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Jeg Søka Jobber I Kinematograf/TV


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Hi folk! Plz don`t delete my theme!


If someone works in these industries or has the connect with some people of these industries - plz would you can help me with some info and maybe to connect me with these peoples!?!


If someone interested in this - plz read my letter which usually I`m sending to different Cinema/TV organizations in Norway...but still successless.


Hallo Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.


My name is Rostislav, my age is 28 years old.


For now I know norsk språk in reading only .

I do understand norsk textes, coz I own of knowledges in general Germanic languages, but for now I do not own in necessary level of norsk grammar and phonetic and so I writing You in english.

But I can learn very fast!


I very love Norge and want come to live and work in this wonderful state.

I`m seeking for any job in Norge and agree do any hard and low-paid lob.

Please try understanding me right, my love to Norge and wish live in this wonderful state is not follow economical, material, etc., causes!


In the end of my letter I wrote why I want come to Norge!


I love many states, 22 is the best, and I love them not for economical, material levels, but for spiritual things.

Norge one of them!


But Norge is mostly relative to me, to my mentality, my mind, my soul.

I feel Norge as my home!

You know I love and Sweden and Denmark and fantastic Iceland and other Germanic states, and not only Germanic too...

But only Norge is like my home!


I`m writing You coz I`m always want to be an actor, musician, model.


Please check my site -




There is my amateur portfolio with different images, my biography, my desireable works, my hobbies.


Please read all info, there is not very much of it.


I`m hoping to become the member of Yours agency or maybe You can help me with other information...


My height is 183 cm, weght - 75 kg.

I have athletic slim body with healthy skin and beautiful face.


Color of my hair is dark fair or light brown.

Color of my eyes is grey. The color may change of enlightment - from grey-green (when dark) till grey-blue (when sunshine).


For now I don`t have the academical acting base, but I`m know a lot about acting and have some experience.

Also I have a lot of ideas.

I want write the screen-plays, I dream become director, I have a lot ideas and conceptions for cinematograph, I have so many ideas about plots.

I`m studying vocal of belcanto school and dream to become good singer in different genres and styles.

I`m dreaming to become the cinema actor and also work in TV.

I`m good athlete and master of Martial Arts.


Also I`m reading to write serious books.


Actualy there is a lot things with wich I want to work...


But I need the start!


If You will read my site You will understand how I desire work in these all industries and how difficult to start it.


Please read my site - there is enough info about me.

And I hope You could help me by some way.


My adresses [email protected]

or [email protected]


Mobile phone number +38 (067) 486-49-25


Since my 18 years old I`m trying always to go to the West World and leave Ukraine.


This is greatest necessary for me because I`m living in strange, not my society.


It`s diffucult to explain but I say shortly - these people are not native for me on mental, spiritual, out-look level!


I have only 2 things which is connecting me with them - slavonic origin and general native language, that`s all! Nothing else! In all other ways they are not my society.


I`m european mentally and spiritually, I have my own specific eklektikal mentality, but it mostly closer to Western European Civilization!


This is cause why I`m always suffering spiritually in this society.

They are living in not my understanding of image of life.

This is not my society!


I`m trying always to go in Europe. Since my 18 years old I do try this whole time!

But always this project is falling.

All my tryings does not help me. Always some causes to break my dream!


I`m was trying to get job in any European state as England, Benilux, Norway, Germany, and such as Italy, Spain, Portugal...even was try going to Alaska.


But all these tryings is faild.


This is almost impossible outcome when you livivng in the state like Ukraine.


I deceided to leave Ukraine when I was 13 years old.

Surely in that age I can not do this.

Since my 18 years old I got the right to go.


But still can`t happen this!

Endret av RostislaV
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For one thing, Rostislav, you might want to learn how to express yourself better than a 10-year old kid. Although English might not be your native language, an employer will only employ you if you have something to offer. And with your writing skills, I seriously doubt that you will have any luck.

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For one thing, Rostislav, you might want to learn how to express yourself better than a 10-year old kid. Although English might not be your native language, an employer will only employ you if you have something to offer. And with your writing skills, I seriously doubt that you will have any luck.




Synes engelsken var ganske bra egentlig, kjenner folk fra Polen, Latvia, Tsjekkia osv. som ikke snakker et ord engelsk.


Men, hvorfor skriver alle engelsk til han. I inlegget skriver han at han kan lese norsk.

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Det er sikkert mange andre i verden som heller ikke snakker engelsk, EvoZ. At noen klarer å stotre frem noe optimistisk, appelerer vel gjerne ikke til den profesjonelle arbeidsgiver. Let's face it - fyren får neppe jobb med en slik søknad.



