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Omtale av UFO: Aftershock (PC)

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Gjest Slettet+9018234

Selv om karakteren er lavere enn AM er den satt iforhold til spillet som helhet, ikke iforhold til forgjengere. For slikt finnes andre karakterer. Spillet _er_ bedre enn AM, men i sin egen rett finnes her mange forbedringspotensialer og ikke minst noen mindre heldige løsninger.



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Elleve soldater, level 8-12.  Resurser 4640, 5204, 5372 og 3 dager og 12 timer til ... De kultne har en base og totalt fem områder. Forsvarte meg nettopp mot dem med kun en psionic og en cyborg. Må bare ikke møte for mange av dem ute i det åpne samtidig.


Da har WG'ene dukket opp, og jeg tar en pause mens jeg venter på patchen. Den skal etter sigende fungere med eksisterende save-gams.


Kjøpte meg en ny lvl 10 Psionic til 3000, så nå har jeg fire av hver fire rase.


Jeg må si at lvl3 sniper med laser sniperrifle ruler. Sikter man på hodet til folk (så godt som alltid 100% sjanse for å treffe), så legger del fleste seg på rygg på kort tid.


Laservåpen fungerer forresten mye bedre mot flatsters enn det kuler gjør.




Wargot'ene var kule. Litt utfordring. Første mission der de var med (jeg klarte å klemme inn en før de angrep basen min) så var det en kar i en svær rustning, samt mange cultists. De fleste angrep etter hvert mer eller mindre samtidig. Så mens fire av gutta mine sloss mot rustningkaren og to andre wargots så stod siste mann igjen sammen med fire-fem cultister. Frem med shotgun'en, bang bang bang i alle retninger. No problem. :evil:


På den missionen var det forresten en cultis som var merka unconscious som ikke ville legge seg ned, men fortsatte å skyte på meg. Noe psionics greier kanskje?




Ikke bare det, han (en cultist, for de som ikke leste spoilerdelen) sto vendt en vei mens han så bakover og skjøt mot meg med rifla over skuldern! Kult! Og folk klager på animasjonene! Jeg synes det er mange kule detaljer.


Tross sine feil, dritkult spill. Gleder meg til resten av historien... men som sagt. Nå skal jeg vente på patchen før jeg fortsetter.

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Jeg la ut den følgende historien på det ofisiselle forumet. For de som ikke har møtt WG'ene ennå, så inneholder den noen små spoilere. Så les på eget ansvar.


Den er på engelsk, siden det ble skrevet for det engelske forumet. Men iflg rettningslinjene er det ok. Så ikke klag. ;)



I just had my first encounter with the WG's on a cultist mission. It was a real though one.


Everything was quiet as I approached the corner of the nearby building. Five men, one psionic, one sniper, one guy with a machine gun and two though guys armed with rifles and shotguns in their backpack.


I covered the corner, two guys sneaking up towards nearby doors in the building, and the sniper and machine gun guy hanging back covering both directions. Suddenly WG's appears down along one side of the building, the one where my rifle guys are not. Two WG guys and one big WG power armor. Cool!


I had never seen a WG before at all, as I managed to squeeze this mission in between the end of the count down, and before the WG's do what they do when they arrive. So I had no idea what was approaching.


I quickly opened fire with my machine gun guy, and the sniper starts aiming for heads. But before the others can join the fight, cultists start streaming out two of the nearby doors. Ether by chance, or because having heard the gunfire, I don't know. But there I am, in a matter of moments, having a fight on two fronts. My rifle guys on one side of the building fighting cultists. A sniper and the machine gun guy fighting wargots on the other side. And the psionic not really knowing how to help (hope they will be more important later in the game.)


A couple of big blasts, sending my guys sprawling, soon made it evident that the wargots was going to be the challenge here. So I left one of the rifle guys alone to take care of the cultists, while the other ran around the corner to help with the wargots. I think I had killed one cultist, one was unconscious and still standing, not having had the time to slump to the ground yet. And there were three or four more surrounding my lone guy. Peace of cake really. Remember, he's got a shotgun in his backpack!


The shotgun comes out, and the blasting begins. Ouch! He's shot in the back by the unconscious guy! WHAT!? I ignore it, probably a glitch in the game, he was probanly pulling the trigger just as he got killed. So I focus on the other guys, and whipping my shotgun out. BLAM! Shot in the back again! I pause the game and zoom in to see what is happening. There he is, he's still marked as unconscious, he's facing the other way, but that does not stop him from shooting his big gun at my soldier over his shoulder! Yes, he's facing away from my soldier, but at him across his shoulder! Everything while still being unconscious!


On the other side of the corner things are starting to get a little bit better. Mr. big and though cyborg with a machine gun is in front, taking the heat and dealing some too. My sniper has moved some distance away, so he won't go down in the blasts hitting the other guy. He's doing what he does best, aiming at heads with 100% accuracy. And the riffle is joining the fight. (And the psionic pops his toygun now and then too.)


On the cultists side, my man is my man doing short orders of the cultists. He's reasoned that the unconscious guy who's still firing, probably won't be able to do that if he's dead as well as unconscious. His theory proves accurate. And the other cultists are quickly stopped too. Shotgun blasts rendering them either dead, or unconscious doing what unconscious guys are supposed to do, lay still. The problem with surrounding a guy carrying a shotgun, is that the shotgun works very well at point blank. It usually takes only one shot per guy to make them go from the state of annoying to the state of not annoying ever again.


Soon the WG's are down too, leaving only the power armor standing. A bit damaged, but not that much. Then what does he do ... he turns around and starts running. What's up with that? I send my soldiers running after him of course, all the time afraid that he will suddenly turn around and blast a rocket into on of them, stomp them into the ground or something. But no, he runs and he runs and he runs. I chase him to the end of the building and around the corner. I continue chasing him all the way down to the next, not able to get more than a few long distance stray shots in. He turns the next corner again and continue running. But now I got the idea (he's going to keep running, d'oh!), so I send the soldier with the machine gun running past him, so he will be able to stop and have time to aim. Another, who stopped and swapped to shotgun is following some distance behind.


You can see it, can't you? One guy in a huge exoskeleton running down along one side of the building. Another, much smaller guy, just running up on his side and past him. It's a weird sight.


Anyway, it worked. The power armor turns around and starts running the other way. Away from the guy with the machine gun, and towards the guy with the shotgun. That big ol' yellow chicken never stops to fire, and at last he topples as he's persuaded by shotgun fire to become unconscious. Shotgun at point blank saved the day, as so often before. And to finish him off, I bring out my knife. Clang, clang, clang, ... clang, clang ..... clang, clang, clang, and with a final clang, he's dead.

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