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This is my updated grinding guide, I posted it a while ago also, but I have made some changes and additions to it…

This Grinding guide is based on what is good for a rogue, I am in the making of lvling a warlock and a priest, however neither of them are far enough to say for sure what kind of mobs are good to grind for them, so this may or may not be viable for other classes, I can’t say, I can just say that it is very good for rogues



A few tips u should always remember when grinding:


1.: Always remember bandages and food, grinding is no good without it


2.: Getting into big discussions/chats in the /gchat or /wchat or whatever is always fun, and it definably makes the grinding less boring, however it will slow u down… U can go from 40k/hour to 30k/hour just by having a conversation in the chat which doesn’t seem to take up a lot of time… Keep that in mind if u really want to lvl fast ?


3.: If u can’t stand to grind non-stop, just combine it with some questing to ease it up a little...


4.: If u go back to IF/Orgrimmar every half lvl to check AH, u will lose a lot of time with the travelling… Although u may have ur heartstone there, the trip back again will cost u a lot of time…

There’re many reasons to go back to the main city during ur grinding, but I guarantee u most of them can be done with a lvl 1 char sitting in the main city, just check the AH and buy stuff for u… U mail some gold to it to do ur dirty work, and it can mail the items back to u ?


5.: Always remember to sit ur character at the nearest Inn when u log off, to gain rested time… It is really worth it, or rather: Not worth not to do it ?


6.: I am very well aware of there’s some very good grinding spots in AV, however I highly discourage this, u will take up a spot in the battleground and u will not help ur team… U will actually help the opposing faction win, which is just stupid… Do not do this if u have any respect for ur own faction!




I did not find grinding to be very useful up until these lvls, there’re tons of quests all over the place which lvls u quite fast… I may be wrong on this, but I just don’t think it is fast enough to grind for 2 hours to get a lvl at lower lvls, it can be done faster with quests



37-38: The water elementals on the haunted island in stranglethorn vale is very good grinding at these lvls, the only downside at these are the drops, they really suck, but u don’t grind for loot, u grind for xp


39-41: Earth elementals down south in the badlands are awesome here, so easy to kill, despite the fact that there’s no casters amongst them, and the stones they drop will make u rich by the vendors


42-43: Nagas at the beach @ feralas, we all love nagas, and these are quite good, many casters among them, only bad thing is the disarm they sometimes do, but considering their low armor/health it's still a very good place!


44-47: Nagas are simply the best thing to grind, here u move on to the cave on the isle of dread also in Feralas, it's the fastest grinding I've ever done there, so awesome... Only very rarely do other players come, and those that do come, come to do a fast quest then they leave again!



I know it's many lvls in the same place, which gets boring cause it's the same thing over and over again, but it's really fast lvls! Besides, u can always do some Uldaman/Zul’Farrak while grinding 42-47! Which btw are some of my favourite instances in the game :)



Moving on...


48: Quests in Searing gorge, u should gain an entire lvl if u do them all, very fast, can be done in a matter of a few hours!

And ofc the trinket reward "Fluffy" u get from one of the quests is not to be underestimated when u as a rogue fight a warrior (Or farm gold at Deadwind pass ;), damn that rend they got)!


49-51: the cactus-guys way down southwest of Tanaris, those die so fast it's hardly believable... very good grinding here!

If ur a fan of Un'goro u can always combine with some questing there, it's right next to it, and is good at that lvl, I just didn't, I hate that place :/


The deadwood village in Felwood is also very good at these lvls, but it's always filled with both horde and alliance, so no point in going there unless it's at some hour where the server is almost empty ;)


52-53: If u haven’t done them at an earlier state, the quests in Un’goro would be excellent here… Even if did do some quests earlier, u can’t have done them all cause there’s a lot of 52-55 quests which are almost impossible at lower lvls unless u go with a group


50-53: Another option is satyrs in Ashaera, these are 51-53, but die so so quick they can easily be grinded at lvl 50. I did this, combined with searing gorge AND the cactus guys, just because some lvl 60 is always on the satyrs, and there isn't enough for 2!

The fact that they drop Felcloth and traveller’s backpacks and cards for the faire is just a nice bonus :)


53-55: The blood elves in Ashaera die really fast… They’re the same lvl as the satyrs, however they all do this nasty AoE which can get a bit too much if ur not high enough lvl… And they’re placed kind of tight some places, which inevitable makes u aggro one too many… However still very good to grind, they drop a lot of runecloth and silver as well, being humanoids and all


54-57: Ghosts by the lake in Winterspring, these are a little tricky for a 54, due to the DoT the give u, which prevents u in bandaging, but still good to grind!