Tenker bare på at det er stort sett her i vest-Europa at engelsk er et så viktig fag. Engelsk er neppe like prioritert i øst-Europa. Derfor synes jeg bare det å lære et nytt språk med helt andre regler, ord og syntaks er ganske bra.

Tenk hvis du skulle gått i gang og lært....swahili :)


Men etter Norsk nivå er ikke engelsken veldig bra.

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1.I don`t get - WHY shitting here? :mad:


Only apedoktor wrote normal aswear, althou his answear is unnecessary...


2.bfisk - dear...this is not your business how I express my thoughts and so on...


I don`t care absolutely about your opinion...You are not from TV/Kino industries..so why You posting yours "treasury" thoughts here?...


You are strange...

an employer will only employ you if you have something to offer. And with your writing skills, I seriously doubt that you will have any luck.


Did You know everything about me and my skills? Did You know about the things that I can offer?


NO! So why You are writing these stupiddies? :mad:


Do You know everything about my ideas, knowledges?


Don`t build the great judge of You!






you are just empty spot.....I will not even to answear you.... :D




Guys, if you have not any concernig to TV/Kino - please just staying away of this topic!


I have not the interest to talk with you about nothing! ;):thumbdown:

Endret av RostislaV
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Before flaming "back", take a second look at your sources. I have never said anything about your abilities or skills as an actor or whatever. All I said is that you might want to reconsider how you market yourself. And if you can't cope with the fact that you English is really poor, then don't come crying when you are being turned down.

Edit: And, oh;

this is not your business how I express my thoughts and so on...

Then I guess it's not our business to be of any further assitance, neither.

You are not from TV/Kino industries

What if I was? What if someone i knew was? How would you know, really?


It's not a good idea to ask for advice, and then flame the ones who actually bother replying. Don't bite the hand that feeds. Critisism is usually there for a reason.

Endret av bfisk
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Before flaming "back", take a second look at your sources. I have never said anything about your abilities or skills as an actor or whatever. All I said is that you might want to reconsider how you market yourself. And if you can't cope with the fact that you English is really poor, then don't come crying when you are being turned down.

Edit: And, oh;

this is not your business how I express my thoughts and so on...

Then I guess it's not our business to be of any further assitance, neither.

You are not from TV/Kino industries

What if I was? What if someone i knew was? How would you know, really?


It's not a good idea to ask for advice, and then flame the ones who actually bother replying. Don't bite the hand that feeds. Critisism is usually there for a reason.






You have some right points, but the problem was not in your critica, but in yours pessimism and unbelieving, more this, You did say that I speak like 10-years old child!


What did you mean? My english? I doubt in this! I`m sure that You saying this about my way of express, my childish open-soul speech!


Maybe for someone, and for You that moment seems like naive, like childish...


All right, this is yours view...I will not gonna change this.


Yes! Maybe this is childish, but why so is? Did you think about? Did come some thought to You why is this so?


And the next problem.


Everything that I wrote above in this post is poor english?


And so why You so sure in my poor english?


I know about 10000 words, I can speak in any kinds of english, concretely British, American, Canadian, Australian...

Sure my phonetics is not ideal, but I can speak without almost any accent.


Actually I`m using of General American Standard.


Only the problem is the grammar, but this is another theme for talking.....


Sure yours grammar is more correct and almost ideal.... Judging by yours profile I think You has (have) direct contacts with americans...therefore naturally yours english in good shape...


Believe me - none of english-bearers never told me "You english is sucks" or something like that...


Yes...there is problems like many others non-english speaking people has their...but these problems are NOT such big as You point this!


Anyway - thanks for interesting conversation......


better You could help me than criticise! ;):yes::hmm:

Endret av RostislaV
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To sum it up for my part, it was never my intention to critisize your thoughts or beliefs, nor compare you to a ten-year-old-kid. If your percieved it that way, I'm sorry.


What I'm saying is that how you express yourself most definitely will create an impression of you, for instance with a prospective employer. If that impression comes from poor grammar and phraseology it may make or break valuable chances of employment and whatnot.


Anyways, I'm going to leave this discussion now. Good luck to you!

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RotislaV, have you ever considered staying in Ukraine? I just looked briefly trough your bio and you seem to be very 'obsessed' with the idea of leaving your country - but on the other hand you have this "I want to change the world" spirit, maybe you should stay, I believe Ukraine need people like you.

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Great thanks to You!





Hi, I do understand the way of yours thoughts, but the fact is that the life is not so simple, and I can`t explain how important is for me going to West and leaving the East!


That`ll be too long story..but the all necessary info about this I did put in Biography on the site.

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1.To sum it up for my part, it was never my intention to critisize your thoughts or beliefs, nor compare you to a ten-year-old-kid. If your percieved it that way, I'm sorry.


