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Shaman tråden! Diskuter her..

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For pure damage med 2H + totems til party blir det vel noe slik:





Ser på guardian totems som et nesten ubrukelig talent..

Du bruker som regel stoneskin og windwall sjelden eller aldri i groups.

Og grounding totem er mer en pvp totem...


Den her funker nok bedre da.

Men som jeg har sagt før, detta er min mening. :roll:

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Fra shaman delen av wow-europe forumet.


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Here is a small list of changes to the Shaman class that are expected to be implemented in the next content patch:


* Mana Spring Totem effect increased. The highest level is now 20mana per 2 seconds


* Frost Shock is no longer subject to diminishing returns.


* Lightning Overload (Elemental) now has a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to occur and the additional spell causes half damage and no additional threat.


* Lightning Bolt cast time reduced to 2.5 (from 3.0 where applicable), mana costs reduced, benefit from spell damage reduced appropriately.


* Chain Lightning cast time reduced to 2.0 (from 2.5), mana costs reduced, benefit from spell damage reduced appropriately.


* Lightning Mastery (Elemental) cast time reduction reduced to .1/.2/.3/.4/.5 seconds.


* Elemental Focus (Elemental) now reduces the mana cost of the next 2 damage spells by 40%.


* Two-Handed Axes and Two-Handed Maces are now trainable by all Shaman at the appropriate weapon masters. The Enhancement talent has been replaced by Shamanistic Focus.


* Shamanistic Focus (New Enhancement Talent): After landing a melee critical strike, you enter a Focused state. The Focused state reduces the mana cost of your next Shock spell by 60%.


* Shamanistic Rage (Enhancement) now also reduces all damage taken by 30% for the duration.


* Spirit Weapons (Enhancement) threat reduction increased to 30% from 15%.


* Water Shield: This spell no longer costs any mana to cast and its duration has been shortened. At the end of its duration it now grants mana for any remaining globes. In addition, the mana granted per globe has been substantially increased.


* Tidefury Raiment: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this set has been increased.


* Totem of the Thunderhead: The additional mana granted to Water Shield by this totem has been increased.





* Mental Quickness now also increases spell damage and healing equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.

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