These can be grinded all the way to 60, I’ve seen it done and it works fine… Although there’re better places after 57…


56-60: The birds in Deadwind pass, These are very good to grind, they die relatively fast, and drop very good vendortrash… The only downside is that they hit rather hard and out rend on u all the time which makes it almost impossible to start with an ambush… But if u use swords that won’t be a problem

There’re also very often other people grinding on these, and to be honost there’s not enough for 2…


57-60: Yetis in Winterspring are very popular to grind, there’re tons of them and can be skinned for thick/rugged leather, they also drop silver… They do however have a lot of health points, which makes them a bit harder to kill, but if ur saving for ur epic mount, this will be a good place to get some good xp and some steady gold flowing…


58-60: The ogres in Deadwind pass, very good, just like all other ogres they die pretty fast… The amount of runecloth they drop is just unbelievable



Combine it all with the occasional instance if it's ur first char, if not, then I assume u already know that instances are only viable for the items u may need from them. Xp-wise it's just not worth the effort, ur overall xp/hour will be so low when ur done!



There u go, I'm not claiming to be an expert on this, at all, I wrote this out of my own experience…

If there’s anything I forgot to mention or a place u think is good which I haven’t written, write it in here and I’ll test it out and write it in the guide if I find it to be good



Most of these have been confirmed to be good, but in order to prevent overcrowding in areas I will try to list several different places, all of which should be pretty decent. More often than not, the areas will only hold one or two people maximum as far as spawn rates go - any more than that and you have too many people and too little mobs to support them. Unfortunately, because of this, you might end up somewhere that isn't quite as good as you might've hoped, and if that's the case, I apologize in advance.


The levels are approximate, you may or may not have to supplement grinding for one or two levels in order to move onto the next zones early on, although most of the later parts deal mostly with areas to grind in. Also, when a level is listed next to a grind area, that means this is the level at which you can more than likely *start* grinding the mobs. You can probably *stop* grinding them about 4-5 levels past where the start level is. In fact, it's probably recommended that you do stop 4 levels past them.


Also, keep in mind that this is mostly for Alliance players, as it's the only faction I've played and thus have no experience with Horde lands. You'll also note the lack of Kalimdor lands up until Feralas/Tanaris. While I'm not saying Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Thousand Needles or Desolace are bad places, I honestly have no experience with them either, and these areas that I do list are typically sufficient to take you up in levels.


Please note that the level listed beside a place, if there is one, is the level recommended to *begin* the place. Each place should typically be able to last you for 4-5 levels (with the exception of quest areas), whether you have the patience to stay at that one place for that long is another thing.


Thanks to everyone that has contributed and added to the list!


Level 1-12:


- Newbie Zone :: You may have to leave at level 11.


Level 12-20:


- Westfall [sentinel Hill, Westfall Lighthouse]

- Loch Modan [Thelsamar, Farstrider's Lodge, Stonewrought Dam]

- Darkshore [Auberdine]

- Elite Area: Mo'grosh mound (Loch Modan)

- Instance: Deadmines


Complete the easiest quests in the first area that you go to (Night Elves should visit Darkshore first, Dwarves/Gnomes should visit Loch Modan first, Humans should visit Westfall first.) Move onto the next zone, and do the same, but this time you can complete more of the zone. Leave the most difficult, unless you can get a group for them - don't waste too much time on it, though. Move onto the last zone and complete all, or nearly all of the quests available in that zone. By this time, you should be about level 17-18. Go back to the first zone, and complete the rest of the quests there.


Typically, my "first zone" is Westfall, in which case you can go back when you are done with both Loch Modan and Darkshore, and finish the Van Cleef line of quests and be at a good level to run the instance.


Level 20-22:


- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]


Again, do the easy quests in Redridge, which should take you up to level 21 or 22. Skip the more difficult quests unless you have a group for them. I'd skip the entire Stonewatch Keep area of quests just simply because that entire area itself is crap.


Level 22-30:


- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]

- Duskwood [Darkshire, Sven's Camp, Abercrombie]

- Wetlands [Menethil Harbor, Greenwarden, N. Loch Modan (The Algaz Gauntlet)]

- Ashenvale [Astranaar ?]

- Stonetalon Mountains [?]

- Elite Area: Dun Modr (Wetlands)

- Instance: The Stockades

- Instance: Shadowfang Keep

- Instance: Blackfathom Deeps

- Happy Loot: Naraxis' Fang (Duskwood)

- Happy Loot: Tiny Crimson Whelpling (Wetlands)

- Grind Area [26]: Dragonmaw Encampment (Wetlands)

- Grind Area [26]: Whelgar's Excavation Site (Wetlands)

- Grind Area [28]: Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)

- Grind Area [28]: Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)

- Grind Area [29]: Vul'Gol Ogre Mound (Duskwood)


Preparation: Purchase Bronze Tube.