2.What I'm saying is that how you express yourself most definitely will create an impression of you, for instance with a prospective employer. If that impression comes from poor grammar and phraseology it may make or break  valuable chances of employment and whatnot.


3.Anyways, I'm going to leave this discussion now. Good luck to you!






2.Yeah, I agree absolutely with your point...


Well I would like to talk to you about building of sentences and about rich phraseology... I can explain where from it comes... There are specific reasons for this.


3.Thanks, but I would like to talk with you more, maybe at another topics...?

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  • 2 uker senere...

I love it.


Despite of your bad grammar in english, you display an amazing spirit/motivation I haven't seen from someone (except Borat - Ali G's character impression of a Khazikstan journalist.)


From what it seems like, reading your homepage and your initial post, you live in Ukraina? You need to get out in the world, and you really need to learn english grammar (build-up of correctly written complete english sentences.) alot better if you want to get into the TV/movie-industry, you won't get there by sitting where you are now unfortunately, you need to show yourself to the "world" and I doubt you can do that in Ukraina.


(On the other hand Pirhana has a important point: Ukraina could be just the place that needs changing, and you could be participating in just that. But on the other hand, you might have a better shot at that if you actually went out to the world and got some "fame" first.)


About the english - You know the words, but you seem to lack the knowledge of what order they need to be put in etc. It does infact "suck" compared to norwegian standards, not to mention english standards, but alot of that could be fixed by knowing the arrangement of the words in correct order, and I suspect the buildup of russian(Ukrain?) language has a totally different ordering in it's grammar.

You mentioned to bfisk that he might have had contact with americans, and thus his english is good.

The point is, all norwegians and western-europeans do little else than sit on our lazy asses all day watch TV, alot (if not most of them) of those are in english, TV-series, 24/7 all the time from the day we're born till the day we die.


If we play computer-games, it's all in english, and we start learning english grammar in 3rd grade in basic-school at the age of 9.


It's not so much being in contact with americans, but rather being exposed to the english language 24/7 through school, games and TV/media, and nothing in Norway is "dubbed" (voiced over like in ex. Germany), so all we hear all day long is english. The only times we don't hear/see english is when we speak or write to eachother or sometimes now and then see a norwegian program on the telly, or the watch/read the local news on TV/ in newspapers.


It's better that you get these critics now - from us in here, and invest even more time and effort in learning better english, than getting those critics later from an employer turning you down because of it.


(Not that my english is flawless or anything close to it though.)


Allthoug, I think your display of motivation might shine through for someone looking to hire, but you still need to work on your grammar if you plan on communicating alot in english both in written and vocally.


A: Take your time to learn how to build up the sentences in english, correct ordering of the words, that will fix 20% of your problem. (I think you'll be surprised to hear what the 80 remaining % of your problem is.)


B: Stay away from words like "Plz!" "!" or any sort of "slang"/remodification of the english grammar/language. These are invalid / none-existing words made up by lazy english teenagers/kids who need to write as short SMS-messages as possible when messaging their friends with their cellular, it's not acceptable language in the business-world. This, if only used once, ruins probarbly 80% of your chances of ever getting a job, anywhere, no matter how good you get in english grammar.


Also, remember that most people recognize "!" / "!!" etc. as someone being angry/frustrated, so stay away from using it unless it's obviously used in a positive term, and even then be carefull of it's use, don't overuse it.


Even with really bad grammar in english ("A"), you still would seem 100% more mature,adult,serious and diplomatic/representative if you stay away from anything in point "B" mentioned above.


Just remember to keep your options open, the TV/Movie-industry isnt always the easiest area to get into, after all, alot of people spend years and years of their lives hoping to get discovered, but few actually gets "taken in".


Do you have any other skills to rest upon if your quest for the movie/music/TV-industry halts or fails? Something like design/programming etc?


Does it need to be action/scifi/martial arts? Could you e.g consider comedy? Cause you could (don't be offended by this) actually "trademark" yourself, your own character, almost like "Borat" only you would actually be the real thing, and it could very well work to your advantage if you got famous for that first, everyone needs to start somewhere.


You could actually use that bad grammar to your advantage in a scenario like that and probarbly be just as funny or funnier than the Borat character if you do it right, make some videos, start a blog about it, spread the news about it, and then send links to agencies / news-sites etc for your blobsite once it has enough visitors, you might just end up on CNN news and get famous over night for a stunt like that.


Also, a notion of caution. You're amazingly honest about everything, In some people's eyes that's a good (and rare) thing. But be carefull, there are alot of bad people on this planet who will use this to your disadvantage.


If it's any comfort though: If I ran a movie-company/TV-network or any other business (unfortunately I don't), I would hire you on the spot simply due to your amazing display of motivation, optimism and character.

Endret av Mr.Locke
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