplekse, sømløse omgivelser på over 200 kvadratkilometer. Tror du virkelig at et spill med et så stort område skulle kunne kjøre nyeste Unreal Engine med alle detaljer på fullt? Stygge ord detter ned i hodet mitt nå, men jeg skal ikke la dem komme ut derifra. Når det er sagt er faktisk grafikken ganske bra. Greit nok, det er ikke så mye med gress og bakkedetaljer men trærne ser jo faktisk ganske bra ut, og kjøretøy og menn ser også rimelig detaljert ut. Synes det hele ser bra ut. Og med tanke på at jeg skal ha meg ny datamaskin til overgangen av 2006/2007 kan dette bli en riktig god spillopplevelse. Snorre Lenke til kommentar
Colossus Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 (endret) Jeg er ganske villig til å ofre litt grafikk for 200 kvadratkilometer med land, 2 km synsrekkevidde, 50+ spillere pluss AIs i MP og flere våpen og kjøretøy enn BF2. Endret 11. februar 2006 av Colossus Lenke til kommentar
darker Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 så dritbra ut, men.. det er mange spill som har hørtes dødsfete ut (og med bra screens) som ikke har vært noe i nærheten når spillet har blitt lansert. Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 så dritbra ut, men.. det er mange spill som har hørtes dødsfete ut (og med bra screens) som ikke har vært noe i nærheten når spillet har blitt lansert. 5588363[/snapback] Om de så bare oppdaterte grafikken fra Operation Flashpoint til det du ser på bildet, så hadde spillet vært konge. Når de har erfaringer fra OPF å bygge på, KAN det ikke bli dårligere enn OPF...og da er spillet automatisk gull. Lenke til kommentar
Gunfreak Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 ja, dette er jo ikke noe nytt type spill, det er jo bare OFP med, ny story, grafikk og sikkert noe forbedringer gameplay messing. så lenge de ikke forandrer veldig mye, vil jo spillet bli drit bra.. Lenke til kommentar
ErlendRU Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Ser ulidelig bra ut! Lenke til kommentar
Desdichado Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 så dritbra ut, men.. det er mange spill som har hørtes dødsfete ut (og med bra screens) som ikke har vært noe i nærheten når spillet har blitt lansert. 5588363[/snapback] Om de så bare oppdaterte grafikken fra Operation Flashpoint til det du ser på bildet, så hadde spillet vært konge. Når de har erfaringer fra OPF å bygge på, KAN det ikke bli dårligere enn OPF...og da er spillet automatisk gull. 5588802[/snapback] Word! Han har så rett så rett, selv den dag i dag er det ingen spill som er i nærheten av det Operation Flashpoint sto og ikke minst står for. Lenke til kommentar
LeGranDuc Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Gleder meg og sinnsykt til dette. Har brukt mange timer på OFP. Noen som har prøvd et map som heter Trip2Hell3 Anbefales på det sterkeste. Sinnsykt stress. Lenke til kommentar
*Magnus* Skrevet 11. februar 2006 Del Skrevet 11. februar 2006 konge screenier.. håper spillet er ferdig snart.. skal jo komme H1.. men kan jo hende at det blir et par måneder til enda da Lenke til kommentar
Colossus Skrevet 3. mars 2006 Del Skrevet 3. mars 2006 (endret) OFP.INFO's Interview med BIS! Det eneste som mangler på de nye bildene er antialiasing (AA) PS: Husk at bildene er WIP, så ikke bli skremt. Endret 3. mars 2006 av Colossus Lenke til kommentar
*Magnus* Skrevet 3. mars 2006 Del Skrevet 3. mars 2006 dette ser bare bedre og bedre ut .. en av grunnene til at det ikke er AA der er KANSKJE fordi de kjører nvidia kort.. og spillet støtter HDR.. og nvidia+HDR+AA=usant gleder meg til intervjuet kommer på engelsk Lenke til kommentar
Colossus Skrevet 3. mars 2006 Del Skrevet 3. mars 2006 (endret) gleder meg til intervjuet kommer på engelsk 5696745[/snapback] Er ikke dette intervjuet på engelsk? EDIT: Kanskje det går herfra (LINK) We sent a couple of months ago a long list of questions to Placebo, theBohemia Interactive Studio Public Relation Manager, concerning technical aspects of Armed Assault, the highly awaited OFP sequel. Viktor Bocan & Jiri Rydl, respectively BIS Armed Assault Project Manager and IDEA Games Public Relation manager, answered almost all our questions. General questions about the game Question (OFP.info): The features you're currently planning to include in ArmA, could their inclusion be dependant on the publisher and also the estimated release date that the publisher may choose? Or are you looking for an agreement with a publisher that will allow BIS to retain total control of the development side? Answer (J.R): BIStudio is an independent game developer, we listen to gamers, not publishers. Q: Are you afraid that the online and print gaming press could give a bad review to ArmA if they perceive it as being too close a game to the original Flashpoint in terms of features and such? Might they consider it merely a "graphically