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LOST sesong 2 - USA - Les 1. innlegg *NO WAREZ*

Hvor bra var sesong 2? (Stem kun om du har sett hele sesongen, prøv å være litt kritisk)  

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  1. 1. Hvor bra var sesong 2? (Stem kun om du har sett hele sesongen, prøv å være litt kritisk)

    • Terningkast 1 - Katastrofal
    • Terningkast 2 - Dårlig
    • Terningkast 3 - Middels
    • Terningkast 4 - God
    • Terningkast 5 - Genial
    • Terningkast 6 - Legendarisk

Anbefalte innlegg

LOST er nesten litt som Revelations.

Vi har ei nonne, som tror at det finnes mirakler og at Jesus kunne helbrede osv.

Og en fysiker som tror at alt har en naturlig forklaring.


En dose fantasi og en dose fysikk...



Bare det at revelation er noe av det mest patetiske som er sent på TV i moderne tid

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men den hulen hun damen bodde oppi.. var det en dharma stasjon?



nei. det var ikke en slik stasjon. så mer ut som den var hjemmelaget :cool:



Hvilken dame? Ana Lucia? Jeg tror det var en annen stasjon, tror alle stasjonene er på øya. Den stasjonen er muligens helt rasert :hmm: Jeg tror også det finnes en undervannsstasjon, kanskje ikke veldig sannsynlig, men jeg tror nå det.

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Next Episode:

Wednesday, Oct. 26, 9/8c


With the abduction of Walt fresh on their minds and their raft destroyed, Michael, Sawyer and Jin fight for their lives and discover a new predator in the roiling ocean. Meanwhile on land, Locke must descend into the hatch when one castaway goes missing inside.


tydelig at det bare er reprise ja...

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En som påstår at noe er en spoiler, men han vil ikke avsløre kilden.


Interessant teori i så fall, men ikke klikk om du ikke vil vite noe mer (siden det kan være noe fakta i det).



Siden man må registrere seg så tar vi den her:



Shannon does die, that is correct.


The reason she dies is because she has the disease. The black smoke that was seen in the Exodus episodes is the disease itself, it enters your body and plays with your mind and ultimately turns you crazy. "The Others" are infact the smoke, the smoke that can take form of humans.


This was all originally created by Dharma, who fled when experiments could not be safely contained. Rousseau warns everyone of "the others" and identifies them as the jet black smoke which she points to. This is why her explainations have been so vague. What the others actually do is enter your body and mind in the form of smoke, twist your visions and your dreams, playing on memories and emotions. This sends you crazy causing you to see and hear things.


Do you remember when Jack saw his father? or when anyone hears whispering? Well some survivors are already infected but shannons conditon worsens. Rousseau notices that Shannon is behaving as her crew members did when infected. Rousseau kills Shannon.


Just to let you know. Anyone who has had an open wound or has come in contact with one, are potentially infected. Neither of these apply to Shannon but an Island flashback will explain.



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