Start at either Duskwood or Wetlands. This is where "quest stacking" can come in really handy if you want to be efficient. There are many, many quests that send you to the same areas, and if you get all of the quests at once, you can knock all of them out without having to run back and forth. Considering Wetlands and Duskwood are fairly bad for having their towns on one side of the map and the quest mobs/areas on the other side, this saves a lot of time. A lot of these are parts of quest chains, so honestly it's hard to know if you don't have prior knowledge or do a lot of quest research beforehand - so don't worry about it too much, but try to be as efficient as you can. Once you finish one of the two new areas, you should be about level 25 and can go finish the harder parts of Redridge, and then finish the last zone.


Note for Stockades : There are 6 quests you can obtain for this instance. Lakeshire, Darkshire, Wetlands, Van Cleef note continuation (Bazil Thredd), and two from Stormwind.


Level 31-37:


- Stranglethorn Vale [Rebel Camp, Nesingwary's Expedition, Booty Bay]

- Hillsbrad Foothills [southshore]

- Arathi Highlands [Refuge Pointe]

- Desolace [32]

- Thousand Needles [31]

- Instance: Gnomeregan

- Happy Loot: Howling Blade (Skhowl, Alterac Mountains)

- Happy Loot: Toxic Revenger (Gnomeregan)

- Happy Loot: Tiny Emerald Whelpling (Swamp of Sorrows)

- Grind Area [31]: Kurzen Encampment (Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [33]: Stranglethorn Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [33]: Growless Cave (Alterac Mountains)

- Grind Area [34]: Gallow's Corner (Crushridge Ogres - Altarac Mountains)

- Grind Area [34]: Witherbark Village (Arathi Mountains)

- Grind Area [36]: Venture Co. Base Camp (Lake Nazferiti - Stranglethorn Vale)


Preparation: Purchase all 15 pages of The Green Hills of Stranglethorn, 4 Bloodstone Ore.


Start at Stranglethorn Vale. Quest stacking here is also godly, since you don't want to have to run all the way to the northern end of the zone, do one or two quests and turn them back in at Booty Bay. Rebel Camp's quests are largely independent of the rest, though, so you can do those first. Then, head to Booty Bay, where you can pick up two main quests for the northern area: Investigate the Camp and the start of the Excelsior chain, both of which takes you to Nesingwary's Expedition, where you obtain all of the nice happy quests there.


Hillsbrad is only good starting at about level 33, at which point you can actually *do* all of the quests that you could obtain at level 30... Arathi only has one or two quests that you can actually do right now, but it's listed anyways.


Kurzen Cave has been fixed, which perhaps means that Jungle Fighters and Headshrinkers have as well, so someone test that out please.


Level 37-43:


- Stranglethorn Vale [booty Bay, Nesingwary's Expedition, Rebel Camp]

- Arathi Mountains [Refuge Pointe, Faldir's Cove]

- Badlands [Various camps around the zone]

- Desolace [37]

- Elite Area: Stromgarde

- Elite Area: Mosh'ogg Mound

- Instance: Scarlet Monastery

- Instance: Uldaman

- Instance: Razorfen Downs

- Happy Loot: Tiny Black Whelpling (Badlands)

- Grind Area [37]: Lashtail Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [37]: Water Elementals (Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [39]: The spider cave north of Brackenwall (Dustwallow Marsh)

- Grind Area [39]: Rock Elementals (Badlands)

- Grind Area [39]: Elder Crag Coyotes (Badlands)

- Grind Area [41]: Scalding Whelps (Badlands)

- Grind Area [41]: Agmond's End (Badlands)

- Grind Area [41]: Ziata'jai Ruins (Venture Co. Stuff, Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [43]: Naga Explorers (Stranglethorn Vale)

- Grind Area [4X]: Grimtotem Compound (Feralas - Low 40s, not absolutely sure)


Preparation: Purchase 9 Blue Pearls, 1 Frost Oil, 1 Gyrochronatom, 4 Buzzard Wings, 1 Elixir of Water Breathing.


37 is where you obtain your next batch of quests from Stranglethorn Vale. Arathi Highlands has fairly decent quests in Faldir's Cove, or if you're feeling group-friendly, knock out the ones in Stromgarde. Badlands has a lot of nice quests, but you have to actually find them. This is where supplementing experience by grinding becomes more efficient at times, and at 42-43 you should be closing the last of your Stranglethorn quests, and be finished with Badlands and Arathi both, as well.


Scarlet Monastery. Black Menace or Sword of Serenity. Nothing more needs to be said - except where to obtain the quest: Desolace.