refreshed" Flashpoint? A (J.R): We are not afraid of this kind of reaction, because there is so much that is new concerning features of gameplay, not just new graphical effects. Q: As the game is covering very modern warfare which is quite different in comparison to 1985's units and doctrines, how do you intend to keep the missions realistic whilst also retaining the fun factor? A (V.B): Probably the most difficult part of design work on ArmA is to find a point where both realism and fun factor meet. We are currently quite sure we have found it. Q: Can you tell us a bit more concerning unit's nationalities on the newly released screenshots? Will Australian units be featured as well? A (V.B): There are currently no other armies besides a "fictional army" and US Army units in the game. Units animations Q: Concerning soldiers, will we see variations for the same kind of animation, (as current Flashpoint is with death animations), so if for example we see a squad of soldiers standing together they won't animate as though they're clones? A (V.B): The complete animation model is changed in ArmA and there are many more animations than were seen in OFP. Gameplay and game feature decisions Q: In the latest press release you mention "Updated controls and command interface", can you explain what is currently planned in that area? A (V.B): A much easier squad control system is currently under development. It means no more pressing numbers in a complicated commanding structure. We are aiming to implement a "simple as possible" control scheme in the game, but we still want to retain all (or almost all) of the commanding / controlling possibilities from the original title. Q: What do you mean by "Unique game modes introducing modes of play not seen in any other game", could you give some more tips/hints about it? A (V.B): OFP (and now ArmA) is unique by its scale, so it would really be a shame not to use it to its full potential. It means that we plan some MP modes not used in any of the other war games around. Q: Will you add more special features for vehicles and also allow their assignment with keyboard keys (option1, option 2 etc)? These special features would add a lot of realism and fun to the game, by example there would be auto rotation for helos, afterburner for a plane, launching smoke grenades for a tank, hand brake for a car, etc ? A: Of course we want to add as many special features as we can but please remember that we are still creating a game not a perfect simulator of every type of vehicle. So yes, some special features will be there and we plan much better "keyboard support" than before. Q: There has been suggestions voiced by a few members of the community that ArmA should include jumping to overcome small obstacles like sand walls etc. Many others believe that jumping will ruin the game and turn it into some CS clone, and suggested that an option to climb over obstacles should be introduced. Will we see anything like that in ArmA ? A (V.B): We are currently implementing climbing over certain obstacles, but there will be no "CS style" jumping. Q: Will the equipment be a part of the model or will we be able to put on different helmets, armour, vests, belts etc? A (V.B): Currently it’s not possible to change armour this way. Q: Since Armed Assault will feature modern tanks, will you disunite the hull and turret movements like in real tanks? What about cannon stabilization? A (V.B): It was introduced in Operation Flashpoint already. Edit by OFP.info team: The turret and canon are stabilized for the player (when he is in gunner position) ONLY if he is continuously moving the mouse slightly around. Q: One of the biggest problems concerning armour in OFP was the unrealistic hit- points based damage system, do you plan to fix this by implementing a realistic armour damage system based on penetration values (or a mix of both)? A (V.B): We plan to mix a little bit of both of these systems and we hope we will be able to introduce a much better damage system that we are currently developing. Q: Obviously there is a new water/sea in the game, will some special units be able to swim and see underwater? Will you change the final look of the sea/waves, because on this work in progress screenshot the waves look a bit strange in comparison to real waves/breakers? A (V.B): The water seen in early screenshots was only "work in progress", it’s already changed to give a more realistic impression. Swimming will not be implemented, but of course you will be able to drive a boat. Q: Let's talk a bit about the AI, we know it is maybe one of the hardest thing to develop, but do you know yet if soldiers will be affected by suppression fire, will they try to find cover? Enter buildings? Will the loss of the squad leader make them behave differently for a while for example? A (V.B): We are working