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hvordan hord tar magmadar

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vi har en mt som har aggro ....

så har vi noen huntere som har tranq shot ...

Priestene våre healer tanken og dps ...

når magmadar går i frenzy så bruker hunterne tranq shot...

Dps driver å slår å sånn på magmadar ...

tilslutt dør magmadar og vi får epix


profilen min er ikke oppdatert men jeg har pants of prophecy nå \o/

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Antar han er ute etter hvordan dem skal gjøre det angående fear.

Stance dance hvil si at warrior går i berserker stance før fear og bruker en ability (husker ikke hva den het) som gjør han immune til fear. Så går han tilbake i defensive stance igjen. Så til berserker når fear nermer seg osv.

Vet ikke hvordan tremor totem funker men det kan vel brukes og.

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Du trenger to tranq shot som hunters skyter på Magma når han går frenzy, bruk shadow protection som priests gir deg for å kanskje forhindre fear. Det er også noen som burde ha en addon som forteller deg når han fearer slik at de fleste kan komme seg unna i tide. Gl

tok ham med en hunter i raid \o/ vet guilds har tatt ham med ingen huntere it's all good

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Magmadar : Physical attacks, fire attacks (make sure auras and totems are up)


Magmadar is a fairly easy and simple fight. Essentially as long as the MT is kept up with fear wards or other abilities that stop him from running like a girl the raid will do fine. Magmadar also has a handful of other abilities, other than the AE fear, such as DOT’s, fire blasts, and ground based DOT’s. Most of these do not do much damage, as long as the raid pays attention to their position the damage is minimal. Conflagrations do however hurt quite a bit, especially if you are feared and cannot heal yourself. This is where the PVP trinkets come in very handy, but all healers should be watching out for players with this DOT on them. Yet the real problem is properly dealing with the fears, this can essentially be done by utilizing a trinket early on as the charge is made and then having a Dwarven Priest or Shaman make sure fear wards stay on the main tank.


Once this is done healers and ranged should stay at max range and do their jobs. On top of this if you are on alliance three or four paladins (if not all) should stay out of range so that when the AOE fear is casted they can immediately start dispelling the fear. This can most effectively be done by using a rather simple timer system. Magmadar AOE fear works very simply, once it is casted he cannot cast it again for thirty seconds. This means as soon as the fear is casted a timer should be set and announced when it is at twenty-five seconds. This allows those that are not needed, IE healers, mages, to back away from the fight and move out of fear range then move back in after the fear is casted in five to ten seconds. Other than this healers should be healing the main tank and others that get hit by AOEs, ranged should be nuking, other melee should be hitting but not pulling agro, and hunters should be tranquilizing shot Magmadar anytime he into berserk mode. Having three to four hunters with tranquilizing shot helps however it can probably be done with one or two, assuming they don’t miss. Once again three quick tips that will allow for a simple and easy victory:


1) MT is in proper position and holds agro while having anti-fear maintained on him

2) Tranquilizing shots are used whenever Magmadar goes into a frenzy

3) Raid members watch their positions to make sure they are not in DOT’s and also healers move out of fear range to ensure the MT stays alive.


Denne forklarer ganske godt for begge factions.

Endret av Scarface^
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vi har en mt som har aggro ....

så har vi noen huntere som har tranq shot ...

Priestene våre healer tanken og dps ...

når magmadar går i frenzy så bruker hunterne tranq shot...

Dps driver å slår å sånn på magmadar ...

tilslutt dør magmadar og vi får epix


profilen min er ikke oppdatert men jeg har pants of prophecy nå \o/

tæhæhæh, guildmate jo :love:


<Roosa, warlock, Ephorate ;)>

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Det du kan gjøre dersom du er horde eller ikkje har dorf-priests er å la en paladin/shaman/priest stå nært nok MT til å dispelle, og enda en litt lengre borte. Når fearen kommer må den som står ytterst dispelle førstnevnte slik at han kan dispelle MT. Er litt tricky mtp timing og sånt, men med Ventrilo, Teamspeak eller lignande går det bra :)

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