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Perfekt Paladin tre?

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Protection Mastery

5/5 Redoubt

2/2 Improved Blessing of Protection

5/5 Toughness

1/1 Blessing of Sanctuary

5/5 Shield Specialization

2/5 Improved Blessing of Freedom

5/5 Reckoning

1/1 Holy Shield

3/5 One-Handed Weapon Specialization

29 Protection Total


Retribution Mastery

5/5 Improved Blessing of Might

5/5 Two-Handed Weapon Specialization

1/1 Seal of Command

11 Retribution Total


Holy Mastery

5/5 Spiritual Focus

5/5 Illumination

1/1 Divine Favor

11 Holy Total


Lurer nå på om det finnes bedre RENT PvP build der ute?


Må reise en del på BG fremover nå, siden det er en stund til MC...

(Kun 4 lvl 60's i guilden) :ermm:

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Repentance som er i bunnen av protection er ganske fin i PvP da.. 20yard stun... , MEN, da må du velge enten seal of command eller divine favor. To skills som nesten er et must.


Veldig vanskelig valg etter min mening.


edit: Repentance, ikke repetance

Endret av kazaa
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Jeg Divine Favor er somt sagt et must, og sammen med 5/5 Illumination (den som gir gratis heal når man critter) har man en gratis critheal annenhvert minutt. Forøvrig har jeg alltid sverget til Seal of Command + Blessing of Kings, som er jævlig kjekt når du suser rundt alene.

Endret av tom waits for alice
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Takker kazaa og Complexion :D eneste som klarte å avgi ett noen lunde svar!


:thumbdown: til resten av dere...


/ignore E-Ton


Men jeg har fra en eller annen side her på forumet hørt at Protection Paladin er best i PvP...


slez : du kunne ikke si hvorfor den ikke så perfekt ut?

Endret av Per-Stian
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Denne kommer jeg til å sverge til:


Holy Talents (13 points)


Spiritual Focus - 5/5 points

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.


Illumination - 5/5 points

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light or Holy Light spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.


Divine Favor - 1/1 points

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light or Holy Light spell a 100% critical effect chance.


Revelation - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes.




Protection Talents (7 points)


Improved Devotion Aura - 5/5 points

Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.


Improved Blessing of Protection - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds.




Retribution Talents (31 points)


Benediction - 5/5 points

Reduces the Mana cost of your Retribution spells by 15%.


Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - 5/5 points

Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 5%.


Vengeance - 5/5 points

Gives you a 15% bonus to Physical and Holy damage you deal for 8 seconds after dealing a critical strike.


Deflection - 5/5 points

Increases your Parry chance by 5%.


Precision - 3/3 points

Increases your chance to hit with melee weapons by 3%.


Seal of Command - 1/1 points

Fills the Paladin with the spirit of command for 30 seconds, giving the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to the damage of the Paladin's weapon. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time.


Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 seconds, causing 24 Holy damage any time the enemy becomes stunned. Only one Judgement per Paladin can be active at any one time.


Consecration - 1/1 points

Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 120 Holy damage over 8 seconds to enemies who enter the area.


Conviction - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.


Blessing of Kings - 1/1 points

Places a Blessing on the friendly target, increasing total stats by 10% for 5 minutes. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time.

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Revelation - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes.


Improved Blessing of Protection - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds.

hmm, er disse så gode i PVP, ta for deg BoP som nærmest ikke hjelper i PvP, kommer en god shaman :


Inst-nuke (boom 1000dmg), 6 sec : Inst-nuke (boom 1000 dmg) o.s.v :(


den LoH bruker du MAX en gang i løpet av en BG f.eks, Divine Intervention burde du skamme deg over hvis du bruker i PvP...

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Revelation - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes.


Improved Blessing of Protection - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds.

hmm, er disse så gode i PVP, ta for deg BoP som nærmest ikke hjelper i PvP, kommer en god shaman :


Inst-nuke (boom 1000dmg), 6 sec : Inst-nuke (boom 1000 dmg) o.s.v :(


den LoH bruker du MAX en gang i løpet av en BG f.eks, Divine Intervention burde du skamme deg over hvis du bruker i PvP...

Om presten i gruppen din blir backstabbet av en rogue kan BoP være svært behjelpelig.

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Revelation - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands and Divine Intervention spells by 20 minutes.


Improved Blessing of Protection - 2/2 points

Reduces the cooldown of your Blessing of Protection by 120 seconds.

hmm, er disse så gode i PVP, ta for deg BoP som nærmest ikke hjelper i PvP, kommer en god shaman :


Inst-nuke (boom 1000dmg), 6 sec : Inst-nuke (boom 1000 dmg) o.s.v :(


den LoH bruker du MAX en gang i løpet av en BG f.eks, Divine Intervention burde du skamme deg over hvis du bruker i PvP...

Ingen som sier at jeg 100% av tiden bare PvPer vel? Selv om en har en PvP build, må den også være brukandes til andre ting.


BoP er brukbart i PvP og Revelation er bra å ha uansett.

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Uten Holy shock eller Repentance kommer hver eneste gode ranged enemy å drepe deg så lett at du griner.


31 Protection, 11 ret og 8 holy er en veldig bra build - og nei , du trenger ikke divine favor for å overleve..

Men du trenger Seal of Command :p ?

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