hard on improving "individual" AI and some of these things are currently in testing. To tell the truth, some of these elements were already implemented in OFP, so now we just took them, cleaned them up and balanced them a bit to take into account the much more detailed environment we have in ArmA. Q: Will you change the save game system, so that if you fail the mission it doesn't overwrite your retry and save points straight away? Could the amount of saves in a mission be based on a difficulty setting, that can be adjusted? A (V.B): We developed a save system similar to this for the Xbox version so we are planning it for ArmA as well. Addon & Mission making Q: Can you explain a little as to what will change concerning addon making? Will a better addon patching system be implemented, so as we won't have to download a 20Mb pbo for a minor texture bug fix (for example)? A (V.B): Our game addon system is still being improved and addon support is one of our priorities, however it is still not sure how deep we can go. So no promises yet. Q: Will you include any kind of debugging utility to check addons for errors without the current trial-and-error method, having to recompile the addon and restart the game again and again? A (V.B): Same as above… Q: Are you planning to release a new version of SDK tools (Visitor, O2, TexView etc.) Will there be support for importing 3rd party modelling and animation tools such as MAYA, Poser etc.? A (V.B): Most likely. Q: How soon will the new SDK be available? Will we see new classes, script reference etc, before the release of ArmA, so we can prepare for it? A (V.B): Hopefully yes. We aim to have a completely new help system on the internet ready before the release of ArmA. We are already working on it so all being well it will be online very soon. Q: Will ArmA support 24-bit textures and non-standard texture sizes? Will we be able to use normal maps or even bump maps on vehicles? What about multi texturing? A (V.B): Yes, all of these things are now supported by our new engine. Multiplayer Q: Does new exclusive, never before seen multiplayer game types that will be persistent and have 60+ human players as well as AI, mean that some form of CTI will be hard coded into ArmA? A (V.B): Definitely. Q: Will you add more features and options for dedicated servers, especially concerning anti cheating/server crashing measures? A (V.B): Yes. OFP.info: Thank you very much BIS and IDEA Games for this nice interview! Important note from Jiri Rydl: Please consider the information we have provided as “work in progress”, we didn’t answer certain questions where answers would begin with “probably” or “maybe”, because we don’t want to make any promises we can’t keep, thus it's better not to talk about some topics right now. Thank you for understanding! --------------------------------- Appendix: Questions that remained unanswered Note from the OFP.info team: We decided to show you the few questions that remained unanswered for your information and curiosity but also to avoid getting questions or critics about some specific details that you think we might have forgotten. Will the soldier's animations be based on a skeleton structure? That would allow the creation of men different in size, height, weight, without needing to completely rework the animations? Also what about ragdoll implementation? Continuing with armour, do you plan to add several armour values representing different sides of the tank, i.e. will the rear be more vulnerable like in real life? Will range and deflection be implemented? This would totally change the gameplay between Armour and AT infantry, forcing infantry squads to take cover and find a closer spot rather than firing immediately whatever the tank direction heading and distance? Onto physics, In OFP, objects, vehicles and aircraft tend to jump around when rammed by a vehicle or hit by a heavy weapon, soldiers are thrown high up in the air by explosions etc. Has this been fixed in ArmA? Will pulling, pushing or shooting objects affect them in a more physically realistic way? What about destroyed buildings and vehicles models? Did you plan to make something in order to avoid the pain of looking for a missing addon in user's custom made missions? Such as an auto downloading system, or ingame addon management using a centralization platform ? Will you provide an ingame mission debugger or an ingame script editor? Endret 3. mars 2006 av Colossus Lenke til kommentar
MrLee Skrevet 3. mars 2006 Del Skrevet 3. mars 2006 Q: Does new exclusive, never before seen multiplayer game types that will be persistent and have 60+ human players as well as AI, mean that some form of CTI will be hard coded into ArmA? A (V.B): Definitely. omfg... min våte drøm gjort til virkelighet! Lenke til kommentar
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