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PHP shoutbox;LØST

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Var en liten feil i koden min i shoutbox.php som gjorde at etter shout var trykket så gikk den til index.php nå er det rettet.



Hei, prøver å få igang shoutbox'en min. Alt funker bra helt til jeg trykker shout, da kommer den tilbake til index.php i stedet for frontpage.php


Koden jeg bruker i frontpage.php øverst i php-fila:





$shoutbox = new shoutbox;


$shoutbox->insertshout($shoutname, $shout);

header("Location: $PHP_SELF");




Tipper det er header("Location: $PHP_SELF"); som gjør at den vil tilbake til index.php??

Er det mulig å få den til å åpne frontpage.php igjen i stedet?




Her er shoutbox.php:


class shoutbox {

var $listlimit;

var $bgcolor1;

var $bgcolor2;


function connect() {

mysql_connect("localhost", "xxx", "pass") OR die ("Connection Error to Server");

mysql_select_db("xxx") OR die("Connection Error to Database");



function displayform() { //display the shoutbox form


<script type="text/javascript">


function sjekk(s) {

if (s.shoutname.value.length == 0 || s.shoutname.value == "name"){

alert("Navn er ikke utfylt!")


return false


if (s.shout.value.length == 0 || s.shout.value == "shout") {

alert("Du må fylle inn et shout!")


return false


return true






<FORM NAME="shout" ACTION="index.php" METHOD="post" onsubmit="return sjekk(this)">



<TD ALIGN="center">

<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="name" NAME="shoutname" SIZE="15"><BR>

<INPUT TYPE="text" VALUE="shout" NAME="shout" SIZE="15"><BR>

<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Shout!"> <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset">









function displayshoutbox() { //displays shouts in the table up to the defined limit

echo "<p>



$shoutboxResult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM myshout ORDER BY

shoutid DESC LIMIT $this->listlimit;");


if ($shoutboxRow = mysql_fetch_array($shoutboxResult)) {

do {

$shoutid = $shoutboxRow[shoutid];

$shoutname = $shoutboxRow[shoutname];

$shoutdate = $shoutboxRow[shoutdate];

$shoutmsg = $shoutboxRow[shoutmsg];


$shoutmsg = wordwrap($shoutmsg, 19, "\n", 1);

$bgcolor = ($count++ % 2) ? "$this->bgcolor1" : "$this->bgcolor2";


echo "<TR><TD BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor\"><b>$shoutname</b>: $shoutmsg<DIV ALIGN=\"right\">



while($shoutboxRow = mysql_fetch_array($shoutboxResult));


else {

echo "No shouts yet";


echo "</TABLE>";



function insertshout($shoutname, $shout) { //insert data into table

$shoutname = strip_tags($shoutname);

$shout = strip_tags($shout, '<a><b><i><u>'); //strip html tags allowing only <a><b><i><u>

if (mysql_query ("INSERT INTO myshout (shoutname, shoutmsg, shoutdate) VALUES

('$shoutname', '$shout', NOW())")) {

echo "";


else {

echo mysql_error();




} //fra class shoutbox



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