Level 43-46:


- Feralas [Feathermoon Stronghold]

- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]

- Instance: Zul'Farrak

- Grind Area [43]: Wastewander Bandits (Tanaris)

- Grind Area [44]: Isle of Dread (Feralas - Inside Cave; South of Feathermoon Stronghold)

- Grind Area [45]: Feral Scar Vale (Feralas)

- Happy Loot: 14slot bag! Cortello's Riddle quest, starts in one of the ships in Stranglethorn Vale for the end of the Bloodsail Buccaneers line of quests.


Fairly self explanatory, I guess. Not much going on here, really.


Level 46-50:


- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]

- The Hinterlands [Aerie Peak]

- Instance: Zul'Farrak

- Instance: Maraudon [49]

- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar [50]

- Grind Area [47]: Undead in Western Ashzara (Azshara)

- Grind Area [47]: Dunemaul Compound (Tanaris)

- Grind Area [47]: Elementals/Golems around The Cauldron + N of it (Searing Gorge) - Elemental Leatherworking Supplies



At this point, you more than likely have a bunch of quests saved up for The Hinterlands - including but not limited to, the quest to gather Wildkin Feathers (from Rutheran Village), the quest to obtain a snapshot of Gammerita, the quest to obtain Violet Trajan, the last part of Cortello's Riddle, etc. Feel free to knock them all out at once.


Level 50-55:


- Searing Gorge [Kalaran Windblade]

- Blasted Lands [blood Elf camp]

- Un'Goro Crater [Marshal's Refuge]

- Felwood [Emerald Sanctuary]

- Burning Steppes [Morgan's Vigil]

- Instance: Temple of Atal'Hakkar

- Grind Area [50]: Deadwood Village (Felwood)

- Grind Area [51]: Ruins of Eldarath (Azshara)

- Grind Area [52]: Dreadmaul Rock (Firegut Ogres - Burning Steppes)

- Grind Area [52]: Legash Encampment, Thalassian Base Camp, Ursolan (Azshara)

- Grind Area [52]: Jaedenar (Felwood)

- Grind Area [52]: Sorrow Hill (Western Plaguelands)

- Grind Area [53]: Ironwood Trees in northern Felwood

- Grind Area [54]: Temple of Arkkoran (Azshara)

- Grind Area [55]: Jadefire Run, Felpaw Village (Felwood)


The quests in Blasted Lands all stack on top of each other. Five in total, one for each stat; they give 4700 experience per turn-in, along with always the chance of obtaining a Draenethyst Sphere for Kumi'sha the Collector with every mob you kill. Un'Goro Crater has the biggest collection of quests out of all of these zones.


Level 55-60:


- Winterspring [Everlook, Starfall Village]

- Western Plaguelands [Chillwind Point]

- Eastern Plaguelands [Light's Hope Chapel]

- Instance: Blackrock Depths

- Instance: Blackrock Spire [60]

- Instance: Stratholme [60]

- Instance: Scholomance [60]

- Grind Area [55]: Felstone Field, Dalson's Tears, The Writhing Haunt, Gahrron's Withering (Western Plaguelands)

- Grind Area [56]: Northridge Lumber Camp (Western Plaguelands)

- Grind Area [56]: Corin's Crossing (Eastern Plaguelands)

- Grind Area [56]: The Pillar of Ash (Burning Steppes)

- Grind Area [56]: Winterfall Village (Winterspring)

- Grind Area [57]: Blackrock Stronghold (Burning Steppes) [NOTE]

- Grind Area [57]: Ice Thistle Hills (Wintespring) - Rugged Leathers


Notes: Blackrock Stronghold is probably the best place to grind for a rogue; however, you do have to get used to how the roamers work. You'll probably die a few times along the way while learning them. Also, this might likely be another area where they're increasing the armor on the mobs, but two of the four kinds of orcs that spawn are casters, anyway. Ice Thistle Hills is not the best place to grind for experience, but it's probably one of the better places to get a nice quiet grind going and also leave with a few backpacks full of Rugged Leather.


Okay -- So this isn't really a "complete" grind area list, because honestly, you only have to sit down and grind at one or two places for a few levels before you can move onto the next tier of zones, and that's typically what I did. Just sit down and grind at one place, don't move around everywhere and you'll be out of there in a few hours or days. I've tried my best to list the best quest areas and zones as well for those that would rather try to quest and not grind their way through the game, too, but that's also somewhat incomplete, especially at later stages since I don't have much knowledge of the various new quests they implemented in Winterspring and the Plaguelands.


Anyway, hope it helps to answer some of the "where can I go at level X?" questions.





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